Is "Sueno MLS Racist"

Discussion in 'MLS: General' started by whip, Jan 26, 2008.

  1. whip

    whip Member

    Aug 5, 2000
    Is this thing "Sueno MLS a racits" Hispanic only institution or there is an alternative to kids from different culture....? I have a Hispanic background but I feel kind of embarrass that Univision does not seems to be aware of the situation....:rolleyes:
  2. miked9

    miked9 Member+

    May 4, 2000
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    news? analysis?
  3. slimjim21591

    slimjim21591 New Member

    Aug 1, 2006
    i see what you mean in one way, Sueno MLS is aplealing pretty much to a Hispanic aduince, and only a hispanic aduince, unless there was a show with the saying be the next Landon Donovan or insert name
  4. whip

    whip Member

    Aug 5, 2000
    No... This do not qualify to be on this section .....Lets Go to the thread.... 1/23/08... YOU FAT PENGUIN.....:rolleyes:...Hold it...Wait for me I forgot my fish to feed the penguins....:D
  5. Ron86

    Ron86 Member

    Jun 7, 2007
    Los Angeles
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    When Chivas USA started they said they wanted only americans of Hispanic background. They eventualy droped that because the legal advisors told them it was SUICIDE. I don't know, they are gonna fold, or gonna be sold soon anyway.
  6. whip

    whip Member

    Aug 5, 2000
    I am going to be sincere....This look racist to me and UNIVISION should know better. This thing should be open to all cultures here in USA not only to hispanics....
  7. Ismitje

    Ismitje Super Moderator

    Dec 30, 2000
    The Palouse
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    So, you're upset with a Spanish language television network which broadcasts to Hispanics for creating an MLS-related campaign in Spanish that targets Hispanics?

    You might want to click on that thread. We have a goofy, longstanding tradition that the daily news threads (those which provide links to MLS-related newspaper stories from around the country) have humorous titles, often tied to some movie which resonates with many posters. That's not a thread about fat penguins or people, it is an MLS news thread, and the title refers to this scene:


    I'll move the thread out of N&A shortly.
  8. SamPierron

    SamPierron BigSoccer Supporter

    Nov 30, 1998
    Kansas City
    Sporting Kansas City
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Nah. If the Clippers have taught us anything, it's that sweeping up the scraps from an alpha dog in LA can feed your family...and Chivas's situation is better than that of the Clippers.

    I think Chivas USA are quickly figuring out their place, and adapting to the realities facing them. They're the affordable option. You're watching a team that is as good or better, and you're doing it in the same stadium with arguably more attractive kits. You just don't have to pay for the cachet. The Galaxy are a brilliant living, breathing ad for Chivas USA.
  9. whip

    whip Member

    Aug 5, 2000
  10. Ismitje

    Ismitje Super Moderator

    Dec 30, 2000
    The Palouse
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
  11. glyconerd

    glyconerd Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Los Angeles
    CD Chivas USA
    Nat'l Team:
    Where does it say Hispanics only? It's broadcasted on a Spanish only network and held in a heavy Hispanic area. It's safe to assume a large portion ot the participants will be of Spanish speaking decent.. This doesn't constitute as racism....FFS, if it wasn't for Suneno MLS the US-20's wouldn't have ever heard of Jorge Flores who is currently playing for us at Copa Chivas in Guadalajara.

    Also, Chivas USA is holding $5 soccer clinics in LA for anyone, but realistically kids of low income and their parents will bring them. Chivas USA is doing community outreach and planting roots..

    Where have the galaxy and the USSF been for the past 13 years? Nowhere in sight.

    This topic is stupid.
  12. jade1mls

    jade1mls Member

    Jul 9, 2006


    1) They are the one club in MLS that has sold more merchandise than any other except yours when Beckham showed up....

    2) They are backed by one of the richer ownership groups in the league

    3) They are planning on building a smaller replica of Estadio Chivas somewhere in the LA area

    it baffles me why so many Galaxy fans say they are either: a) rebranding, b) moving outside of LA (when they paid extra to be IN LA) or c) folding.

    It's almost like you guys think if you say something enough that makes it real and likely to happen. Either than or it is just delusional wishful thinking.

    Seriously there are several other clubs i could see folding in a prolonged recession before chivas does.
  13. jade1mls

    jade1mls Member

    Jul 9, 2006

    The thing is it IS open to all cultures. There is NOTHING preventing any one's kid from trying out and going on the show, nor is there anything preventing anyone else from watching it except a stubborness to learn Spanish.

    Is America REALLY -THAT- insecure as a culture?

    From reading Big Soccer's MLS forums sometimes it seems that way. We have on one hand people worried about one guy who spent a fair amount of time in England and whose wife is English, use of English terms to describe a game the English invented, and on the other hand the person who started this thread believing that somehow speaking a language other than American English is somehow racist?

    America is an odd place if it is that insecure.
  14. MARCH_

    MARCH_ Member

    Aug 16, 2007
    Los Angeles
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    If you guys feel so offended about "Sueno MLS" maybe you can write letters:rolleyes: to the FO about creating your own "Sueno oh i mean "Dream MLS"
  15. jade1mls

    jade1mls Member

    Jul 9, 2006

    *high five*

    or maybe Buscar MLS
    "MLS Search"

  16. Mstars96

    Mstars96 Member

    Jul 13, 2003
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Don't you know in this country you can have any organizastion, group or competition exclusive for one group, black television, hispanic whatever but it's only racist if it's white only, can you imagine white entertainment tv?
    Sueno MLS is not racist, just an idea to get the hipanic youth involve in the league, wrong? yes, should've been geared towards every young soccer player in this country that want's to try it's dream.
  17. jade1mls

    jade1mls Member

    Jul 9, 2006
    Don't you know that in this country "white" is still considered the 'norm' when describing an American?

    The reason there are channels like the above is because those groups were underserved by mainstream media and to some extent, still are.

    You know, kinda like Fox Soccer Channel caters to well.....

    That's just it, it IS. Anyone can try out, they have english speakers on hand. The show is just produced for a spanish language channel and there is no law prohibiting you from watching it or learning a bit of Espanol (very useful in society especially if you love futbol/soccer)

    where is UCLACarlos when i need him?
  18. NeoGeek

    NeoGeek New Member

    Nov 14, 2007
    I think Sueno MLS is a cool marketing angle and I'm as white and uptight as they come. I'm pretty sure that the competition itself is open to any nationality. Besides, I think MLS needs to do a better job reaching out to the hispanic community. As it is, I think a majority of the elite youth clubs and the Olympic Development Program hurt US soccer by excluding minorities.
  19. krudmonk

    krudmonk Member+

    Mar 7, 2007
    S.J. Sonora
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Since race and language are two different things, my answer is "NO." Since the concept of race is a social construct with no scientific foundation, my answer is "SUPER NO."
  20. socluis90

    socluis90 Member+

    Aug 11, 2004
    So Cal
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    1. A LOT of Chivas fans bought Chivas USA jerseys because they liked them better than the Guadalajara ones. We sell now more now so the past doesn't matter the same way our past of owning them doesn't matter.

    2. They're rich for a reason. They aren't stupid, if there is no money coming in then why stay and lose more? Sponsorships is what is keeping them healthy because attendance sure isn't. If this club wasn't named Chivas it would be a big disaster already.

    3. :eek:, link?

    There was a poll in the LA Times asking sports fans what sports team they would like to see relocated and never come back. Out of all WNBA, Arena Football, NBA, MLB, College Football and Hockey teams guess who won/lost that one? Chivas USA by a landslide.

    I don't think they are going anywhere nor do I honestly care. I like having 2 extra Galaxy games to attend. Our real rival is back and they had their glory year like the Clippers did vs. the Lakers last year. They made it into the playoffs and choked the first round like the Clippers. We will come back hard this year.
  21. whip

    whip Member

    Aug 5, 2000
    The topic is what...? Why ? You should be smart enough to get behind your opinions...It is stupid to have an opinion and do not support it
  22. whip

    whip Member

    Aug 5, 2000
    Wrong ....I start the thread and I do not think that Guadalajara is racist. They could be ignorant of the ways things suposed to be run in USA.
  23. whip

    whip Member

    Aug 5, 2000
    I lean more toward this analysis it seem to very balance....:)
  24. glyconerd

    glyconerd Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Los Angeles
    CD Chivas USA
    Nat'l Team:
    Your views are simply ignorant. That's why I deem it stupid and way to avoid the rest of my post. Bravo.
  25. radmonkey

    radmonkey Member

    Oct 27, 2007

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