Jimmy Eat World - "Futures"

Discussion in 'Movies, TV and Music' started by SportBoy333, Oct 20, 2004.

  1. SportBoy333

    SportBoy333 Member+

    Jun 27, 2003
    Yay or nay on this one ? I'm listening to it. Sounds good so far.
  2. Mad_Bishop

    Mad_Bishop Member

    Oct 11, 2000
    Columbia, MO
    but the real question is which best of list does it make it onto? hard-emo-soft-metal-lullaby album of the year or soft-emo-heavy-hard-metal album of the year?
  3. SportBoy333

    SportBoy333 Member+

    Jun 27, 2003
    Its not outstanding enough to be on any best list IMHO.
  4. therealronaldo7

    therealronaldo7 New Member

    Apr 14, 2004
    Is this at all like Bleed American or more like Clarity?
  5. JohnnyCash

    JohnnyCash New Member

    Jan 23, 2004
    I got the deluxe version yesterday, i sorta like listening to the demo versions, it reminds me of Static prevails.

    Its a pretty good cd, bleed american was the stab in the chest album for people who have followed them for a long time.

    I guess i'm used to it now and can get more into this one. Polaris is the best song on the album i think

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