In Demand Cutting Shootout Package Back

Discussion in 'Business and Media' started by Dixie Blue, Aug 31, 2002.

  1. Dixie Blue

    Dixie Blue Member

    Jun 1, 2000
    I have the cable, Time Warner, version of the MLS Shootout package. Much to my disappointment, I am only getting the Wizards and Fire match today (Saturday).

    I noticed on the ppv channels that they are only advertising the above match and then the MLS web site confirmed it. DISH and DIRECTTV are showing the other matches today and IN DEMAND is not.

    Given all of the advertising for pointy ball games that now flashes up on the shootout package channels, I am assuming that they didn't have enough slots for their pointy ball ppv so the shootout package matches got bumped.

    Can anyone confirm before I call them up and tell them I want my money back?

  2. dark knight

    dark knight Super Moderator
    Staff Member

    Dec 15, 1999
    Leicester City FC
    They were on the schedule earlier this week - and now they're gone. I'm really pissed at the moment.
  3. dark knight

    dark knight Super Moderator
    Staff Member

    Dec 15, 1999
    Leicester City FC
    BTW - we're getting a bunch of crappy college football games for free
  4. rcoull

    rcoull Member+

    May 18, 2001
    The Woodlands, TX
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    I am also extremely pissed...esp as a Quake fan..

    I understand college football is bigger than MLS...BUT what really pisses me off is the fact that there are two channels earmarked as shootout (705 and 706 on my TWC) that have nothing on...surely they could have put MLS there?

  5. dark knight

    dark knight Super Moderator
    Staff Member

    Dec 15, 1999
    Leicester City FC

    I called TW to complain and naturally they had no idea what's going on. I also wrote to InDemand to try and see who we should blame. Still waiting to hear from them.
  6. rcoull

    rcoull Member+

    May 18, 2001
    The Woodlands, TX
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:

    I encountered the same with TW...also wrote to IN Demand and like you an waiting a response.

  7. jmeissen0

    jmeissen0 New Member

    Mar 31, 2001
    page 1078
    i imagine it just comes down to someone being an idiot

    get a refund or demand they give you some epl matches
  8. Autogolazo

    Autogolazo BigSoccer Supporter

    Feb 19, 2000
    Bombay Beach, CA
    This blows--Cox is doing the same cutback, so it must be InDemand screwing up the whole thing. Where's the DC-SJ game?

    Only because of FSNE am I getting to watch the Revs-Crew.

    This is bull*************** and will surely continue as get into the playoffs, as well.

    Utterly depressing.
  9. MLS3

    MLS3 Member

    Feb 7, 2000
    Pac NW
    Seattle Sounders
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Cox cut off the two 430 games here in phoenix also...Its in-demand then that must be messing everything up...this sucks...I was looking forward to DC-SJ...
  10. gatopreto

    gatopreto Member

    May 31, 2000
    This is bull****.

    I paid to see these MLS games!
  11. Viking64

    Viking64 Member

    Feb 11, 1999
    Tarheel State
    this sucks donkey@$$. For cripes sake, they have the bandwidth.

    That would have been a nice side benefit of a baseball strike...all those Sominex channels for the baseball games would have been vacant.

    I hate this part of being an MLS fan.

    I'm dropping a note to Garber. If he tells me that bitching might get us anything, I will tear them a new one. If it's going to do essentially nothing, I won't bother. After all, who wants to spend a half hour subverting their voice mail do loop to waiting hell to talk to a flunkee off the street pushing buttons.
  12. norfcath

    norfcath New Member

    Aug 17, 2000
    Of all the weekends to replace MLS matches with pointyball college contests, they had to pick this one with such great soccer matches, e.g., San Jose/D.C.United. The only game I could get was Kansas City/Chicago, which fortunately turned out to be a great game. Comcast owes us an explanation.
  13. KCFAN

    KCFAN New Member

    Jan 2, 2002
    Edmond, OK
    I went through the same crap last season. I finally just fired my cable company and got Directv. Its better than dish because the agreement dish has with mls only allows them to show saturday matches. directv lets you see all of them regardless of what day it is or the originating network. i hope it works out for you guys.
  14. jmeissen0

    jmeissen0 New Member

    Mar 31, 2001
    page 1078
    i'd get everyone on... it seems like something that should be corrected
  15. prk166

    prk166 BigSoccer Supporter

    Aug 8, 2000
    Med City
    Time Warner's pretty good about not knowing much about what inDemand does. :(
  16. FlashMan

    FlashMan Member

    Jan 6, 2000
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    can someone post an indemand email address (appropritae) where we can deluge them with thoughtful, urgently written, taut, crisp death thr...err...inquiries?
  17. monster

    monster Member

    Oct 19, 1999
    Hanover, PA
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    At leats it isn't just my cable company. FYI - no games scheduled for next weekend on my on-screen guide. Two are televised.
  18. dark knight

    dark knight Super Moderator
    Staff Member

    Dec 15, 1999
    Leicester City FC
    Same here - Tivo isn't listing any games and the channel just runs the Game Plan schedule. I really like the way the other three MLS designated channels have nothing scheduled at all. I think it may be time to break down and get a dish.
  19. Dixie Blue

    Dixie Blue Member

    Jun 1, 2000
    well, when the free pointy ball showed up last night on the MLS SHootout channels I knew I was being screwed.

    I am going to call my cable channel and ask for a refund. Remember, they promised the full Shootout package. Not just 2/3 of the package. Had they told me upfront, I would not have done it.

    If they don't agree to a refund, I am going to just hold back on payment. Screw em.
  20. monster

    monster Member

    Oct 19, 1999
    Hanover, PA
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Two things:

    1. The GamePlan was on the same channels last year and never bumped MLS so this is totally new.

    2. As per my cable company's GM, iNDemand did not alert them. He found out via my e-mail and says he'll check on Tuesday. He's usually very good about doing whatever he can in these matters.
  21. Delta Blues

    Delta Blues New Member

    Jun 25, 1999
    King Willieville
    Fixed your post. ;)
  22. GoDC

    GoDC Member

    Nov 23, 1999
    Hamilton, VA
    Not sure what Dish did last night since I was at the DC game but for next week they have both games on the guide right now. they are much lower channels than MLS has had before this season so it could be the right info. DC NE at 7:30 on 460 and the other game at 8:30 on 458 (I am too lazy to look up who this is!!)
  23. Dixie Blue

    Dixie Blue Member

    Jun 1, 2000
    any updates? I tried calling my local TimeWarner Customer Service today but no one home due to holiday.
  24. alansl

    alansl New Member

    Aug 20, 2000
    I talked to my cable company Sunday morning to see what channel the Dallas game would be on so I could tape it while I was at work. The woman I talked to had to call me back when the right supervisor she needed to talk to got into work and she left me a message. She said those two games were dropped by inDemand and also that another would be dropped on the 7th.

    I'm now looking at the inDemand schedule, and it looks like all games on the 7th were dropped, and there will only be one game each on the 14th and the 21st.

    I'm really disappointed by this.

  25. fidlerre

    fidlerre Member+

    Oct 10, 2000
    Central Ohio
    this is really disappointing.

    one game a weekend? who are they kidding?

    we need to do something to get some money back as a collective group. what is the reasoning behind this last minute change? has anyone been able to find out through in-demand?

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