There was a 02:02 UN resolution seeking protection for Palestinian children & Israeli-sponsored one for israeli children.. Oddly enough with the Muslim/Arab Lobbying in the U.N the Palestinian one went through while the israeli one was put on hold..... Just to show why the U.N Doesn't work!
Well, the UN is not a democratic institution, we all know that. Authoritarian and democratic governments get the same representation in the U.N., with a rather large democracy, Taiwan, denied entry due to the illegitimate claims of a larger, authoritarian neighbor.
Yes. We should regain our supreme position as white race (hell, we invented democracy) and tell people who are not as us that they can stay at home from now on. We'll decide the future of this planet. Power the west, best of wishes to the rest! Onward christian brothers! It's all so easy eh? If only someone would tell the UN that!
Well, how about democracies? Democracies by their very nature have greater legitimacy than autocratic regimes.
You go to the state department and you will find out that it's not a neighbor of China. They call it a province of China.
The UN does work, it just works the way it's made up. Whether it's "democratic" or not isn't the issue. It's an international forum where each member country has a voice- though the big five are the ones that really count. Don't confuse the messenger for the originator of the message. And I'd ignore much of what the General Assembly does anyway. Only takes a few bitter countries with an axe to grind to pass a non-binding resolution. It's unfair to Israel, but just like in the real world, the US is the protective big brother. Most of the what the UN does is worthwhile. You just don't know about it, or have been watching too many X-Files. As for Taiwan's problem: you can blame the Chinese Communists, the KMT, realpolitik, Nixon and Kissinger. Basically, anyone who subscribed to the three "No's" as the basis of the US/China relationship- or the delusion that the KMT will reinvade.
Oh, we do blame the ChiComs and the KMT. As for Nixon, while he got the ball rolling, it was Carter who officially changed diplomatic relations. As for verybdog's comment, the U.S. does not recognize Taiwan as a part of China, nor does it recognize Taiwan's independence. However, Bush has been very vocal about protecting the rights of the Taiwanese people.
Read the official statement below from the State Department: U.S.-TAIWAN RELATIONS On January 1, 1979, the United States changed its diplomatic recognition from Taipei to Beijing. In the U.S.-P.R.C. Joint Communiqué that announced the change, the United States recognized the Government of the People's Republic of China as the sole legal government of China and acknowledged the Chinese position that there is but one China and Taiwan is part of China. By the way, Bush is just ignorance.
"Acknowledge the Chinese position" does not mean agreement with it. The words were chosen VERY CAREFULLY! Evidently, they had you fooled!
I don't know. Let's check the dictionary: Main Entry: ac·knowl·edge Pronunciation: ik-'nä-lij, ak- Function: transitive verb Inflected Form(s): -edged; -edg·ing Etymology: ac- (as in accord) + knowledge Date: 15th century 1 : to recognize the rights, authority, or status of 2 : to disclose knowledge of or agreement with 3 a : to express gratitude or obligation for b : to take notice of c : to make known the receipt of 4 : to recognize as genuine or valid <acknowledge a debt>
Hmmm. Seems that the 'or' in definition number two doesn't necessarily mean that there is agreement there. In this case, it is clear that the U.S. is merely disclosing knowledge of the Chinese position. Besides, the document you cite is also quite irrelevant. If President Bush wants to recognize Taiwan tomorrow, neither this document, nor the Congress can do anything to prevent that. Not that the Congress would, there is strong support for Taiwan in Congress.
Of course, what things in the world today that President Bush wouldn't dare after invading Iraq for no reason? Bring it on.
Oh, recognizing a democratic country would be the right thing to do. There is nothing that the Chinese could do to the U.S. if Bush were to do it. They could cut off exports to the U.S., but that would hurt China and reduce the trade deficit that has been exacerbated by China's undervalued, fixed currency.