The latest polls ... McCain 48% :: 40% Clinton McCain 47% :: 41% Obama Granted, I'm pretty sure that's a ceiling for Clinton and a floor for Obama. Still, after seeing those numbers I'm thinking it's never too early to start this thread.
You know, I can't even blame the Democrats. You have a country in an unpopular war, with a sinking economy, a two-term President who is far past his sell-by date, and "change" being the election's theme ... and the next nominee from the incumbent party is comfortably ahead in a pre-election poll. Say what? A whole lot of people are being very, very forgiving of the Party that gave them the President that they don't like, the war they don't like, and the economy they don't like. For that, I can't really blame the Democrats. I would say instead that either McCain personally, or the Republicans overall, are to be credited for Teflon brilliance. Because properly speaking, every Republican candidate should be getting hammered at this stage in the election. They should all be in Bush's shadow and paying the price.
The Clintons ruined the focus of the democratic primaries. In their Rovian quest against Obama, they have managed to make the democrats look detestable and Bushie.
The war,Patriot Act, etc. was popular with both parties when it started. You cannot fire both parties in a two party system.
That's your story and you're sticking to it. McCain is getting an enormous amount of good publicity (some deserved, some not so) and it's to be expected that it will be reflected in the polls. When Hillary secures the nomination, Team Clinton will get busy exposing the cracks in McCain's armor.
That's super. But exposing cracks in McCain's armor will not restore the Clintons' image. And no matter your poor attempts at humor, the Clintons are hurting the democratic party from within. And if/when the Clintons lie and cheat their way to the democratic nomination, they will have left behind and pushed away too many voters.
W's 8-year reign is more than enough to restore the Clintons' image. In the wake of this huge mess created by Bush, most people who jeered at Clinton because of Lewinsky probably wish there had been a willing fat intern too to keep Bush occupied all these last eight years. I don't think she needs to get into a bitch fight with McCain. It's better if she just stays above the fray.
LOL! Just last week it was the other way around. I guess there must be a certain percentage of the people who say they will vote for the last candidate they saw smiling on TV. I still think the Democrats will win. Obviously a majority of the people are not happy with president Bush, and that will hurt whoever is the Republican nominee. But, I have to admit that the Dems are indeed giving it their best shot to try to blow it, by picking the most divisive candidate they have over a young candidate who seems to be truly able to inspire people.
The "vote for me because I'm not Bush" strategy didn't work when they were actually running against Bush, and now they seem to think it'll work against McCain/Romney.
The "it's the economy stupid" campaign worked against Bush senior and may very well work again this time. Clinton did oversee one of the most prosperous eight years in recent history.
In 1992 I supported Robert Kerrey who famously said, "Clinton's an unusually good liar. Unusually good. Do you realize that?" There's no question that the Clintons rub people the wrong way, but they're also the only Democrats to win the White House in over 30 years. If you want to take your ball home, whine, have a slice of Chaource, and vote Nader, go ahead. Unlike Kerrey, this will not be Obama's last hurrah.
just because she has Clinton in here last name doesnt make her worth being a president, She wont win, and neither will Obama, By the time come to vote for the presidency people will have seen through them, as i and every democrate that i know has. Just because they are democrates doesnt make them the best canidates
Obama and Clinton hate each other. That's widely known. If they ran together it'd be the most dysfuncional shotgun wedding ever. Put the pipe down. It won't happen.
What he said. The funny thing is, when campaigning started, Obama had respect for Hillary. Not any more.
Marriage of convenience happens all the time and doesn't have to be dysfunctional, as long as there's a good lawyer with a well drafted prenup.
Maybe it is the fact that Hillary is Satan. Or that she attacks Obama every chance she gets, and furthermore has unleashed every attack dog she has on him. Nobody forgives someone when that happens.
The public has a very short memory. The slimy tactics of the primaries will soon be forgotten. By the time the two candidates have secured their nominations, it will be a whole new chapter. Hillary will be judged almost entirely on how she performs in her campaign for the general election. She will win or lose based on how well she runs that campaign -- how well she sells herself, deflects Republican attacks, appears presidential, and overcomes the cold/calculating image. Very little that happens now will really matter in voters' minds by November.