Juve vs Roma [R]

Discussion in 'Juventus' started by delp_07, Oct 28, 2004.

  1. delp_07

    delp_07 New Member

    Oct 20, 2004
    Well the first half is over and it seems that Juve have controlled the game until they showed a little bit of weakness near the end of the first half. Alessandro Del PIero has put Juve up front in the 31 with a shot outside of the box. Montella almost leved the game but if it wasnt for an amazing reflex save by buffon we would be looking at a 1-0 game. ILl be getting back to yuo after the game.
  2. Dante

    Dante Moderator
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    Nov 19, 1998
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    Re: Roma vs Juve [R]

    Collina, one of the most overrated refs of all time, must be working for Hallmark considering how many cards he's been handing out.
  3. Dante

    Dante Moderator
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    Nov 19, 1998
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    Re: Roma vs Juve [R]


    Only two minutes after Zalayeta enters the game for Delpi (who's been invisible the past 20 or so minutes) he scores.
  4. delp_07

    delp_07 New Member

    Oct 20, 2004
    Re: Roma vs Juve [R]

    Dont start this invisible ******** Del Piero is not i prime form yet and he played a good game. Bravo Del Piero and Bravo Zalayeta beautiful game.
  5. Dante

    Dante Moderator
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    Nov 19, 1998
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    Re: Roma vs Juve [R]

    Stop getting on your knees for Delpi and realize that he will never be the player he once was. Yes he played a good first half, but be honest with yourself and admit it that he was invisible in the second half.

    I'm tired of excuses being made forh im, not in prime form, he'll never be in prime form.
  6. delp_07

    delp_07 New Member

    Oct 20, 2004
    Re: Roma vs Juve [R]

    It seems both goals today werte through great passing. What a game Juve had today it looks like not even the rident could break through our powerhouse of a defence. I am so proud of Juve so now we can quiet those freaking Roma fans who actually thought the had a chance of winning. LOL neways i would have to say the best player for roma today was the dull totti. He had a few good touched and he gave montella chances that he needed but still it was not enough to get buy the wall of Juve. Ibra once again played as if he is adapting more and more. 1 goal dissalowed for him. Emerson had such a great night but he had to ruin it with a stupid push, i guesse the roma locker room is starting to rub off on him. Well now that Alex Del Piero is at about 95% he is most likely to start with Zalayeta on sunday to give Ibra a well deserved rest against Chievo Verona. Poor little dull Roma is now at 13th place. It is sucha shame to see such a great club who over the years have had some great players be at this position. Lets hope the "super" totti can bring pride back to a capital that has been through some tough years. Well see you against Chievo.
  7. delp_07

    delp_07 New Member

    Oct 20, 2004
    Re: Roma vs Juve [R]

    Hey listen we dont need fans like you busting the guys chops. After all the media bashing the poor guy has been through you still want more from him. His knee is shot and hes still putting out amazing performances have some respect and common decency. And he wasnt invisible he was making good passes back and forth with Zambrotta. I was watching the game, i would know. Yea Del Piero might not be the player he was but he is smarter than he used to be and more mature. Ill take him over Totti any day of the week because at the end of the day Delp is a difference maker and your to ignorant of a fan to realize what hes done for this club, and what he did today so just be quite.
  8. DaeHaMinGuk

    DaeHaMinGuk Member

    Jun 11, 2003
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    Re: Roma vs Juve [R]

    forza juve.

    was it a 2-0 win?
  9. Dante

    Dante Moderator
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    Nov 19, 1998
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    Re: Roma vs Juve [R]

    We don't need fans like you that are anxiously awaiting the day where he becomes the player he once was. I don't want more from him because after the past few seasons it's clear that he can't offer more.

    Let me be clear here, Delpi had a good first half. I already said that. The last 20 minutes he was in the game he didn't do much of anything.

    Ferrara is more mature and smarter, but he's not cut out for starting at the level Juve's at.

    Persuasive argument you've got there. I'll go shut up now... oh wait, no I won't.

    I said nothing of Totti because the guy's a little bitch and I wouldn't want him anywhere near Juve so stop comparing him to Delpi. Totti's got far more skill at this point, but his attitude and constant diving and play acting make him less desireable.
  10. Dante

    Dante Moderator
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    Nov 19, 1998
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    Re: Roma vs Juve [R]

    Yes. Goals by Del Piero and Zalayeta.
  11. delp_07

    delp_07 New Member

    Oct 20, 2004
    Re: Roma vs Juve [R]

    First off im not awaiting the day he gets back to his old form. I am happy with what he is at now but he is only at 95% for his standards now. Did i ever state that he will get back to the player he once was no. And in the second half he wasnt ivisible i was watching the game he was playing effective making good passes and letting zambrotta go up. I knew you never stated anything about totti i was just using him as an example. and totti so far has yet to show anyone that he is better than del piero so dont give me that.
  12. Spartak

    Spartak Member

    Nov 6, 1999
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    Re: Roma vs Juve [R]

    Are you related to Del Piero :confused:
  13. Dante

    Dante Moderator
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    Nov 19, 1998
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    Re: Roma vs Juve [R]

    Did anyone see the banner the Juve fans put up?


    Too funny.
  14. Rima067

    Rima067 New Member

    May 10, 2004
    Re: Roma vs Juve [R]

    Oh my god, hahaha. I'm glad you pointed it out, I had not seen.

    Though, I did see a Roma fan throw a flare towards the Juve crowd and very nearly hit them. It landed in the seat right in front of them. A min. after Zalayeta scored.
  15. bobarino

    bobarino New Member

    Feb 11, 2004
    AS Roma
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    Re: Roma vs Juve [R]

    That is a good one...as long as you keep your mind out of the gutter. ;)

    Great match considering the conditions. Whatever the outcome, I knew that this match would prove one thing -- How important Emerson was to Roma's past success, and how vital he is to Juve's winning Il Scudetto. I guess that's two things, but you get my point.

    One of you Bianconeri should tell Delph_07 to put down the Kool-Aid.

    Roma now slips to the bottom half of the Division. Regardless, I still predict a top-4 finish by season's end for the Giallorossi. Now pass me the Kool-Aid. :)
  16. The Bergamister

    The Bergamister New Member

    Jan 14, 2004
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    Re: Roma vs Juve [R]

    Dude stop slaying Del Piero, he had a good game but it is normal that he faded somewhat in the second half. The guy has been back from injury for about two weeks. So stop giving him so much ********!

    He scored a good goal and put some pressure on their defense throughout the game, which is exactly what a striker should do. Ok he does not supply us with the magic from before, but he is still proving he is a good captain and a good striker. Maybe you expect a bit too much from him, I just expect him to score and to bring the team together (and to stay injury free for one season....)

    Nedved was fairly invisible yesterday I thought, but what an impact from Zalayeta, he really is a super sub isn't he.
  17. SueB

    SueB New Member

    Mar 23, 1999
    Waterbury, VT
    Re: Roma vs Juve [R]

    I think Dante's simply reacting to the a-little-bit-over-the-top worshipful stance that delp07 takes toward ADP. I mean, I like Alex ... but .... okay, enough about that little tiff. As I've said elsewhere, arguments between fans of the same team over who is the "better fan" are just stupid.

    Great game and result by Juve. I watched the Milan derby the other day and, at the outset, the pace of that game was so fast and skillful, I had doubts in my mind that Juventus could beat those two teams. But this display again shows me that Juve has what it takes this year. The first goal was a fine team display - the cross from Zambrotta seemed poor because it only reached the feet of a well-marked Zlatan with his back to goal. But his little flick to Camoranesi was wonderful, Camo dropped it to ADP at the top, and his low shot to the corner beat Zotti. Meanwhile, the second goal displayed the depth of talent on the squad with Zalayeta beating two players not once, but twice - once when he got the ball and midfield and again, in the box after he ran half the length of the field to get the return ball. Great great stuff.

    As for defense, yes, it's also strong, and rendered Roma's attack fairly ineffective. But it's also nice to know you have Buffon in back on those one or two occasions in a game like this when a big save is needed, as it was yesterday.

    Favorite moment - Cannavaro laughing in Totti's face toward the end. Wish I had a still shot of that. Not exactly classy on the part of Fabio, but nobody deserves it more.
  18. delp_07

    delp_07 New Member

    Oct 20, 2004
    First off how is it over the top that i worship him. YOu guys never give the credit that he deserves. Me and the berg are really the only guys that defend him. Sure he is my favorite player, but sue have you never had a favorite player that you would do anything to protect. If not than there is really something wrong with that. I am 16 years old and sure i have a lot more to learn about soccer, but Alex Del Piero has been an inspiration for me playing soccer. Hes done so many wonderful things for Juve and none of you really give him the credit he deserves. He is the only Juventino to really start his career in Juve and he is the only one who will end it there. And it makes me really upset when everyone says that Del Piero will never be the player he once was because I truly believe he is in that state of mind, it just takes a little bit more physical training and he has a great shot of getting there. So sue maybe i give him to much praise every now and than but can you blame me the guy is my favorite player.
  19. The Bergamister

    The Bergamister New Member

    Jan 14, 2004
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    Re: Roma vs Juve [R]

    You are probably right. My favourite moment was Canna laughing at Totti as well, and especially when he put his fingers up Totti's nose to show him that is all he was doing all night...

  20. SueB

    SueB New Member

    Mar 23, 1999
    Waterbury, VT
    Since you are a starry-eyed 16-year-old, delp07, that explains a lot. ;) I guess you were 7 years old when Del Piero was helping Juventus win the European Championship. I suppose that's old enough to remember the incredible curving wonder-goals he scored from the left side of the penalty box against Borussia Dortmund and then two weeks later against Steaua Bucharest. I was awe-struck. I have wished for the past 9 years to see something similar from him. Yes, he's been a solid and productive - sometimes even spectacular, but never quite often enough - player for Juventus, and you can't argue with the success he's helped bring to the club over the past decade. But that year, he was a god, and if I'm sad because he has never dared to live up to that (yes, incredibly, even impossibly, high) standard again, well, sorry.
  21. vipnerd

    vipnerd Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    La Mitad + Román
    Re: Roma vs Juve [R]

    Brilliant indeed. :D

  22. bobarino

    bobarino New Member

    Feb 11, 2004
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    Sorry about the Kool-Aid joke delp. Young people need and deserve their heroes. Especially in today's world. Great match and great goal yesterday. Congrats.
  23. ADIKeeper

    ADIKeeper New Member

    Aug 20, 2003
    In refrence to the Banner thing the fans put up...anyone got a translation?
  24. SoccerFan8270

    SoccerFan8270 New Member

    Oct 7, 2003
    Spectacular performance by Juve!
  25. Rima067

    Rima067 New Member

    May 10, 2004


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