I want, I want, I want SHINY NEW TOYS! - LFC transfer thread

Discussion in 'Liverpool' started by Wingtips1, Oct 17, 2023.

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  1. TimBenneth

    TimBenneth Member

    Borussia Dortmund
    May 10, 2017
    Michael Owen was how old when he was ripping defenders in the PL apart? Granted Danns is not on the same level,, but keeping him as a back to close a game as a 6th option behind Jota, Nunes, Gakpo, and Diaz, with Elliott and Doak in the wings, is not a bad line up! It's the way you develop youth players into a system and ensures a higher level of integration. Why splurge, when you don't even know what these players are capacble off because you haven't given them a chance.

    Making signings before the winter window 2024 end, is imprudence, and you will lose a potential gem that you can then regret for the next decade.
  2. newterp

    newterp Moderator
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    Jun 6, 2007
    North Potomac, MD
    Liverpool FC
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    Michael Owen played in the premier league between 1996-2004. A totally different league.
  3. TimBenneth

    TimBenneth Member

    Borussia Dortmund
    May 10, 2017
    And so instead of holding on to a 6th choice striker as a home academy product, you should instead ship him out for an overpriced foreigner... and sit around ruing a lost Cole Palmer.

    How are you a Liverpool supporter?
  4. Samarkand

    Samarkand Member+

    May 28, 2001
    Can you please give me your handbook on how to be a Liverpool supporter? What I must and must not say? What I must and must not believe? What I have to chant during games? And when?

    I know I’ll never be as wonderful a Liverpool fan as you, but I promise, I’ll work so very hard every day to make you so very proud of me; I’ll freely acknowledge I’m not worthy to ever be in your presence or look you directly in the eye. But please, can I have your handbook? Or at the very least, can I subscribe to your newsletter?
    TimBenneth repped this.
  5. newterp

    newterp Moderator
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    Jun 6, 2007
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    Where did I say ship him out? Where?
  6. TimBenneth

    TimBenneth Member

    Borussia Dortmund
    May 10, 2017
    Thanks Samarkand, I'll let you know when we have our newsletter out. You can be sure to subscribe and take some notes. Id est, how to ensure you have a pathway for the academy into first team action rather than spend Sheik oil money like sh.ts going out of flavour, on overpriced mercenaries.

    @newterp And so what is your suggestion then, make him 7th choice behind another 30-50 million Pound signing, and give him all of 50 minutes a season of football, and expect him to develop?
  7. Wingtips1

    Wingtips1 Member+

    May 3, 2004
    Liverpool FC
    His belief in the youth is a bit over inflated.
    I imagine Tsimi leaves. I'm ok with Beck as the backup as we can also play Gomez there as we have done to great effect this season.
    Baj just went a full year without football in a critical development period. Will he be able to get back to his old level let alone push on?
    Clark/Morton - don't know they'll be able to push out the internationals ahead of them and will likely be moved either on loan or sales.
    Doak/Gordon/Danns - all very young still and expecting them to play a huge role in a title chasing team as teenagers is a lot of pressure. The example to follow with them is Foden - he had how many players ahead of him and patience was given and he developed just fine. I do have to say, though, Danns has something about him, a confidence to go along with a strong physical profile and I think he's the most likely to 'make' it. But he should be the 4th choice central forward in our 4-3-3.
  8. EruditeHobo

    EruditeHobo Member+

    Mar 29, 2007
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    I don't know that I'd class these as failures "down the stretch", but there have been multiple crash-out seasons under Klopp. Mostly due to injury, to be fair... but as early as the 2nd season they were barely hanging on to get top 4, key players running on fumes, and needed some wonder goals in last few matches to get there in the end.

    I don't know what this has to do with bringing youth through... think Klopp has been pretty good at bringing youth through. But if Mo goes, and Virg has a foot out the door, it's very clear this squad needs high-level buys if they want to maintain anywhere near this level.

    The prem is more competitive than ever before; before long, even the Europa league places will not be "easy" achievements.
    LiverpoolFanatic and Wingtips1 repped this.
  9. newterp

    newterp Moderator
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    Jun 6, 2007
    North Potomac, MD
    Liverpool FC
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    Last 10 games
    2015-16 - 16 pts - No Europe - first partial season - we prioritized the EL Final
    2016-17 - 21 pts - CL qualified
    2017-2018 - 18 pts - CL qualified - CL Final
    2018-2019 - 28 pts - CL qualified - CL Champs
    2019-2020 - 20 pts - Won the league
    2020-2021 - 26 pts - CL qualified
    2021-2022 - 26 pts - CL qualified - CL Final, FA Cup Final
    2022-2023 - 24 pts - EL qualified

    Those are really very good points totals down the stretch. In many seasons we were deep in the CL too.
  10. TimBenneth

    TimBenneth Member

    Borussia Dortmund
    May 10, 2017
    decent, undeniable... but the bar is set so high with Man City edgeing them out in the last 10 games, there have been seasons 10é10 over the stretch, look it up. that often times these later games is where they have been derailed. add all the cup exits, and the games after cup games during the season they have lost or tied, and the picture is not as pretty as you paint. The game against Manchester after playing a 2nd leg at home 5-1 up from the first, is an indication of this.

    And yes, I believe Liverpool have cherry picked some of the greatest talent from Europe over the past decade. Not all of them will make it clearly, but it would be jumping the gun to try sort a replacement to bar the path. The club almost let go off Bradley, and things turned quite quickly there...
  11. Samarkand

    Samarkand Member+

    May 28, 2001
    Bullshit. Source?
  12. newterp

    newterp Moderator
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    Jun 6, 2007
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    Fairly sure that's not true. He had a brilliant year on loan at Bolton, and then was always tipped to be part of our first team squad this year only to suffer a back injury at the start of the year, which is why we didn't see him earlier. He's been an identified talent for several years now.
  13. Samarkand

    Samarkand Member+

    May 28, 2001
    Yeah, he has been seen in the same category as TAA and Curtis. Untouchable. Not to say he didn’t need the time at Bolton, but Anfield almost letting him go? Absolute crock of polished shit.
  14. TimBenneth

    TimBenneth Member

    Borussia Dortmund
    May 10, 2017
  15. newterp

    newterp Moderator
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    Jun 6, 2007
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    That's neat. Doesn't remotely say what you want it to say or are implying it says. Nor does it remotely even suggest that's the case.

    When Calvin Ramsey was brought in - for a mere 4.5m - it was a low cost moneyball move. In other words, a punt to see if he would work out. He showed up with an injury that Liverpool tried to correct - and he's been out on loan since.

    That move actually allowed Connor Bradley to get a loan year at Bolton at the age of 18 to cut his teeth against harder opposition than reserve level players. Connor Bradley, not Calvin Ramsey, started this season in Klopp's first teams plans.

    Basically - you've made up something with about ... zero ... support.
  16. Samarkand

    Samarkand Member+

    May 28, 2001
    “About zero support”? Why so generous? There’s no “about” about it. It’s what’s known as pulling something out of your ass.
  17. TimBenneth

    TimBenneth Member

    Borussia Dortmund
    May 10, 2017
    Okay so lets draw a thread here... Liverpool bring in a Calvin Ramsey to play second fiddle to TAA, under the auspices that he would be able to make the step up where Connor Bradley failed, and who was consequently shipped out on loan because management felt he wouldn't be able to make that step. And hence why he was shipped out with Calvin Ramsey replacing him. The only reason Bradley is in the team is because TAA had an injury, and Klopp was left with little alternative but to play him... had it not been for the Bolton loan and him turning things around there, let alone then being brought back into the fold, management were willing to cut him loose.

    Moneyball or not, its an indication that a player is replaced for a reason! Hmmm... what could that reason be?
  18. newterp

    newterp Moderator
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    Jun 6, 2007
    North Potomac, MD
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    The reason could be that teams buy many young players all the time for numerous positions because the chance of any player making it is a crapshoot?

    Here's an article about Bradley from 2 season ago when he was 17+ = Conor Bradley: The 17-year-old on the cusp of Liverpool’s first team - The Athletic (archive.org). Yeah sure sounds like Liverpool were looking to cut him loose and that he wasn't going to be given a chance. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

    Let's just admit it - you made a statement but got called out on it and now have doubled down instead.

    You've got no evidence to support your position apart from conjecture. And that's even before I get to the part I bolded. Total fantasy.
  19. Samarkand

    Samarkand Member+

    May 28, 2001
    Every part of this, all of it, including “the” “is” “and” “of” is a complete crock of shit, devoid of anything approaching common sense or an understanding of football.

    The shorthand on this, at least, is now we know what we’re getting when you post.
  20. TimBenneth

    TimBenneth Member

    Borussia Dortmund
    May 10, 2017
    Here's an article outlining how there was considerable doubt that Bradley would be able to make the grade at Liverpool, even after the Bolton loan, notice the quote by a Liverpool coach! and especially given the fact that TAA was undisputed 1st choice, there was a real chance he would be likely moved on. And this coming after the fact that Neco Williams was unable to make the breakthrough and so sold on to Forest, suggesting Bradley was a shoe in, is borderline delussional.


    Well, at least i know you guys smoking some real loud in here. Its funny how AFTER someone makes it, everyone quips in with 'oh, I always knew that'... the list is endless. Do you realize how many youth products fail to make the grade??? But I'll let you hang on to your delussions, let me know when you're back on the Clozapine and we can have a normal conversation yeah!

    And I'll add Calvin Ramsey was brought in because the coaching staff weren't convinced Bradley would be able to make the grade, hence why he replaced him as second fiddle to TAA prior to the Bolton loan. Simple guys. Simple common sense!
  21. newterp

    newterp Moderator
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    Jun 6, 2007
    North Potomac, MD
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    Once again - your article doesn't prove what you want it to. I'm guessing you don't even have a sub to the Athletic - and didn't read anything but the headline of the article. When you actually READ the article - you will clearly see any conjecture about him leaving comes from the author - NOT the club. Indeed - here is what Klopp says in that article:

    "Liverpool have remained in constant contact with Bradley, just as they do with all their loanees – partly through a WhatsApp group set up by Jurgen Klopp’s assistant Pep Ljinders.

    We are watching really closely what Conor is doing and it is great, obviously,” Klopp said on Tuesday. “I am not sure if he will become Player of the Season there (at Bolton) but for sure he is a contender for that, which is great.

    We knew what we had in our hands when he was there, but for young boys there must be an opportunity to make the next step with playing and that was now a typical win-win situation: it was good for us, good for him and good for the club and I liked it a lot.

    “Everybody speaks positively about him. I think one-and-a-half years ago only a few football nerds would have known about him and now everybody knows him. That’s cool and that’s the first step.

    Our plans are bring him back, go in the pre-season and enjoy the steps he’s made, then we will decide together what we are doing from that moment on. Conor will be our player, but we have to see if it makes more sense for him going on loan after pre-season or not.


    "Bradley will turn 20 in July and there is no rush for him to make a decision having signed a long-term deal in 2021. But after a season of studious and energised performances at full-back, he will not be short of suitors."

    Weird that the club would have a useless player sign a long-term deal.

    And here's an article about how Klopp felt about Bradley at the start of this season: "We really count on him" - Jurgen Klopp explains "pure joy" over Conor Bradley - Liverpool FC - This Is Anfield

    In sum - you literally have no idea what you are talking about. Stop digging - any deeper you will indeed hit the center of the earth.
    Samarkand and EruditeHobo repped this.
  22. Samarkand

    Samarkand Member+

    May 28, 2001
    You can’t hit the center of the earth when you believe the earth is flat.
  23. TimBenneth

    TimBenneth Member

    Borussia Dortmund
    May 10, 2017
    HonestlY, I do not know how you read articles bro, but it seems you're intent on reading what you want rather than what's really being said. I do not need to dig any further, you have done all my digging for me... "and then we will decide together what we are doing from that moment on". Where in that is the certainty that you so allude to ?????? please tell me??? Even after the loan to Bolton, Liverpool were still unsure if bradley would make the grade, because taa was first choice. Having a player sign a contract before shipping him on loan, is NO indication whatsoever that a club absolutely intend to keep him as a team player. Liverpool made Rhys Williams, Harvey Davies, Musliowski all signed a new contract before being shipped off on loan, and that is by no means an exhaustive list. Clubs do that to maintain the value of a player prior to shipping them off. Saying Bradley was a shoe in to return into the fold of the club with any certainty is categorically false, and misleading, but apprarently you have the blinders on and I don't really have the time or the patience to argue this with you ad nauseum. If you are intent on believing so, then so be it... in the grand scope of things it is an inconsequentiallity, but you arguing this only goes to add to my initial position in saying that Liverpool have a very advanced academy that could upset the apple cart in more ways thatn one, and bringing in foreign players would step on a few too many toes, and erect barriers to a pathway the likes of which Conor Bradley himself followed into being a potential first team member. So maybe decide what you are really arguing here, because you are now taking a part of my argument and arguing for it, but seem entirely lost to it.

    I am too tired with the circumlocutions here, and have better things to do with my time than to sit here arguing nonsense with you bro!

    Our plans are bring him back, go in the pre-season and enjoy the steps he’s made, then we will decide together what we are doing from that moment on. Conor will be our player, but we have to see if it makes more sense for him going on loan after pre-season or not.
  24. bayred

    bayred Member+

    Liverpool FC
    United States
    May 28, 2018
    This is beginning to sound like the VAR thread.
  25. Samarkand

    Samarkand Member+

    May 28, 2001
    Until now, I never believed just one person could make the whole internet dumber. Definitely a day for a diary entry.

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