Korean Ace

Discussion in 'Korea' started by sukeet, Sep 7, 2006.

  1. sukeet

    sukeet New Member

    Jun 7, 2005
    Well it seems like this title belongs to Seol, who had two good games and one poor one at the EPL against mid-table teams. Is it too early to label him such?
  2. Koreano

    Koreano Member

    Jul 5, 2005
    Seongnam Ilhwa
    Nat'l Team:
    Korea Republic
    uh huh. It's wayyyy to early. But finally I see a light at the end of the tunnel.
  3. Klogon

    Klogon Member

    Aug 12, 2004
    Portland Timbers
    Yeah, this is far too early to say anything except that he seems to be on form at the moment. Seol's got my support, but he's going to have to show a lot more for a longer period of time to be labeled as such.
  4. G0ALL

    G0ALL Member

    Dec 13, 2005
    when it comes down to it, everyone's still relying heavily on Park Ji Sung. Verbeek really needs to decide a position where he will be the most effective and go with it.

    When Ji Sung gets going, he can really single handedly dominate the game. Even though he's been having some hard times of late - not getting starting spot in Man U, being marked by three defenders everytime he gets the ball in NT games etc - he'll show up and win games for you.

    There's also the expectatoins the koreans have of Ji Sung. Around next season, he is expected to start on the wing for Man U consistently. It'll be his chance to shine. They also expect him to get better and better.

    Seol's playing great. he's playing better than ji sung lately, and he's shocking me, reading fans and korea. But I think Ji sung is still the fan favorite thus far.
  5. toohyper

    toohyper Member+

    Mar 23, 2004
    Gwangju FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Korea Republic
    Park is still the Korean Ace. Doesn't mean he's the most talented player because he's not, but still the Korean ace.
  6. kimchipride

    kimchipride Member

    Real Madrid
    South Korea
    Aug 22, 2006
    Manchester United FC
    Seol is the Ace is far.
  7. G0ALL

    G0ALL Member

    Dec 13, 2005
    as far as talent goes I think physically Seol is up there. His physical prowess and his ability to move left and right with those big movements and his ability in the air. He can use both left and right foot.

    There's also Lee Young Pyo with his dribbling ability, agility and quickness that Italians and the English are taking notice.

    Kim D Heyon and LDG with their powerful shots that not a lot of KNT players have.

    But I think Ji Sung's football brain is phenomenal. His eye for finding space with or without the ball. It's easy for us to see when we have the aerial view on TV, but it's not the easiest thing on the pitch (especially in that fast pace especially in the EPL), it's talent. The way he finds space with his passes - with a right forward, he can always link up. He just knows how the defenders and his teammates around him will flow and move. A lot of talented players dont have that, they sort of rely on their dribbling skills to get them out of situations. Ji Sung is not without faults of course (his finishing and his crosses) but his knack for creating opportunities is what offense is about.
  8. DuriCha

    DuriCha New Member

    Mar 8, 2006
    Ji Sung is the ace for sure. i cant belive u guys even bring up Seol into discussion. Just because he's been decent last couple of months it doesnt mean shit, all players have ups and downs.

    UP: Seol, Kim DH, JJJ.
    Down: Ahn, Lee EY, Song, Park Ju(chu) Yong.

    But overall i say Park JS has been playing the most consistant.

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