Life At Slavia Prague's Academy: Alex Wesolowsky

Discussion in 'Yanks Abroad Academy' started by PhillyFury, Nov 26, 2017.

  1. PhillyFury

    PhillyFury Member

    Slavia Prague
    United States
    Jan 1, 2004
    Prague, Czech Republic
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Another Saturday up at the crack of dawn. Game in Liberec at 10 and bus leaves at 7. This is the opener of the U15 Czech National League and the last game before the Kouba Cup. Alex played first half scored one and assisted on another as the half ended 4-0. Coach said he'd play a lot over the next days, so he was sat. Game ended 6-1. Now, the real games begin!
  2. PhillyFury

    PhillyFury Member

    Slavia Prague
    United States
    Jan 1, 2004
    Prague, Czech Republic
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    #352 PhillyFury, Aug 27, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2020
    Didn't realize what a big deal this Kouba Cup 2020 is here in the Czech Republic. The Czech soccer federation billed it as the most prestigious tournament of 2006 talent in the country, representing all 14 districts. The U15 Czech national team coach was on hand with his staff to assess play and pick players for national team pool camps in September and October. Prague, with a population of over a million, is the only 'city' represented. Team, made up mainly of players from Sparta and Slavia, romped through the competition, but lost a game to Zlin, 3-1, on the first day. That cost them playing for the title, and finished fourth. Alex seems to have done well, scored four and had four assists in the six games. Four goals was good enough for third in the scoring ranks with three other players. Not bad for a midfielder. A guy from Sparta led the tourney with seven, and another Sparta player had five. Coach told Alex he did well, and it looks like the national team camp isn't out of the question.
  3. PhillyFury

    PhillyFury Member

    Slavia Prague
    United States
    Jan 1, 2004
    Prague, Czech Republic
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    On a rainy Sunday, August 30, Slavia took on Pardubice -- again -- this time in national league play. Alex opened the scoring in the 13th minute banging in a ball from about 15 yards out. It was tight until Pardubice made subs in the late second half and Slavia took advantage scoring three more. Final:4-1. Alex must have done well since his mug was on the Twitter post with the score of the U15 and U14 games. All in all, a key week for him. Did well in the Kouba Cup, which I later learned was attended by all the top brass at Slavia's academy. He carried confidence over from that into game against Pardubice, making good passes, distributing quickly, and, if he had been served a bit more, could have had a few more himself. Just needs to ride the wave he's on now. On Thursday, they head to Bavaria to take on in a friendly SSV Jahn Regensburg, a decent Bundesliga 2nd division side.
  4. felloveranddidanadu

    Plymouth Argyle FC
    Dec 12, 2009
    San Jose Frogs
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Are they playing the men's first team or the U15 team?
  5. PhillyFury

    PhillyFury Member

    Slavia Prague
    United States
    Jan 1, 2004
    Prague, Czech Republic
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Yeah I wrote that poorly. The U15s. They're good but not that good! I'm curious as to what kind of test this will be. Regensburg looks pretty weak in league play, judging by results. But it's Germany so you never know.
    felloveranddidanadu repped this.
  6. PhillyFury

    PhillyFury Member

    Slavia Prague
    United States
    Jan 1, 2004
    Prague, Czech Republic
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Sept. 3 and off from school and on to Karlovy Vary, not far from the German border for the friendly with the U15s of SSV Jahn Regensburg. Alex did not start and the first half ended 0-0. After he came on, he sent in a cross for a header and Slavia scored another after a scramble in front of the net. Game ended 2-1, which was a bit surprising. Alex said the German side wasn't really good, but Slavia just couldn't break down their defense. Oh well. Coach told him it was his best play so far this season. Alex said he kept his game simple, moving the ball quickly with passes and movement...
    TxEx, Winoman and UniversalAdvice repped this.
  7. Pisscutter

    Pisscutter Member

    Apr 15, 2005
    Been to Karlovy Vary- have one of those hokey souvenir cups for drinking the hot water springs (which tasted, unsurprisingly, like warm snot.) Hopefully you didn't partake. :)
    PhillyFury and Winoman repped this.
  8. PhillyFury

    PhillyFury Member

    Slavia Prague
    United States
    Jan 1, 2004
    Prague, Czech Republic
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Sept. 13 and not up early and no game as a case of COVID-19 among the boys on the team has led to postponement. Alex went in for test, which came back negative. Back on the field just yesterday as things return to normal. Prague is becoming a coronavirus hotspot, with infection rates rocketing up. The national team camp scheduled for Prague next month looks to be moving elsewhere...
    Gacm32 and Winoman repped this.
  9. ASU55RR

    ASU55RR Member+

    Jul 31, 2004
    Brooklyn, NY/Brno,CZ
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    ChicagoVT and Winoman repped this.
  10. Winoman

    Winoman Drinkin' Wine Spo-De-O-De!

    Jul 26, 2000
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    It looks like Round 2 is starting already. Stay safe!
    PhillyFury and Hobo repped this.
  11. PhillyFury

    PhillyFury Member

    Slavia Prague
    United States
    Jan 1, 2004
    Prague, Czech Republic
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
  12. PhillyFury

    PhillyFury Member

    Slavia Prague
    United States
    Jan 1, 2004
    Prague, Czech Republic
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    #362 PhillyFury, Sep 21, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2020
    After a COVID-19 game postpone, boys were back on the field on Sept. 19. Travelled a bit southwest to Pribram, a sleepy former mining town, not too far from the site where they U.S. once wanted to place a radar station as part of now scrapped missile defense shield plans. Pribram are a 1st division club and a few years ago in 2016 created a sensation in the UEFE Youth Champions League, making it to the round of 16 before bowing out to Benfica. This year, the U15s came into the game with an unblemished record in the Czech National League, where they sat on top. (Slavia having played one fewer game due to the coronavirus postponement.) It looked to be a battle, but wasn't as Slavia delivered the biggest league rout of the year so far, winning 14-0. Alex probably had his best game of the season, scoring a first-half hat trick, also had two assists. (Could've banged in a few more, but dished it out more often in the second half, when the game was already a foregone conclusion and Pribram were dispirited.) Center forward, who is a hulk, scored five. Again, Alex featured in the Twitter post announcing the result, which seems a sign they were pleased with his play. Had nice driven, lowish corner kicks, which was noticeable as well. Also a cheeky backheel in the box that elicited some oohs and ahhs from the crowd. If I could fault him for anything, it's his stamina. Needs to improve that.
  13. PhillyFury

    PhillyFury Member

    Slavia Prague
    United States
    Jan 1, 2004
    Prague, Czech Republic
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Two more games in the books as the COVID-19 pandemic casts a bigger shadow over life, with lots of schools going back on line, masks to be worn everywhere inside, bars and restaurants closing early. Games still go on, but now no fans are to be present as of next Monday. On Oct, 1, Ceske Budejovice, of beer fame, was in town of an early afternoon game. Alex sat first half after a stinker of a game on Sunday, that he later put down to Osgood-Schlatter's acting up. First half ended 1-0 for Slavia. After Alex entered in second, things got better and it finished 7-1. Alex scored a cracker from outside the box that hit the crossbar and slammed down into the net. One of his nicest of the year. Had two assists as well. Taking it easy now, giving knee a break. Some interesting things happening on the agent front as well...
  14. How are the weather conditions getting atm?
  15. PhillyFury

    PhillyFury Member

    Slavia Prague
    United States
    Jan 1, 2004
    Prague, Czech Republic
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    What I can tell you is that the time has been hit smack in the face by a coronavirus tsunami....son included
  16. Winoman

    Winoman Drinkin' Wine Spo-De-O-De!

    Jul 26, 2000
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    If I read that right, here's wishing for a speedy and complete recovery for Alex, and everyone else on the team who has it. All of you stay safe!
  17. PhillyFury

    PhillyFury Member

    Slavia Prague
    United States
    Jan 1, 2004
    Prague, Czech Republic
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Thanks @Winoman. You deducted correctly. Ten! Alex has it lightly so far...
    ASU55RR, butters59 and Winoman repped this.
  18. Oh, I didnot get that from your post. Thought you were painting the covid circumstances in the country. My bad.
    Hope everybody gets well soon.
  19. PhillyFury

    PhillyFury Member

    Slavia Prague
    United States
    Jan 1, 2004
    Prague, Czech Republic
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Everything on hold here with coronavirus pandemic lockdown measures pretty restrictive. All amateur sport cancelled till end of year. No national team camp for the players from Prague and environs. On a positive note, made a decision on agency representation.
    largegarlic and Winoman repped this.
  20. Winoman

    Winoman Drinkin' Wine Spo-De-O-De!

    Jul 26, 2000
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    How is Alex doing? Here's hoping for a complete and quick recovery!
    Stay safe!
    appwrangler repped this.
  21. PhillyFury

    PhillyFury Member

    Slavia Prague
    United States
    Jan 1, 2004
    Prague, Czech Republic
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    He's fine. Had a very mild bout. We were all tested and all came up negative. Thanks for asking! Hope you and yours are well too, @Winoman
    appwrangler, butters59 and Winoman repped this.
  22. Winoman

    Winoman Drinkin' Wine Spo-De-O-De!

    Jul 26, 2000
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    We're OK so far, but battening the hatches for Round 2! :thumbsdown:
    PhillyFury repped this.
  23. felloveranddidanadu

    Plymouth Argyle FC
    Dec 12, 2009
    San Jose Frogs
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    What round 2? We haven't even finished round 1 yet!
  24. Winoman

    Winoman Drinkin' Wine Spo-De-O-De!

    Jul 26, 2000
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Like everyone else, we had an initial surge back in the Spring, but with 1) masking-up, 2) social distancing, 3) hand-washing, and 4) avoiding crowds, Northern VA managed to lead the State to a drop in cases/hospitalizations/deaths. It stayed relatively flat for the Summer, but the more rural counties showed a moderate increase, and now in the Fall, it looks like March again, with recurrences happening all over. We're still below the national numbers, but it won't take much to go sky-high, if people let down their guard.
    felloveranddidanadu and PhillyFury repped this.
  25. felloveranddidanadu

    Plymouth Argyle FC
    Dec 12, 2009
    San Jose Frogs
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    My fear, as being played out, is the exponential, or at least linear growth of infection rate. Suddenly your valleys are your last wave's peaks, and your new peaks are something altogether different. Most states' rates are out of control. Certain states and areas have done well to stop the spread, but, as you say, everyone needs to be vigilant. It's an exercise in constant awareness and mindfulness.
    Winoman repped this.

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