Government launches soccer probe - AAP The federal government's launched an inquiry into Soccer Australia in what appears to be the first step towards a bid to host the 2014 World Cup. The Australian Sports Commission will conduct an independent review into all aspects of the game's national ruling body. ADVERTISEMENT Soccer Australia is battling serious financial and administrative problems. News of the inquiry comes just days after the idea of an Australian World Cup bid was floated by the Victorian and New South Wales governments. South Australia has joined both states in supporting the plan. Federal Sports Minister Rod Kemp says there are very real problems in Australian soccer which need to be addressed. But he downplays suggestions the inquiry is designed to repair Soccer Australia in order to bid for the 2014 World Cup. FIFA requires that any bid to host the World Cup must be launched by the national game's ruling body in conjunction with the national government of the day. _________________________________________ Hopefully this will not be like Soccer australias internal reviews where the results are never relased and nothing is solved. With some luck this could bring some change, finally.