How Do You Replace a Legend? - The Transfers, Rumors & Lies Thread

Discussion in 'Real Madrid' started by Nathanial Essex, Jun 13, 2023.

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  1. Ahmadi8

    Ahmadi8 Member+

    Apr 14, 2005
    Real Madrid
    Nat'l Team:
  2. Shay Z

    Shay Z Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2007
    As others have said plenty of times that this season Mbappe has been playing centrally a lot more. One of the big reasons is Barcola signed with them in the summer. During the early weeks of the season Lucho concluded that Barcola just can't play effectively anywhere other than the LW and Mbappe can play centrally at a world class level. The club is prioritizing Barcola's growth, as they should. Zaire-Emery is gonna be a super player if they can get one more of the youngsters to pan out they can have a good team for a while.

    My speculation: Mbappe indeed did not like playing centrally but has become more comfortable with it and i think Lucho has had a role to play in that. Maybe he's guided him the right way. Many players have had similar situations happen in their careers.
    Digital, Deep Pal and libertao repped this.
  3. Nathanial Essex

    Nathanial Essex Member+

    Real Madrid
    Mar 19, 2017
    I genuinely wouldn't be surprised if Mbappé plain to Madrid suddenly goes missing. It's like the mafia he's dealing with.
    Deep Pal and Anon. repped this.
  4. Shay Z

    Shay Z Moderator
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    Jan 3, 2007
    For me it's more than that. We've all seen how sports entertainment has ballooned into this mega industry in the last 15yrs. More athletes are household names than ever before. The reach of social media has made them more famous than they should be. These are young men, most of us here were young men once so we don't need to look far to relate to some of this stuff (not everything tho but that might just be a generational thing). So i try to give these young men some grace, some room to make mistakes etc.

    On the other hand, when you pick a career or in some instances when a career is picked for you by your parents, there comes a time when you, even as a young person understand what the demands of that career are going to be. As much as this age of sports entertainment has given to these athletes it's also changed he demands on them too. Just see how majority of the athletes in the world are super focused on health, rest, nutrition, almost everyone works out during the off season now because you'd be left behind if you don't.

    When someone decides to go to medical school they are doing so knowing that they will have to do on calls, not for your entire career but for the majority of it, if you feel like night life and socializing is more important to you then when you are deciding which path to take you take the one that allows you to do that comfortably. Having it all is great and some lucky ones do but for the rest of us it's all sacrifice and compromise. A young doctor is sacrificing his or her family time, social time, night life time, time with friends because the profession they've chosen demands that from them. Similarly if you're a footballer you have to understand the demands of your profession and if those are not to your liking there are other things to do in this big world.
    Deep Pal, RoadMan, Digital and 2 others repped this.
  5. Nir_O

    Nir_O Member+

    Real Madrid
    Mar 16, 2019
    #10580 Nir_O, Feb 28, 2024
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2024

  6. Nir_O

    Nir_O Member+

    Real Madrid
    Mar 16, 2019
  7. MerlinRM

    MerlinRM Member+

    May 5, 2014
    Real Madrid
    Nat'l Team:
    At 25, why does he need his mommy to pick out a house for him? Journalists are going to milk this transfer for all its worth until the official announcement:rolleyes:
    Deep Pal repped this.
  8. Galatico

    Galatico Member+

    Real Madrid
    United States
    Aug 15, 2019
    Yeah, loving the fictional "updates!" keep them coming!
    Açores57, hector_br, Digital and 2 others repped this.
  9. 4x4s

    4x4s Moderator
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    Nov 26, 2006
    Real Madrid
    I'd be ashamed if the hero or my Country would be a football player.

    There Surely has to be somebody that has contributed to society in a more meaningful way.
    hector_br repped this.
  10. J-Mezzy

    J-Mezzy Member+

    Real Madrid
    Oct 14, 2013
    Real Madrid
    Nat'l Team:

    Tell that to Luka Modric
  11. 4x4s

    4x4s Moderator
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    Nov 26, 2006
    Real Madrid
    Croatia has a rich history and Luka Modric is still just a football player in the grand scheme of things.

    Dude said "create an escape for people going through a rough time" maybe they wouldn't be going through a rough time if the government would be occupied with preventing that instead of wining and dining millionaire football players and their employers lmao.

    This guy must have never paid taxes in his entire life, has to be a child.
    hector_br and J-Mezzy repped this.
  12. Saeta Rubia

    Saeta Rubia Member+

    May 28, 2010
    Real Madrid
    Nat'l Team:
    Qatar bought PSG in return for Platini and Sarkozy promising that their 2022 World Cup bid will be successful. Putin bribed FIFA voters in Russia's World Cup bid as well. UK goverment asked PL to ratify Saudi state buying Newcastle Utd. Yea, top politicians and dictators are obsessed with football and the media publicity, soft power it brings.
    J-Mezzy repped this.

    YOUNGSTARS87 Yellow C@rd Bandit

    Dec 21, 2005
    These dudes are about to release detailed encounters and time-lines of events as if they were filming a documentary series and people here (and twitter, reddit, etc) are going to eat that bullshit up and spazz out at every made up twist and turn lol
    Deep Pal and Galatico repped this.
  14. lecannois

    lecannois Member

    Real Madrid
    Jul 6, 2023
    He's a sports celebrity. What kind of dumb response is this (even from you so the bar is low).

    So Spain, Brazil, Argentina, Italy should all be ashamed. Because the biggest stars are football players in those countries. Likely in the UK too if they could ever win a tournament.

    The US should be ashamed because movie and sports stars are the biggest celebrities there. The laughable part in the US is that the folks are respected as more than just what they are... they offer moronic opinions on everything. At least in France, nobody cares what celebrities think about the validity of the COVID vaccine or politics for example.

    Mbappe is becoming a sports ambassador for France \since he is intelligent, well-spoken and speaks French, Arabic, English and Spanish. He can converse easily in all of those. So when there's a sports topic and the government wants to bring an active athlete to represent the sports world, they bring Mbappe.

    The anomaly is that he is transcending sports from a brand standpoint similar to Michael Jordan in the US. First time this has happened in France.
    Nathanial Essex repped this.
  15. 4x4s

    4x4s Moderator
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    Nov 26, 2006
    Real Madrid
    Michael Jordan took the sport of basketball to new heights. Mbappé only took his bank account places.

    You're delusional.
    Deep Pal, Ahmadi8 and Saeta Rubia repped this.
  16. trts

    trts Member+

    Feb 3, 2007
    Real Madrid
    Dude, you're arguing that the 7th largest economy in the world with a GDP of $3 trillion would lose significant tax revenues and the French national psyche would be negatively affected if he moves from PSG to Real Madrid. That's just meaningless drivel bordering on trolling.
    Saeta Rubia, Shay Z, Anon. and 6 others repped this.
  17. 4x4s

    4x4s Moderator
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    Nov 26, 2006
    Real Madrid
    This has to be a child.
  18. Stiliyan

    Stiliyan Member+

    Feb 11, 2017
    Real Madrid
    The thing that he doesn't realize is that Mbappe will be significantly bigger sports ambassador for France, if he works (plays) outside his country. Currently, no one cars about him outside big national tournaments and 2 to 4 CL knockout matches.
    If he is playing for Real Madrid he will be on front page in whole Europe. It is almost like saying that Cristiano should have stayed in Sporting.
    So to sum up - France won't lose anything from Mbappe moving to european top club.
    In my country there is no increase in the interest in watching Ligue 1, since Qatar bought PSG or since Mbappe moved there along with Neymar.
    It will be the club PSG or private business PSG that will lose.
    Saeta Rubia, Raul-7, Anon. and 1 other person repped this.
  19. PeXXeR

    PeXXeR Member

    Real Madrid
    Sep 24, 2023
    Not sure where you are from brother but the EU are football lands.

    Saying that the nations here have a massive passion about football is the understatement of the decade.

    Yes we say that they are heroes, of course its not the same as a war hero etc, but still.

    On the balkans especially, small countries being represented by players like Luka all over the world is respected a lot.
  20. 4x4s

    4x4s Moderator
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    Nov 26, 2006
    Real Madrid
    Not a single Spanish football player is as famous or popular as Rafa Nadal or Fernando Alonso in Spain. I would even say Penelope Cruz and Antonio Banderas are on a completely different level of relevance compared to any active football player in Spain.

    People need to get their head out of this football narcotic every once and a while and understand that there is an entire world outside of it.

    If the most important person to a countries social and economical well being is a football player I would assume it's a mess. That includes Messi and his country. Which is where the analogy checks out.
  21. Anon.

    Anon. Member+

    Sep 4, 2007
    Real Madrid
  22. 4x4s

    4x4s Moderator
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    Nov 26, 2006
    Real Madrid
    "If you stay, how about a seat in the government? You're no less qualified that the ones I have in the office now"
    Ahmadi8 repped this.
  23. J-Mezzy

    J-Mezzy Member+

    Real Madrid
    Oct 14, 2013
    Real Madrid
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    #10598 J-Mezzy, Feb 29, 2024
    Last edited: Feb 29, 2024
    I have no problem with an athlete being a national hero

    It’s just that Mbappe isn’t that dude

    Modric I get. From a small country with short history, leading them into deep World Cup runs, leading the biggest club in the world to utter European dominance, Carries himself with class and honor, and it’s admired and respected by everyone

    Any country would be proud to have Luka Modric
  24. 4x4s

    4x4s Moderator
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    Nov 26, 2006
    Real Madrid
    Being proud of having somebody doesn't elevate somebody to the kind of status this guy was attributing to Mbappe. Especially with countries with as loaded of a history as the former Yugoslavia countries.

    This guy out here writing scriptures to the religion of Mbappicritus Monarchus Primus.
    Ahmadi8 and J-Mezzy repped this.
  25. J-Mezzy

    J-Mezzy Member+

    Real Madrid
    Oct 14, 2013
    Real Madrid
    Nat'l Team:

    Yeah he was way off

    though I will say he wasn’t wrong that it might be good to get out of France where it seems like everyone has some type of influence over him.

    Moving away might be good for him

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