One week to election time and I guess it's time to have some Hammers give their views. Who do you guys think is going to win? It seems like a no-win situation to me, but in a country of 300 million we seem to have narrowed down our options to these two idiots, so a choice needs to be made. Although financially I will benefit by Bush, his social issues, war on terror and Iraq policies are hurting the whole world. This wasn't ment to be indepth, just a starting point if anyone is interested in discussing. UP THE HAMMERS!!!!! The presidents of us all.
Having just gone through an election in Australia where the polls kept tipping a close finish only to see the present incumbent (John Howard) walk it in (Thank God!) I tend to think that Bush will win pretty comfortably.
The view point from Canada seems to neither will be good for Canada in the long run or the rest of the world come to that. Think Bush will win ( Hope not ) due to the voters believing in the old saying " Better the Devil you Know" although it might take awhile for the courts to figure out who won.
It's going to be a circus that will make the last election look like it was a straight forward decision. In the end I believe that Bush, sadly, will get a 2nd term. Unfortunately not enough Americans have read 'Dude, where's my country' and 'Stupid white men' because the Bush/Cheney controlled media told them not to. Kerry has never filled me with any confidence and he's done nothing during his campaign to change my opinion of him. George Bush has more skeletons in his closet than John Wayne Gacey but Kerry hasn't challenged him on any of them. His campaign slogan should have been "Vote for Kerry, because he's NOT Bush". He'd be much further ahead in the polls if he'd done that. I hope I'm wrong and I hope, for the good of the 'free' world, that Bush loses.
What I find so amusing, is that a country as large as the USA, can have a president with an IQ of 97. The average for man is 100 and the average for a 'white' man, though slightly lower than asians, is about 110. I am sure they could find some republican with an IQ, that at least reaches the norm. The great shame is that in the USA, it is just money that counts, and not talent. Anyone that uses a word ' misunderestimating' would be lucky to get a job anywhere else. I know, that in the UK, we are critical of Blaire, but next to Bush the man is a genius. Oh yes. Who will win? Why, Bush, of course. Tony
Time out: Bush controlled media? Sorry - the media is very liberal and very anti-Bush. False stories are coming out daily and are seldom retracted, but it never matters as the damage is done. Kitty Kelly had three days of interviews on the Today show for her book on the Bush family, while the Swift Boat veterans were never on the show. Bush's IQ - that's too funny. The guy graduated from Yale and one one the top business schools. He's smart, but not eloquent.
if he's so smart you think he would have documented his time serving in the air guard a little better. And ran his companies better before he got into politics. And not done cocaine.
Panic - "False stories are coming out daily and are seldom retracted, but it never matters as the damage is done." Surely then that balances out some of the true stories that are suppressed doesn't it? Have you read the books by Michael Moore? If not, and if you don't mind me asking, why not? He's far from being a ranting Limbaugh/Riley type. His points are well made and backed up by thorough research, the sources of which are quoted in the books. Why do a reported 43% of Americans believe, wrongly, that Iraq was involved in the 9/11 attacks? I think you'll find the media is behind those beliefs and the only beneficiary of them is the current administration. Somehow the same media neglected to report the strong and long lasting ties, both business and personal, between the Bush family and the Bin Laden family. Why would any self respecting 'free' press not report these links very loudly? And who benefits from stories like this being buried? I don't think I need to answer that do I? I don't want to get into an arguement with you, you seem like a decent bloke, but IMHO you are defending the indefensible. Don't you just love politics.
This is going to be a problem for every election from here on out. Truthfuly, I dont really care who wins. Neither of them are appealing in any form. But we can already see both sides lining up to fight this out in courts. Both sides are already claiming voter fraud, disenfranchisement, etc. Thousands of lawyers are all ready to go to battle over this election which has not even happened yet. When the lawyers get involved, then we are all screwed. Makes me want to move to Canda or Australia.
What is wrong with you guys? The reason we are on this site is because we all love West Ham. NO MORE POLITICS. Bush will win so get over it.
No. Because he, like Limbaugh, is an idiot. Maybe even more so, being such a Canada lover. (Not that there is a problem with being a Canada lover, if you are Canadian.) Might respect either of them more, if they used their infinite 'knowledge' to make a difference themselves, instead of only pointing out problems and not offering solutions. Forza Nader!
MB - I respect your opinion. I agree that Limbaugh is a pompous idiot. I believe this to be true because I've listened to more of his tyrades than I care to remember and I've read one of his books. The man's a blustering fool, end of story. But, how do you come by your opinion of Moore? He doesn't present a show and you admit that you haven't read his books, so your opinion is based on what? The way he's portrayed in the media perhaps? OK Blaine, I'll stop now, sorry, I was just trying to liven up a slow day. Now, about this religion thing............................ UP THE HAMMERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Makes me want to move to Canda or Australia.[/QUOTE] Not sure about Australia but I can assure you Canada does have its own problems and crooks in power. But life will be good when the Hammers beat Chelski
Sorry, I must have misunderestimated him. How can a man be smart and say things like ' Africa is a country with many problems' and 'If you teach your child to read, he or her, will be literate' and 'Most Islamic people are Muslims' If he got a degree from Yale, then it says more about Yale, than it does about Bush. As Bush said, ' There are all kinds of smart. There is book smart and other types of smart.' Hmmm.