How to improve the all-star game

Discussion in 'MLS: News & Analysis' started by MLS Detroit, Aug 6, 2002.

  1. MLS Detroit

    MLS Detroit Member

    Jan 20, 2001
    Melvindale, MI, USA
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Three ideas:

    1. MLS all-stars vs. the Nats was a great idea, except it wasn't the real '02 national team. It should have been the same squad that went to Korea. To accomodate Claudio, Earnie, Tony, and the rest of the European-based players, the game should have been held in early July, on the heels of the talk-show circuit.

    2. In non-World Cup years, have the best of MLS play a high profile European club, ala Man U. or Real Madrid. The game has to be scheduled in the European pre-season (late July or early August). This was Bruce Arena's suggestion.

    3. Select halftime entertainment which depicts the crowd demographics. The majority of the crowd was young adults between the ages of 20 and 35. They are not going to flock to see Paulina Rubio (although she was a better choice than Christina Aguilera in '99). I would suggest one of the following artists:

  2. jd6885

    jd6885 Member

    Jun 30, 2001
    Seattle Sounders
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Yeah, what the hell is up with all these girl teen "idols" and soccer events? Last year it was Toya singing the national anthem at the championship game, the worldcup song was by Anastacia (an American artist who is supposedly popular in Europe but not in the US). Now Paulina Rubio? WHO???? You're right MLS Detroit.

    Anyways, I like option 2. But I wonder if it would be played like a "normal" All-star game as the invited team wouldn't play with basically no midfield pressure...hey, I don't even like how the All-Star game is played! It's a joke. I understand they don't want to hurt any players, but still, have some midfield pressure (and tell Dema not to do any sliding tackles from behind). I would love to see MLS All-Stars vs. Man. Ure. And we ain't playin for no Pepsi(pardon me's gramma), Beckham!... "Sure."
  3. PZ

    PZ Member

    Apr 11, 1999
    Ipswich Town FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    All 3 would be excellent choices IMO. However, you and I are already interested in the league etc. I'm guessing they are attempting to attract a different group. After all, look how many KC got at the G match when they had the christian band play.

    Then again, Metallica et al might just cost the league a bit more to appear than some teenybopper lip cync band. ;)
  4. Ictar

    Ictar Member

    Jun 18, 2002
    The Oklahoma Panhandle

    Heh Creed...artist. Ok, I won't make any rude jokes. =D

    But I disagree on Christina Aguilera. Let's face it, if you want soccer to be main stream you gotta go with what is main stream. As much as I'd rather see a real band playing, the best choice would be someone like Britney Spears at the game. Not that MLS would pay as much as she'd want, and not that I'm saying Paulino should have been there.
  5. Alan S

    Alan S Member

    Jun 1, 2001
    Palo Alto, CA
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    This is the best idea I've heard. Make it a real game against European teams.

    How about Robin Williams next year.
  6. jmeissen0

    jmeissen0 New Member

    Mar 31, 2001
    page 1078
    ok, pepsi has shakira, britney and rubio... anyone else see what they are doing

    WHY CAN"T THEY GET A GOOD UP AND COMING ROCK BAND... get the damn violent youths and feed them beer, make it a frenzy

  7. Kickeroo

    Kickeroo New Member

    Jul 26, 2001
    I agree

    Potential half-time entrertainment: three words:

    Jimmy Eat World!

    I like the idea of the MLS All-Stars vs. Europe. It's not like it would be a total blow out. Pkus, it would be an overwhelming validation for the professional progress of the MLS when compared to other leagues around the world.

    Also, let's have something for the mascots to do other than march around from dignitary to dignatary. The Mascot Bataan Death March is not very entetaining........

    I can say that because I was one of them. (see other All-star posts for which one...let's just say, I was one of the better ones :))
  8. Kaiser

    Kaiser New Member

    Nov 12, 2000
    dark side of the moo
    Cmon weren't Paulina's nips showing?

    I think it should be eat / west or something. Soccer has its all stars teams that play for real. It's called THE NATIONAL TEAM. No I don't think it should have been all those players from the past but at least MLS is trying new things unlike the other sports. It's suposed to be a showcase for the talent in MLS. I think they coulsd try pitting the Defneding MLS champions vs an all star squad or have a true world all star team and just see if you could get one or two guys from different leagus like 2 fromt eh premiership 2 from Serie A 2 from the Dutch league 2 from the J league. And ewhatever happened to that match between the MLS Champ and the J League champ?
  9. vabeacher

    vabeacher Member

    Jul 27, 2001
    Virginia Beach, VA
    Schedule the game in California every year, so we don't have any more weather disasters like this year.

    What I'd really like to see is the previous year's MLS champs against the rest of the league. Have the game played at the MLS champions' home field. Anyone traded during the offseason could return to play with their old club. This would provide an additional incentive to a club to win the MLS title.

    I'm not sure playing a European club team is the answer. It would cut the All-star selection in half (one team instead of two). A game like this is basically the US Nats vs. a foreign club and would most likely draw well on its own without having to be marketed as the league's all-star game.

    I also disagree with the posters that said the overseas players should have been included with the Nats in this year's game. This is supposed to be a MLS all-star game, I have no problem with it being limited to only those that play MLS.
  10. chayes

    chayes New Member

    Feb 29, 2000
    Raleigh, NC
    Improve the All-Star game?

    Get rid of it.
  11. ElJefe

    ElJefe Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 1999
    Colorful Colorado
    FC Dallas
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Trust me when I tell you that your musical tastes are not that much better than MLS'.
  12. vabeacher

    vabeacher Member

    Jul 27, 2001
    Virginia Beach, VA
    Bring back the skills competition. I thought it had some fun moments in it last year. Tape it and show it during the hour before the game.
  13. westcoast ape

    westcoast ape Member+

    Nov 27, 2000
    Portland, OR
    Music: something different, yes, but not metal and not depressing Staind music. Jimmy Eat World isn't a bad idea; a few years ago Third Eye Blind or Sugar Ray would have been a good idea, and a couple years before that maybe Save Ferris or Reel Big Fish or something (when Ska was "in"). Anyway, something relatively energetic and "up".

    Playing the game immediately after the cup is kind of a dumb idea really. Some of the players were still nicked up, so its not like you'd be able to get all the players anyway, and it is also not the case that we have the WC every year, so don't worry about it.

    Logistically I think it very unlikely that MLS could manage to assemble a true "world all-star" squad. The most feasible would be to play a near top Euro team. Man U, Liverpool, Celtic, Rangers, Arsenal, Real Madrid, Barcelona, Juve, Inter, Bayern Munich, Bayer Leverkusen, Borussia Dortmund, Deportivo La Coruna, Valencia, etc.

    The problem is the risk of getting blown out by one of the top most teams...and if you add someone like Dortmund or la Coruna, you run the risk of not attracting an audience (since they aren't as popular) and getting blown out at the same time.
  14. diablodelsol

    diablodelsol Member+

    Jan 10, 2001
    New Jersey
  15. Red Card

    Red Card Member+

    Mar 3, 1999
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Play the WUSA all-stars in either Tampa Bay or Miami.
  16. sydtheeagle

    sydtheeagle New Member

    May 21, 2002
    One idea:

    Stop playing it.
  17. LittleMaradona

    Feb 25, 2001
    What is this "MLS" you're all talking about?
  18. M

    M Member+

    Feb 18, 2000
    Via Ventisette
    Well it certainly was a joke but I doubt that's what you mean. As others have mentioned, the best way to improve the All Star game is to confine it to the same trash bin of history that contains the shootout.
  19. Soccer-Six-Shooter

    Soccer-Six-Shooter New Member

    Jan 17, 2002
    Arlington, VA
    I liked the shootout. It was exciting and much better than boring PKs.

    The all-stale game should stay with these NEW rules: Each team will play 5 fans randomly picked from from the stands. One fan must play 20 minutes at keeper. For each goal scored, the team drinks a beer. The scored upon team does 25 push-ups and loses a piece of clothing. Garber is the referee and the linesmen are Hudson and Sigi. In the second half a second ball is brought into play. Two balls are now into play and scoring is really wide open. If anyone is carded, they receive cloudy glasses to impair their vision. This game it takes 3 yellows to make a red card. Pks are attempted by the shooter blind folded. The MVP gets a double date with Veronica Paysee and Mia Hamm with them paying for the date.
  20. crash2772

    crash2772 New Member

    Mar 18, 2001
    personally, i think the league is too small to field two 18 man "all star" teams. One would be sufficent, as long as each team has a representative playing (perhaps up the roster to 22). Having so many all stars cheapens the title. It is suposed to be an honor to be selected.
  21. westcoast ape

    westcoast ape Member+

    Nov 27, 2000
    Portland, OR
    As long as I get to play and be MVP (Most virile player?) I vote for Six-Shooters suggestion.
  22. joe guy

    joe guy New Member

    Apr 26, 2002
    Portland, OR
    You want an all-star game? How about MLS all-stars vs. Mexico Nats? WWF tag team midget cage event at halftime serenaded by Madona (Diego) and the drawing of a free NASCAR? Stage this event in the Rose Bowl and put it on pay-per-view. Now that would draw national interest IMHO.

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