KC vs. Morelia in-game thread.[R]

Discussion in 'Sporting Kansas City' started by ojsgillt, Aug 7, 2002.

  1. BenC1357

    BenC1357 Member

    Feb 23, 2001
    I knew a lot of this would happen. I got a few things to say....

    1) All you MLS fans ripping on the Wizards, stop. Its not like they went down to Mexico looking to get a 6-1 loss.

    2) Wizards fans, chill. We're all friends and we need to remember that. So we lost, we lost to Chitown 0-7 last year but we werent that bad. Each team has a bad day, too bad ours was today. McGinty and Spoon, lets settle down. :)

    3) We're still better than a lot of these MLS teams whose fans are giving us crap. They can forget us, we're running good into the playoffs.
  2. BenC1357

    BenC1357 Member

    Feb 23, 2001
    you just earned my respct. thank you. once in a while a team loses hard and ripping on them is not needed.
  3. Wizardscharter

    Wizardscharter New Member

    Jul 25, 2001
    Blue Springs, MO
    Silver lining is that there is a second leg here and therefore an opportunity. Info from other posts is that Morelia is busy and might send relative scrubs. You never know. It would be easier to be open minded about it if Nicky had found a way to stay on the field.

    I have no doubt that KC is glad to have the game Saturday in DC.
  4. Quake87

    Quake87 New Member

    May 19, 2001
    San Jose
    when a team loses hard they should be ripped. If the quakes lost 6-1 to any team i wouldnt say its allright well get them next time. ill be pissed and accept the ripping that my team got. just like when kc beat the quakes 2-1 in the last game they played. we played like total crap. i was pissed. even if it was hot there was no excuse. If your not pissed about how your team played, i dunno what to say.
  5. TerremotoFan

    TerremotoFan New Member

    Apr 23, 2002
    San Jose, Ca
  6. TequilaJoal

    TequilaJoal Red Card

    Mar 3, 2002
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    KC, thanks

    With results like that, who needs enemies ?
  7. ssanchez

    ssanchez Member

    Oct 15, 2000
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    The reason Kc is getting ripped is because unlike most other leagues we need to show strong every time. We ALL claim that mls is as good, better, or really close to MFL but with this type of result we look like a second rate league who has no bussiness comparing themselves to the mexican league. YOUR LOSS IS A BLOW TO A LEAGUE WHICH CANNOT AFFORD IT, YOU WERE AN EMBARRASMENT TONITE, 6-1 ! 6-1! GIMMIE A F'N BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Rodan

    Rodan New Member

    Feb 16, 1999
    I guess this thoroughly proves the prevailing feeling that SJ Quack fans have replaced Chicago fans as the most arrogant and obnoxious in the league.

    The only consolation is that there are so few of them.
  9. BenC1357

    BenC1357 Member

    Feb 23, 2001
    Of course we're pissed. But dont you think we know just as well as you do that it sucked? Were the people on these boards able to be at the game and cheer them on, did any of us see what was happened?

    If KC embarassed the entire league yesterday, then someone chime in and name one other team in MLS that made it this far in this competition........ riiiiiiight, we're the only one left standing.

    ssanchez: "a blow to a league that cannot afford it."???? Listen, the die hards know the Wizards are in this tournament, the BS posters that want to take this opportunity to rip on the Wizards are paying attention. But are you really going to say that with all the other problems MLS has that the Wizards losing 6-1 in a tournament not too many people care about is going to hurt the league? Sure, Mexican fans might think less of our league (although we still got that 2-0 result in Japorea) but whats it matter. I've heard a few even say this tournament is just as lame as Mercenorte. I wanted the Wizards to win, and think 6-1 is pitiful, but an embarassment to the league, I think not.

    NOTE: Has anyone noticed how before the game there were fans from Chicago and Dallas (and a couple others) wishing us luck on the boards, but none from SJ or LA. We go and lose and look who's fans come to rip the Wizards.
  10. redzin

    redzin New Member

    Jan 6, 2000
    Man, I was really, really pullling for you guys. Morelia just gets under my skin. But I need to disagree with you here, a 6 - 1 result reflects very poorly on the whole league.
  11. The Cadaver

    The Cadaver It's very quiet here.

    Oct 24, 2000
    La Cañada, CA
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Just to keep the record straight, I was rooting for you guys and did post a good luck message (Although I screwed up because I thought the game was Tuesday rather than Wednesday).
  12. BenC1357

    BenC1357 Member

    Feb 23, 2001
    I know you were, as I appreciated your comment after the game to the Quakes fans. But you seem to be in the minority with the LA fans.
  13. BenC1357

    BenC1357 Member

    Feb 23, 2001
  14. Brownswan

    Brownswan New Member

    Jun 30, 1999
    Port St. Lucie, FL
    All I know is what I've read at MLSnet. Sounds like youguys got ripped off (your Russian not allowed in because Morelia didn't do the paperwork??!!), then mugged by Morelia, which was pissed off because you hgeld them scoreless for a half.

    It isn't enough to know how to play soccer down there. We need to learn that. MLS should not get us into these competitions with 18-man rosters.
    Lose 3 guys and your season can be in the toilet.

    If Garber wants to boast about increased international competition, he should see about getting our rosters up to 23 MINIMUM -- and I don't mean hauling in more cannon fodder either.
  15. seraph

    seraph New Member

    Apr 1, 2002
    HAHAHHA - Quack fan talking about dissapointments! How quickly you seem to have forgotten Pachuca's result. Oh and your attendence. And your Open Cup run.
  16. seraph

    seraph New Member

    Apr 1, 2002
    Nice! :)
  17. LSNsoccer362238

    LSNsoccer362238 New Member

    Dec 6, 2001
    Lee's Summit, MO
    we wouldnt "be a dissapointment" if your team had even made it this far!
  18. Nano

    Nano New Member

    May 6, 2000
    Land of the Free
    With the utmost repect for our league's points leader -The San Jose Earthquakes- I have this to say to Salero:

    Shut the **** up and get back in your hole. Your mommy's ringing the dinner bell.
  19. McGinty

    McGinty Member

    Aug 29, 2001
    Sporting Kansas City
    Yeah. Quill and Gomez both had stomach pains the night before and still had to play because we're desperate for healthy bodies

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