Joao Felix: The Prodigy or The Fraud?

Discussion in 'Portugal' started by Sumol, Jun 16, 2019.

  1. SCP_16

    SCP_16 Member+

    Aug 8, 2004
    Bay Area
    Sporting CP Lisbon
    Nat'l Team:
    Owned by Madrid and did nothing. This bum puts me to sleep every time I waste my time watching him
  2. eurodad

    eurodad Member+

    Mar 15, 2005
    So he has one off game against next team in the league and you are throwing him under the bus ? Lol He has surprised me at how well he has played this year. I had written him off.
  3. prodigal_mind

    prodigal_mind Member+

    Cristiano Ronaldo
    Jul 3, 2018
    Nat'l Team:
    how do you even post this on an day where Bruno once again is a laughing stock.

    Bruno is thre ultimate scam artist. He created a play style where he causes his team to have zero control of the midfield but he just keeps spamming through balls to get his stats. Then proceeds to proclaimed as the man carrying the team and is made a top 3 earner. He is a genius
  4. TitoTata

    TitoTata Member+

    Jun 26, 2014

    Second highest score ! Felix
  5. SCP21

    SCP21 Member+

    Jul 1, 2011
    Sporting CP Lisbon
    So weird that no one seems to agree with you
  6. prodigal_mind

    prodigal_mind Member+

    Cristiano Ronaldo
    Jul 3, 2018
    Nat'l Team:
    #856 prodigal_mind, Oct 30, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2023
    What is that random website suppsoed to prove?

    His own fan base on Redcafe has been trashing him all season and rightfully so. Maybe you should watch games and see it for yourself. 29 years old with just a Carabao and Portuguese cup to his name.

    I notice you avoid his game compilations like a plague, not even you can defend them :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    money11 repped this.
  7. money11

    money11 Member

    Apr 15, 2007
    do you watch the games or just look at these ratings?

    he's been barcelos best player the last 3 weeks.
  8. TitoTata

    TitoTata Member+

    Jun 26, 2014
    Arguably all season imho
    money11 repped this.
  9. SCP21

    SCP21 Member+

    Jul 1, 2011
    Sporting CP Lisbon
    It proves that people think he is not average…

    my guy, you gotta stop using red cafe like it’s some bible. Do they say anything positive about a single player? If you truly think Bruno is that bad, how can you say anything positive about Felix. Facts and facts - Bruno has played way better in the best league in the world. Felix couldn’t start on a worse team in the same league that was absolutely desperate for attackers.

    everyone avoids game compilations. Cause they’re pointless. I can put one together that makes Geny Catamo look like Messi. It’s pointless.
  10. money11

    money11 Member

    Apr 15, 2007
    don't know about that one..... there a ton of compilations that will show every touch a player has in a game. those are accurate enough to get a decent picture of how they performed..... unless your trying to analyze their off-ball movement....

    i also think comparing a 3-4 season epl career to 3-4 month epl career is ridiculous considering felix was playing on a team that struggle to score a goal the season after he left.... you put felix on a mancity or arsenal team he probably lights up the epl on top of that bruno plays on a manchester united team that has almost spent a billion the last two seasons and is only 3 points ahead of a trash chelsea squad. the facts are felix is having a great start to the season on a Barcelona team that has key players injured.

    again. sporting,benfica and porto are all trash.
  11. SCP21

    SCP21 Member+

    Jul 1, 2011
    Sporting CP Lisbon
    Yeah, compilations are trash. Watch the games or don’t have an opinion.

    You put Bruno in that city team and see if he does better. Anyone’s game is gonna improve sliding into the best organized team in the world.

    Sorry - just to be clear - your using Bruno playing for united instead of Chelsea as an example of rich vs poor? Chelsea has spent 1billion in the last two years, united have spent 447 million.

    Weird last sentence. Came out of nowhere. Although it makes it pretty clear what type of fan you are. Likes compilations. Likes flashy players. Says all Portuguese teams are trash. Bandwagon alarm is going off.
  12. prodigal_mind

    prodigal_mind Member+

    Cristiano Ronaldo
    Jul 3, 2018
    Nat'l Team:
    Single game compilations of all your touches are very accurate of your performance, you are just in denial because they expose how badly he plays.

    As if Bruno would even get in Citys lineup. Replace Bernardo/KDB with him and they are automatically a worse team. Pep loves intelligent players with excellent general play and ball retention skills, neither of which Bruno possesses.
    money11 repped this.
  13. money11

    money11 Member

    Apr 15, 2007
    what he said ^
  14. money11

    money11 Member

    Apr 15, 2007
    the last sentence was to establish that i don't have a club bias when i talk about Portuguese players which quite a few of you in the forum clearly do.

    benfica, sporting and porto are trash. They are feeders teams to the tops leagues and teams in Europe. every year those three team lose their best players. acting like sporting is better then benfica or visa versa is pointless and means nothing.
  15. SCP21

    SCP21 Member+

    Jul 1, 2011
    Sporting CP Lisbon
    What? This is wildly out of context. I know Bruno wouldn’t start in city’s lineup up. That’s not the point. The point is he would do better there because it’s a better setup. Felix wouldn’t get anywhere near the city lineup either. But if he did, of course he would do better than he did at Chelsea. It was a direct rebuttal to moneys point. Did you even read it?
  16. SCP21

    SCP21 Member+

    Jul 1, 2011
    Sporting CP Lisbon
    You’re either a kid or the worst kind of bandwagon fan. Dismissing an entire league as trash because they aren’t Real, Barca, City or Bayern is embarrassing.
  17. money11

    money11 Member

    Apr 15, 2007
    I'm an adult male, that's why i am in touch with reality. Im calling it for what it is. if you had to explain our league comparison to an American person: the top 4 leagues in Europe are the PROS and our league is the NCAA. Every year our players get called up to the pros and we look for new freshmen in south america we can make a profit on. simple. I'm not hating I'm just aware of what I'm looking at.... you give no benfica players any credit and prodicalmind gives no sporting players credit. you guys are crazy and biased lmao
  18. SCP21

    SCP21 Member+

    Jul 1, 2011
    Sporting CP Lisbon
    Terrible analogy. And you’re literally just making shit up. I’ve said Bernardo is the best Portuguese player many times. Genuinely one of the worst analogies I’ve ever heard though, seriously. Well done. Keep dick riding oil clubs and step overs though.
    money11 repped this.
  19. SCP_16

    SCP_16 Member+

    Aug 8, 2004
    Bay Area
    Sporting CP Lisbon
    Nat'l Team:
    Another anonymous performance for this loser piece of shit. Overrated dog shit.

    This quote on matching ratings sums it up perfectly:

    ST: Joao Felix - 2/10 - An embarrassing attempt to win a first-half penalty summed up a bitterly frustrating performance from Felix
  20. eurodad

    eurodad Member+

    Mar 15, 2005
    Again you did not watch the game . The entire team played log dog shit . Merit to the apponent .
  21. SCP_16

    SCP_16 Member+

    Aug 8, 2004
    Bay Area
    Sporting CP Lisbon
    Nat'l Team:

    World class players find ways to get the job done. All you and the other Lampioes do is hype this fraud up. Araujo performed well enough and he's not close to being world class.

    Also, €120 million. Stop the bullshit excuses. All the dude did was try to flop for a PK.

    The constant excuses are nauseating. Keep the same energy in the Bruno thread while you're at it. You seem to love to try to defend this historic flop of a player at all costs.

    FAILix is an overrated bum. He'll go down as the biggest flop in world soccer history. Deal with it.
  22. eurodad

    eurodad Member+

    Mar 15, 2005
    First of all, I like Bruno even though he has his off games . Second of all , why are you so fixed on what he got sold for ? He is not a 120 million dollar player, ok so what ? I’m not sold that he is a superstar but I want to see what his ceiling is . What’s so bad in that ? I think Bruno is a really affective player when used properly but is inconsistent but when he is on, he can be a game changer . I hope Felix can get there , not sold yet but I have to admit he is playing much better than last year . Talent is there but inconsistent
  23. SCP_16

    SCP_16 Member+

    Aug 8, 2004
    Bay Area
    Sporting CP Lisbon
    Nat'l Team:
  24. BatatasFritas

    BatatasFritas Member+

    Nov 29, 2004
    FC Porto
    In ten years, you guys will still calling Felix garbage or making excuses for him.

    Let's face, the kid needs to go back to Benfica to return to the "glory days".
  25. SCP_16

    SCP_16 Member+

    Aug 8, 2004
    Bay Area
    Sporting CP Lisbon
    Nat'l Team:

    In ten years, he'll be playing on Rio Ave in the second division.
    BatatasFritas repped this.

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