Or, mercilessly flogging the dead, bloated corpse of civil discourse in campaigns, Part 109,437. The twisted, Roveian, say-anything-to-get-elected-no-matter-how-contemptible frame of mind that sadly guides so many Republicans extends much further than just the national races. Here's a frankly sickening example from, of all places, rural southeastern Ohio. It would be almost funny if it weren't among the crassest things I've seen. Incumbent state senator Joy Padgett's (R) campaign recently distributed a flyer showing her opponent, Terry Anderson (D) as he interviewed a member of Hezbollah, along with a eminently sensible and self-reflective quote he made in the wake of 9/11, in order to show that he was soft, no, he was a DIRTY LIBRRAL FRIEND OF THE TERRORISTS AND AN AMERICA HATER! A glimpse: Why, after all, was this man sitting and talking with terrorist leaders? Perhaps you'll remember that Terry Anderson was, in fact, America's most famous hostage in the Middle East, being held by Hezbollah for seven damned years during the 1980s. And long after he'd been released and reclaimed his life, he was there sitting talking with the man who helped hold him captive because he had the balls to go back and ask him why. Final analysis: Republicans hate terrorism victims. There's a bit more on this in the link in my sig, but you're really much, much better off just reading Terry's graceful response to this disgrace.
Yet Padgett's campaign continues to defend the ad!!! That's what's amazing about the whole thing. They got called on it, and taking a page out of the Bushco. playbook, deny that there was anything wrong with it. Wow... Crazy enough, she called it "a staged media stunt" on the part of Anderson, after he walked out of the debate and refused to be seen with Padgett for the remainder of the campaign. I'm hoping national news media picks up on this. This is astounding, really, a new low, and I wasn't sure we could find one.
This woman and her campaign "tactics" are beneath contempt. I would have loved to have been in the meeting when they came up with this sh!t. I can't imagine how one gets the idea to attack a former hostage, then gets other people to go along with it.
Her local TV ad calls Terry 'an outsider from New York, the land of Hillary Clinton (showing pic of Hillary).' I have heard him speak on Columbus Public Radio and knew he was interested in running for something. He is teaching at OU, right? If I could vote for him, I would.
I think he's an emeritus or something at the Journalism school (several of my friends, including a lurker on this board, are in the J-school) but to my knowledge he no longer teaches. He owns a good blues bar on Court St., which should be enough of a moneymaker for anyone, not counting the fact that I've heard he got a lot of money in a settlement from Lebanon, enough to set him up for life (not that you'd make that trade willingly.)
This Republican (admittedly a Kerry Republican) finds Padgett's tactics despicable. Three cheers for Terry Anderson for walking out! (Any idea how the polls are shaping up in the race.)
An effective response to this shamelessness would be a spike in contributions to his campaign. Contribute what you can here: https://www.terryandersonforohiosenate.com/contributeform.php
it would be stupid to not capitalize on his statement of "Are we willing to accept that they hate us, not because they're crazy, but because we've done something wrong?" but the way they did it is even more stupid... If people aren't swayed by this smear tactic, they may be by his response, "I'm not soft on terrorism. How could I be? They locked me up for seven years." Obviously, this is a low blow but to say "par for the course" is bullsh.it I havent seen anything close to this from other campaigns
You'd think 'not getting it' would get old, but somehow these people persevere. What about that statement would sway people away from him to his idiotic opponent? Read up on Karl Rove and get back to us on that one.
Padgett is not the only local Republican running a smear campaign in Ohio. Unfortunately, I can't remember which office it was for, but I saw an advert this morning that was flinging more more ridiculous mud. Local elections have usually been pretty clean, but the Republicans seem to be taking this to a whole new level. (I admit that local-level Democratic mudslinging ads may be out there, I just haven't seen any.)
You can ask John McCain and Ann Richardson - they'll be happy to tell you how neocons run their campaigns.
In the same ad, she slams him for being a "former member of the liberal national media", for "wanting to raise taxes", and for "wanting to let gays marry". She says nothing about herself, except that she's against all that stuff.
I just threw up in my mouth. The faster we vote her out, the faster we get a Senator who actually gives a rats ass about New York, Like Schumer and like D'Amato. That is defintiely ironic
Every time I see proof of neocons taking over the Republican party it makes me want to cry. Cans somebody send a letter bomb to Rove and end our misery, please? I will never vote for a neocon. EVER I have no party anymore.
Expect a visit from homeland security...about 2:30 AM. Covered under the patriot act for this post.....! You should surface in about 7 years.
nothing, the smear tactic was referring to her ads.. i would think people would be endeared to him because of that statement, if not just because she sunk so low to try to win.. im very aware of the tactics of karl rove, but this isnt 2000... show me examples of campaigning for postions this cycle that sunk lower than this.. Swift Boat Vets is just a little bit different than an ad certified by the candidate, dont you think? Jeeze guys, i was agreeing with you that it was dirty politics, as i think anyone would, but the fact is that things like this have not been "par for the course" in 2004... And yes, the smearing of McCain was terrible, probably worse than this, but i was only speaking on the campaings Reeps against Dems in these elections.
But it is a signature Rove move, to use a proxy to attack the opponent so the candidate doesn't come out looking dirty. There were considerable begging from McCain, links between the Swifties and Bush campaign coming to light and Kerry's poll numbers taking a hit before Bush denounced the Swifties. Yeah, but the topic's about neocons, and for neocons, anyone who's against them, Reeps or Dems, is fair game.
Exclusively? Such specificity suggests Reps have a corner on unethical campaigning. Do you believe that? How about... The say-anything-to-get-elected-no-matter-how-contemptible frame of mind that sadly guides so many partisan sheep, regardless of party affiliation... Of all the things to express outrage over, this made your priority list, eh? Personally, I find Anderson's statement in the wake of 9/11 substantially more "crass". One day, 3000 families lose a loved one, and many thousands lose a friend, because murdering "infidels" and destruction of our society is part of the agenda of intolerant religious fanatics. A few weeks later someone says, "Are we willing to accept that they hate us, not because they're crazy, but because we've done something wrong?" And you call that "eminently sensible and self-reflective"? I call it eminently insensitive, simple-minded, and -- at best -- devoid of knowledge about al Qaeda's agenda, or -- at worst -- outright apologetic on behalf of the perpetrators. Having been a victim of terrorists neither gives Anderson automatic legitmacy on the subject, nor insulates him from criticism. I see. Very "analytical".