I want, I want, I want SHINY NEW TOYS! - LFC transfer thread

Discussion in 'Liverpool' started by Wingtips1, Oct 17, 2023.

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  1. newterp

    newterp Moderator
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    Jun 6, 2007
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    #526 newterp, Apr 23, 2024
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2024
    Are you stupid? Or just dumb? So, what Klopp says is not relevant (and that's why I quoted the whole thing not cherry picking like you)? Is that because it guts your entire foolish presupposition?

    What the f does an advanced academy have to do with the bullshit statement that Liverpool were about to let Bradley go? Again - you made an idiotic statement that you thought was clever and then you got called out on it.

    To quote Billy Madison: "what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.”
    Samarkand repped this.
  2. TimBenneth

    TimBenneth Member

    Borussia Dortmund
    May 10, 2017
    This is the last post i make on this, because apparently you have trouble with your comprehension skills, and i don't have the time to mentor you on the concept of logic.

    Liverpool brought in Calvin Ramsey as a replacement for Connor Bradley because they didn't see Connor making the breakthrough. Ramsay was brought in to fill the void of a 2nd choice RB behind TAA who was undisputed 1st choice, and hence why Bradley was let go off on loan to Bolton. The situation being thAT Ramsay came with a set of issues that curtailed an entire season, seeing him sidelined, and hence why the club felt they could not pursue with Ramsay and so brought back bradley who even after the loan spell at Bolton, was NOT a shoe in for a place in the team. Klopp can say whatever he wants after the fact, and even then he CLEARLY STATES and i paraphrase, "we will see what will happen".

    If you can't understand this, go back to the 3rd grade, and ask Mrs. Pennington to teach you some English bro, because you're having a hard time understanding a language that in all rights should be the first and is likely the only language you speak, making me seriously wonder what the fk you are on bro!

    I'm done here!
  3. newterp

    newterp Moderator
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    Jun 6, 2007
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    #528 newterp, Apr 23, 2024
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2024
    More like you're dumb here.

    You literally just made the exact same post that I refuted with actual articles containing quotes from the Liverpool manager. I mean, that's just ... stupid.

    Not only were your suppositions and (il)logical leaps thoroughly eviscerated - apparently, we also don't have to hear from you for a while!

    So, I would consider that a win-win!! Much like Liverpool did by loaning Bradley out to Bolton.
    Samarkand repped this.
  4. TimBenneth

    TimBenneth Member

    Borussia Dortmund
    May 10, 2017
    Yes, hence why they brought someone in to replace him, and was heralded as a 2nd choice. Logic doesn't really seem to filter all too well with you unfortunately.

    How did they mak you a moderator here Newterp, you're like a 6 year old child drunk off the censorship.

    Do let me know when you are done with the Connor Bradley circle jerk, you'll have to excuse me for having better things to do.
  5. newterp

    newterp Moderator
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    Jun 6, 2007
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    Right on cue. Sucks that a 6 year old is running you in circles. Next I'll teach you to go fetch a stick. Good boy Timmy!! Good boy!!!
  6. CB-West

    CB-West Member+

    Sep 20, 2013
    Liverpool FC
    soccershaggy repped this.
  7. delaynomo

    delaynomo Member+

    Jun 1, 2015
    Liverpool FC
    Both misspelled and misused?
    Samarkand repped this.
  8. TimBenneth

    TimBenneth Member

    Borussia Dortmund
    May 10, 2017
    You're talking to someone who speaks 8 languages, however imperfectly... you really want to go down this route Delaynomo?

    Newterp apparently doesn't seem to understand the concept of causality. There is no point arguing with someone so unhinged, so as to not grasp the straws that link to a player exiting on a loan. But I'll leave that be, because I really don't have the time to be arguing with someone who has nothing better to do than sit around arguing with their own shadow. Life is too fleeting, to stay a permanent tennant in the nut house. So I concede... you are clearly a most logical and well hearsed knowledgeable scholar of all things Connor Bradley. I hope it brings you satiety...
  9. Samarkand

    Samarkand Member+

    May 28, 2001
    So what’s it like to be absolutely wrong in 8 languages simultaneously?

    At no stage have you quoted a single LFC person saying that the club was looking to get rid of Conor Bradley until they lucked into keeping him. You’ve tried some bullshit of quoting a Guardian article that doesn’t mention Bradley, quoting an article from The Athletic that entirely refutes your point, all the while claiming some ridiculous causality between the signing of Ramsay and the loan of Bradley. But at no stage ever have you produced any evidence of any LFC person or indeed any journalist or columnist supporting your bullshit.

    You’d think if it were so obvious, so definitive that everyone would be pointing out how lucky LFC got, that their scouting and developmental departments were f.ucked up in this regard. Yet there isn’t a single article, a single quote from anyone ever to back up your assertions. Not in any language. But all we get from you is, “because I’m a world champion in long jumping to tenuous conclusions”, because Ramsay signed at the same time Bradley went on loan, therefore it must mean LFC were trying to get rid of Bradley. When signing multiple youth players in the same position and players going out on loan is very common and usually not related at all.

    But no, you have insights, knowledge and understanding that no one else possesses, is not backed up by any external sources or evidence and this gift of unique vision allows you to see (in 8 languages!) crap that’s not there.

    I said earlier that your rantings had done everyone here a favor as they exposed the levels of your utter, utter stupidity, so that going forward we’d know what to expect when you posted. Nothing you’ve posted since will disabuse anyone of this stupidity and disingenuousness of yours. Many thanks.
    speker and newterp repped this.
  10. LiverpoolFanatic

    Liverpool FC, Philadelphia Union
    Feb 19, 2000
    Lancaster, PA
    Liverpool FC
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    It's weird to see a one sided argument with someone I have blocked. No context for these barbs.
    newterp repped this.
  11. speker

    speker Member+

    May 16, 2009
    Liverpool FC
    Yep , I doubt anyone on this board takes him seriously.
  12. newterp

    newterp Moderator
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    Jun 6, 2007
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    Smart move on blocking him. Long and short - he thinks Liverpool lucked out with Connor Bradley and were about to sell him because they believed he wasn't going to make it here - so they loaned him to Bolton and bought Calvin Ramsey. I've provided articles with quotes from the Klopp that fully show otherwise. He's provided articles that don't actually support or even touch upon his position. His explanation is that we need to make a logical leap with no evidence. Mine is that I have actual evidence that disproves the leap that must be made. In other words, 1+1 = 3 doesn't work.

    Clearly, he got his law degree from the school of Alina Habba.
  13. Wingtips1

    Wingtips1 Member+

    May 3, 2004
    Liverpool FC
    They were both teenagers.
    Neither was expected to be heir to TAA.
    Everybody was excited by Ramsay as he was a highly rated kid with first team football experience. NOBODY expected him to jump above Gomez for the backup RB spot. Nobody was expecting that from Bradley.

    You have 22 kids at every age group youth level as you really don't know how they develop. Then you have them step up into the reserves or whatever it's called now.
    Then you give them some minutes in preseason. Then maybe an early Carabao match.
    Then they go on loan. If they thrive, they get some more minutes the next preseason. And start a Carabao match and make a couple appearances off the bench in Europa League dead rubbers.
    And then they rise to the occasion. Or they bounce around for a year or two before leaving.
    For every TAA or Jones, there are 17 who make a few first team appearances then peter off into League One.
    EruditeHobo and newterp repped this.
  14. Samarkand

    Samarkand Member+

    May 28, 2001
    Indeed. Take a look at any youth/underage cup winning side (or losing finalists). It’s sad and chilling when there’s a “where-are-they-now?” article. Sometimes none of them have made the grade at anything above League 1, usually there’re 1 or 2 who you’ll have heard of independently of their underage exploits. (And then you have Jay Spearing. :D).
    Wingtips1 repped this.
  15. Samarkand

    Samarkand Member+

    May 28, 2001
    Happy to have a one sided argument with you when you’re free. :D

    LiverpoolFanatic repped this.
  16. TimBenneth

    TimBenneth Member

    Borussia Dortmund
    May 10, 2017
    Honestly, its like talking to a mental clinic inpatient, neither of whom happen to understand the basis for uncertainty. How fuking stupid can you get to not understand what I'm insinuating here.

    Alina Habba... amusing.

    As for the other muppet in here..The Athletic that entirely refutes your point, all the while claiming some ridiculous causality between the signing of Ramsay and the loan of Bradley.' Really??? You need me to break this down for you? Like really bro? The club just bought a player to usurp a 2nd placement behind their undisputed 1st choice, and sent an academy prospect out on loan under the auspices of having been eschewed from the team, as Ramsey was very highly sought after, but apparently that in no way signifies a demotion! Please don't make me laugh, with your muppetry.

    The previous article I just posted saw Klopp himself say that he didn't now what the future installed was, for Connor Bradley post Bolton loan. Here is another, directly from Bradley himself where he is quoted as saying,

    “In the summer I will go back to pre-season with Liverpool and I just have to see how that will go,” said Bradley.

    “The future is dependant on that, but I am looking forward to getting back to Liverpool.”

    Suggesting at a future that was very much up in the air at that time, and its concievable to say that had Ramsey not been injured and had a run out in the first team as 2nd choice, that Conor would never have been afforded the opportunity to deputise for TAA and so not be in the position he is in. A lot of a football career is dependant on the chance falling of the dice in respects a luck, its why players excell in certain teams, but then fall off a cliff in others, because the set up either compliments or detracts from their skill sets.


    That's now multiple articles corroborating my stance, and there were also interviews made by Klopp in conferences where he specifically alluded to the fact that Bradley had to toughen up, and have more physicallity to his game, which had been in question during his first stint in the first team, and likely was the reason behind him departing on loan to begin with, so entirely assanine to suggest thaT Bradley was in any way a shoe in for second fiddle at RB. In fact things were a lot more touch and go, but when you're a fan boi, all sensibilities seem to fall out the window, on an unhinged percept of how the player you support was a shoe in.

    When you're a fan boi, you're more interested in being seen to have supported a player, AFTER the fact, because, well, you really have nothing else going for you in life other than to sit around a forum cheerleading with your pom poms like a little clown. If I wanted a clown show I would just go visit the circus, as neither of you have any substance or thread of logic to any of your discourses. But hey, do let me know when you want to hop off Connor Bradley's dik and step back to reality. the bandwaggoning, is a little revolting if I'm being honest : ) but, I suppose expecting more from the likes here would be asking too much to begin with.

    There really is no rational discourse here, all it is is muppet and muppetter trying to run the news flow with a polemic campaign, twisting the narrative to suite a conjured postulate because they really have nothing better to do. Ask yourself why its so important to you, to insist that Ramsey was not a replacement for Bradley after he was bought froM Aberdeen or whereever, to displace him as 2nd choice... the wording speaks for itself. But just imagine how fking stupid it is that this what you spend your days arguing about, a player that doesn't even know you exist, or could care less either way at your insignificance, and you so feeling the need to megaphone a constitution of accomplishment that you will never have it in you to accomplish of your own accord. HOW... FUKING... SAD... Just imagine a life lived on a forum board championing that of an other, where yours is all but lack. I kind of just feel sorry for you guys if I am being honest here. But such as the struggles of the masses.
  17. SamScouse

    SamScouse Member+

    Jun 1, 2015
    Liverpool FC

    Could be.
    newterp and Samarkand repped this.
  18. SamScouse

    SamScouse Member+

    Jun 1, 2015
    Liverpool FC
    I unblocked him to see what was going on. It was interesting for 3 or 4 posts. My advice is to steer clear. Life is WAY too short.
    delaynomo repped this.
  19. Samarkand

    Samarkand Member+

    May 28, 2001
    newterp repped this.
  20. SamScouse

    SamScouse Member+

    Jun 1, 2015
    Liverpool FC
    Bear in mind that Dumb is obviously one of the 8 languages he speaks.
    soccershaggy, Samarkand and newterp repped this.
  21. newterp

    newterp Moderator
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    Jun 6, 2007
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    Very good. :D:D:D:D
  22. newterp

    newterp Moderator
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    Jun 6, 2007
    North Potomac, MD
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    And there it is - didn't really need to read the rest of the drivel (but it was amusing nonetheless).

    It's only You who is insinuating something. That doesn't mean it's true. And when you've been given actual quotes that prove the opposite - you are wrong. There's not much more to it.

    Look - I'm glad you subscribe to the Lionel Hutz theory where hearsay and conjecture are kinds of evidence - but even the Judge on the Simpsons didn't buy it.
  23. Samarkand

    Samarkand Member+

    May 28, 2001
    Yeah, I live in absolute mortal fear that he might, one day, out-cleverer me.
  24. LiverpoolFanatic

    Liverpool FC, Philadelphia Union
    Feb 19, 2000
    Lancaster, PA
    Liverpool FC
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    United States
    Cheese guy?
  25. SamScouse

    SamScouse Member+

    Jun 1, 2015
    Liverpool FC
    Benneth I meant.

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