He'll have time to write another one this Saturday as he's watching the game from the stands... http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/soccer/us/news/2002/08/08/conrad_seven/
Actually, from the looks of this column, he'll be under the bleachers with Potrick Miller blowing large amounts of Pwamme's special BC ganja.
I'm not sure what his point is, but he's deserved every yellow card he's gotten (that I've seen), and probably then some. Hey Jimmy! Learn how to align youself with that all-powerful sun and position yourself on the field better, and you won't get as many yellows!!
Yeah, I think the guy's pretty much a yellow-card deserving hack, too. But I can't help but like the guy and his columns. Good stuff. Funny story (well, probably not): My wife and I went to the Open Cup match againt the Galaxy and then watched the tape the next day (no jumbotrons at spartan means no replays). I made $4 of Jimmy because I bet that when we were fast-forwarding the tape I could stop it at five random places and within one minute of stopping the tape, Conrad would either foul somebody or get away with a foul. Four of the five times Jimmy came through for me. Way to go Jimmy. That was a well-earned in-n-out burger for yours truly.