We'll be leaving for The Capitol Lounge around 4:30, so are there any serious questions for Ray? I'll print them off and post answers when I get home.
Thanks Chico13, I can't make it. Could you ask Ray what was up at halftime of the SJ game - it seemed like only the starting 11 went to the locker room. Usually only the scrubs who aren't likely to get subbed in stay on the field to fiddle with (soccer) balls. Also, [clip from other thread] could you please mention to Ray that I'm sick of hearing about how things are like/unlike the Fusion from last year. This is basic relationship protocol, man. Your current squeeze doesn't want to keep hearing about your previous one - especially when you're obviously still in love. Long live DCU, R.I.P. Fusion.
Ray, At this point in the season do you already have a good idea of where you want to go in the offseason. For instance, do you already have players in mind to release, or is there that "big catch" out there that you'll heavily pursue? If you chose to elaborate, please no names for the sake of the team. Jared
Well guys, I tried to get your questions in but because of the turnout it was a little hard. Basically it only lasted a little more than an hour and Ray took his time answering every question asked of him. I did get Jared's question in, and what he said was that he has a vision for this team. He wants an agressive type of team similar to what he had in Miami last year. And in saying so, he answered Wheezy's question in a roundabout way. He said to excuse him for harking back to Miami, but he uses them as a point of reference. He does have players in mind, but alot revolves around what Marco decides to do at seasons end. It sounded to me like they won't actually wait on Marco and that Ray and John Trask have a plan in mind. He did not go into specifics on players but after the session I spoke with him briefly and threw a couple of names out. First was Gazza. He said that deal is dead, over and done with. Then I threw out Tyson Nunez. He just gave me that wry Hudson smile and said maybe. Anyways, thanks to Steve Zack and the staff at United. They showed they care about their fans and in turn they saw last night that we really care about our team.