It's small and probably nitpicky, but does it bug anyone else how plain the MLS's ball design is? The balls from the World Cup and a lot of the other leagues are much nicer looking. Why not a more 'professional' ball design? Ictar
The fans, myself included, voted on that ball a couple of years ago on The league had an ugly, volleyball lookalike ball in its initial years, and many of us were hungry for a return to the basics.
Its a great ball design i hope they dont change it the ball has a classical look, personaly i think the world cup ball was ugly this year hope they go back to the old addidas look.
I think I agree with this. the current MLS ball design is very good this year's WC design was very bad
zadhf Weird. I really can't stand the MLS ball design, and I really liked the WCs design this year. I do like it alright up close but on tv I hate it. =x Ictar
I dont like the curren MLS balls' design. I didn't care for the Fevernova much. I like the 6-panel ball.
I'd consider myself a connoisseur when it comes to premium match balls The last few years my opinion of the MLS ball and it's various designs have generally been indifferent to favorable but the 2015 ball is stunning. One of the most beautiful balls ever made imo.