U.S. Soldier Shoots Tiger At Iraq Zoo Security Guard Says Men Were Drinking BAGHDAD, Iraq -- A U.S. soldier has shot and killed a tiger at the Baghdad zoo. A zoo security guard says the tiger bit another soldier who had reached through the bars of its case to feed it. The guard says the soldiers had been drinking... http://www.nbc4.com/news/2499244/detail.html US confirms soldier killed rare tiger in Baghdad zoo In Iraq, an American soldier has shot dead a rare Bengal tiger at the Baghdad zoo. The manager of the Baghdad zoo said the tiger was shot dead after the animal injured an American soldier who was trying to feed it through the bars of its cage... http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/s950296.htm smart..
Ah the latest evil deed done by those awful Americans. This is just like when we didn't protect that museum and all that stuff was stolen (11,000 items!)...only it wasn't...and the few items that were looted have been found and returned....and that whole story was a farce propugated by the leftist media to destroy American credibilty. Ah but never mind the progress in Iraq. Forget about the 2,000 monthly projects completed by the recontruction team. A tiger got shot and this time it wasn't done by Indian poachers...
That was one of the best songs of all time - it could be an anthem that unites left and right. (MOD, don't feed the bears, halfway down) http://jpaudio.com/*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#gas/inventory - 80's.htm
A simple request: Until you or anybody else can identify Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, why don't you stop pretending others are so f'n stupid that they will actually swallow your bull*****?
Envying your freedoms he'd probably end up hating them anyway. Another battle won in the war on terrorism.
So a US soldier shoots a bengal tiger. But why? Didn't Governor Gray Davis say something about himself, that he was like a bengal tiger? If the soldier is from California, that might explain things.