It was reported that the fire will build a soccer specific stadium in Bridgeview a suburb of chicago and this will be announced near the MLS cup date. Bridgeview apparently beat out a south side chicago location and staying at new Soldier Field past the 2005 season.The new SSS could be ready for the 2006 season.
Where was it reported? I'm hoping this is true, and I do believe you, but I'm just curious. Paper? Net? At Soldier Field?
lol! Seriously though, it's too bad that it may not be in Chicago. That's right by the White Sox ballpark and tons of train and bus lines run by that area. Plus, it's actually IN the city, so it'll give the team more of a city feel, not a suburban, annoying soccer mom feel. Know what I'm sayin?
In Metroland it has been reported since 1999 that we're getting our own stadium by 2003. I can't wait!!! (but then again our organization is run by Nick Sakiewicz, and your is run by Peter Wilt)
bridgeview is right outside of the city, i belive it borders the city, but it's still too inconvenient. there's no simple/cheap transit to the area and it is not centrally located.
Doesn't the Fire's lease with Soldier Field call for them staying their for 3 years, or at least paying 3 years rent? I always thought the gameplan was to move somewher in '07.
Correct me if I'm wrong, Chicagoans, but isn't Bridgeview a blue-collar, working class town? The link below indicates that the village's median household income is $42,000 and median house value is $140,000. 25% of Bridgeview residents have Polish ancestry, 17% Irish, 15% German, 9% Hispanic, 9% Italian, 7% Arab. 72% of Bridgeview residents 25 or older graduated high school, but only 9% hold a Bachelor's degree or higher. Not exactly your typical "soccer mom" territory, I'd say.
Bridgeview is kicking in $75 million in land and improvements. Hard to turn down. Also, it's right of I294 and I55. Not bad driving access. Public transportation is lacking, though.
LOL- well I meant buses, etc. Here in Northern Missouri, the only public transportation we have is hitching a ride on the combine as it goes by.
From a good source: Bridgeview is 95% sure to be the fire home by 2006. And to those complaining about Bridgeview. I think it is a great place. It may not be as good as the comisky site but I think this is the best deal we could ask for. Naperville also was not ideally located, had bad parking, not near highways, but the fire manage to get 15,000 people in it without to many problems.
Here's one way to look at it. If you consider the stadium to be a 30 year investment, then $75M comes out to $2.5M per year. How can they turn it down? I don't see how a "better" location in Chicago could be worth that.
Of course. No one pays cash in these high finance deals.If I was a multi-billionaire I would just write a check for the full amount. Of course that is probably one reason I'm not a billionaire.
More than a year ago I predicted Mayor Reinsdorf would not allow a Firehouse in Chicago. He sure isn't going to allow one in his backyard. My guess is the city is going through the motions but offering no real cash. If Bridgeview can float a bond deal why can't Chicago? Chicago has a better credit rating. This is a no brainer, even if MLS folds. Chicagoans currently have to drive to Alpine Valley, Wisconsin and other remote venues to see rock music. Mayor Reinsdorf only lets the bands that he likes play in the Blue Ghost. The state football tournament sees many games drawing well and being played in....Naperville. When those stands come down where will they play next year? Chicago does not have a stadium suitable for rock concerts or big high school football games. Soldier Field is locked up due to the 5 day window around Bears games. You can shoehorn a few concerts in but not many. Mayor Reinsdorf has his tax shelter, and the people drive 3 hours to Wisconsin to hear some music. Chicago would be way better but Bridgeview is better than nothing, and nothing is what Mayor Reinsdorf will give us.
I could see it easily being worth that and much more if there's a reasonable amount of growth in the team's popularity because of that. Problem is that AEG isn't in it for 30 years, they're in it for as long as it takes to sell the club to a qualified investor.
I'm complaining some about Bridgeview, but only because it's my second choice. It's still going to be a great deal better than Naperville and NSF (even though it will be a crummy drive for me personally). I'm reading Bridgeview in 2006, but I thought only a Chicago proper site could get them out of the NSF lease before 2007.