Israeli 911 terrorism ties in the US

Discussion in 'International News' started by valanjak, Aug 26, 2006.

  1. valanjak

    valanjak BigSoccer Supporter

    Jun 14, 2005
  2. BenReilly

    BenReilly New Member

    Apr 8, 2002
    Everyone knows that the Iranian alliance with Al-Qaeda was behind 9-11. It's unfortunate that Bush invaded the wrong country, but it's never too late to get it right.
  3. valanjak

    valanjak BigSoccer Supporter

    Jun 14, 2005
    What does that have to do with this video, stop trolling ben
  4. BenReilly

    BenReilly New Member

    Apr 8, 2002
    Your title is trolling of the highest order. Iran is in fact the chief sponsor of international terror and must be wiped off the map.
  5. #10 Jersey

    #10 Jersey Member

    May 2, 1999
    Or at least severly curtailed.
  6. valanjak

    valanjak BigSoccer Supporter

    Jun 14, 2005
    According to your buddies in FOX news , Israel which is your mother land is sponsoring terrorism in your second homeland , I don’t blame you for trolling , you have to divert the attention to Iran in this thread , simply because you cant speak against your beloved Israel because its home to the “chosen people” like yourself :rolleyes: .
  7. #10 Jersey

    #10 Jersey Member

    May 2, 1999
    the report didn't say that and you know it. But nice try.

    In fact, I don't think you even watched the posted videos as you posted duplicate reports.

    1) The reports have nothing to do with Israeli Terrorism, so your thread title is bogus.

    2) Nothing in the report indicates Israel government involvement

    3) The report is several years old, where is the followup? Did something happen? No, you don't have anything that shows that the allegations were borne out.

    Again, nice try.
  8. valanjak

    valanjak BigSoccer Supporter

    Jun 14, 2005
    Since you’re the expert , why don’t you explain what the report says
  9. valanjak

    valanjak BigSoccer Supporter

    Jun 14, 2005
    still waiting..........................................

  10. BenReilly

    BenReilly New Member

    Apr 8, 2002
    We both agree that Fox provides the only reliable, fair and balanced, coverage of the middle east.

    This is trolling of the highest order. There may be questions about Israelis spying, but not sponsoring terrorism. That IS an Iranian invention (along with hostage taking).

    America is my homeland (in every sense of the word), Israel is my tribe.

  11. valanjak

    valanjak BigSoccer Supporter

    Jun 14, 2005
    Yes my “chosen” Ben , Israel is only spying in the US , while there is clear evidence of Israeli mobsters doing cocaine trade and ect….. In this video but according to you they only spy and even spying in the US is ok because they are the “chosen people” very much like yourself .
  12. #10 Jersey

    #10 Jersey Member

    May 2, 1999
    Not once does the report indicate that Israel is sponsoring terrorism. I would like you to retract your statement and admit you lied.
  13. BenReilly

    BenReilly New Member

    Apr 8, 2002
    Yet Italians get all the credit. Pisses me off no end!

    Every Jew deserves at least two of these

  14. #10 Jersey

    #10 Jersey Member

    May 2, 1999
    It had to do with surveillance and some Israelis involved in organized crime - which is not a shock. Not with the Israeli government and certainly not anything about terrorism.

    The only thing it says about 911 is that the Israel Govt MAY have had information it did not share, but then again the report admits that Israel's Mossad had in fact warned the US.

    The report also implies that Israel is not the only US ally that gathers intelligence about the US, althought the allegation is that Israel does it to a larger extent.

    But NOWHERE, NOWHERE does the report indicate anything about terrorism, which was the point of your thread.

    So again, will you retract your statements and admit you lied?
  15. #10 Jersey

    #10 Jersey Member

    May 2, 1999
    you're an idiot. You post something at 11:11 and then you post this silly post at 11:22. What an idiot.
  16. #10 Jersey

    #10 Jersey Member

    May 2, 1999
    He didn't say it was ok. Please admit you lied.

    Your thread title implies terrorism, you admit that the reports don't mention terrorism. Please admit that you lied in your thread title.
  17. #10 Jersey

    #10 Jersey Member

    May 2, 1999
    still waiting for you to admit you lied....again.:rolleyes:
  18. #10 Jersey

    #10 Jersey Member

    May 2, 1999
    Ben is chosen. This is what you got right.

    By the way, I'm chosen too.
  19. Beerking

    Beerking Member+

    Nov 14, 2000
    Humboldt County
    You iranians would be laughable if you weren't so deluded.
  20. valanjak

    valanjak BigSoccer Supporter

    Jun 14, 2005
    Yes you and Ben are the “chosen people” you guys are special , god himself chose you guys , wow you must feel so special , do you have any magical powers too?

    The video clearly shows that the Israeli government has used organized crimes, spying and ect… if a Muslim was caught doing these things they would be called terrorists , the “chosen people “ are sometimes terrorists too as its clearly shown in this video, so stop trying to hide the truth from yourself. If Moses saw what his “chosen people “ are doing in the holy land today he would be disgusted , and he would be even more disgusted to see some “chosen people” like yourself and Ben who support the actions of the terrorists in the holy land who cause harm to innocent people in the Middle East and the world in the name of the Jewish faith and Democracy. Israel should be promoting the Jewish faith , they are only demoting it right now , which is sad . The Israeli government is no different from the Islamic Republic , the Israelis are demoting the Jewish faith world wide and the Islamic Republic has been demoting and making the Islamic faith less popular at home. Who would of thought these two governments shared something in common.
  21. #10 Jersey

    #10 Jersey Member

    May 2, 1999
    I realize you live in a deluded world, a supporter of the cultures of death. But I challenge you to point out where in the videos you have support for your comments. Again, please admit that you lied.

    By the way, chosen doesn't mean better. I realize you don't actually research anything and make up your mind without any backup, but you are dead wrong again.

    and no, if a Muslim did the things that mentioned in the video they would not be called terrorists. I don't think you even have a clue what the word terrorist means. Show me in the video where terrorism is involved. Again, you lied.

    Moses would be disappointed in the Jewish people, but not for the reasons you describe. Not by a longshot. But Moses would also be proud of many things, including the contribution to society that Jews have made, far in excess of what would be expected from our numbers.

    He would be however, sickened by you and those you support.
  22. valanjak

    valanjak BigSoccer Supporter

    Jun 14, 2005
    Watch the video one more time , there is clear evidence of the Israeli government sponsoring drug trafficking , money laundering , spying and ect.. In the US , If you don’t call that Israeli terrorism then what do you call it ?

    And trust me when I say Moses would be disgusted by the people who are in the Israeli government and who are killing innocent people in the name of Democracy and the Jewish faith.
    Can you please explain , who do I support?
  23. #10 Jersey

    #10 Jersey Member

    May 2, 1999
    I watched the video and it doesn't say what you say and even if it did, that is not terrorism. drug trafficking , money laundering , spying and ect.. is not terrorism.

    Now I know why you won't call out the don't know what terrorism is.

    And sorry..I wouldn't trust you as far as I could throw you, so excuse me if I don't take your opinion on what Moses would think of Jews. But I forget...Iranians invented Judaism so you must know what Moses would be disgusted by.
  24. valanjak

    valanjak BigSoccer Supporter

    Jun 14, 2005
    It’s a government sponsored activity in the US , clearly against all international laws and the US laws, they use the money to sponsor terrorism at home , they use military jets and sophisticated bombs to kill innocent people , that’s the only difference between Al-Qeda and the Israeli government , one uses the latest military equipment to kill innocent people and another uses anything it can to kill innocent people.

    And if Iran invented Judaism it would be the darkest day in Persian history , our true religion is Zoroastrian which is the worlds first religion , other religions like Judaism , Christianity , Islam incorporated many of the Zoroastrian beliefs into their own. But then again , you wouldn’t know anything about that because your one of the “chosen people” who only knows about the “chosen” religion .
  25. Rostam

    Rostam Member

    Dec 11, 2005
    Homeland Security considers money laundering an act of terrorism.

    Not sure how Moses would feel about that, though!

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