How Do You Replace a Legend? - The Transfers, Rumors & Lies Thread

Discussion in 'Real Madrid' started by Nathanial Essex, Jun 13, 2023.

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  1. 4x4s

    4x4s Moderator
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    Nov 26, 2006
    Real Madrid
    I don't particularly like Davies if i'm honest depending on the money involved.
  2. Doni

    Doni Member+

    Dec 4, 2010
    Real Madrid
    By next summer he’d have one year left on his contract if he doesn’t renew. Could be had for not a great big amount.

    Maybe Fran will impress this season anyway and we don’t need to look at others.
  3. Umar

    Umar Member+

    Sep 13, 2005
    One step ahead
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    I think he’s a fantastic player in a position of minimal need for us. So the new Bellingham, sign him up!
    libertao, Açores57, Deep Pal and 2 others repped this.
  4. Forcamadrid2

    Forcamadrid2 Member

    Real Madrid
    Dec 13, 2017
    To add on it, we actually bid 180m for a 18 old Mbappe but he simply refused us. Done were saying he did that because of Bale. While that thought could have some merit back then, I an bewildered that somee people still think the same now after 2022.
    Deep Pal, Saeta Rubia and Ahmadi8 repped this.
  5. Nathanial Essex

    Nathanial Essex Member+

    Real Madrid
    Mar 19, 2017
    No ready to give up on Fran at all. Happy with him and Mendy for at least this season and next. We'll then be in a much better position to make a call on it
    Deep Pal repped this.
  6. Zidane05

    Zidane05 Moderator
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    Jul 18, 2005
    When you're playing one of your best midfielders as a LB, I would think any warm body would be a solution. Fran offers what we need. Nothing spectacular, but phenomenal speed, good crosses, and adding someone to help out Vini while not being a liability defensively.
    Deep Pal, temesgen, Saeta Rubia and 3 others repped this.

    YOUNGSTARS87 Yellow C@rd Bandit

    Dec 21, 2005
    It's basically a no-brainer.

    If we had Fran at LB, then Ancelotti would have been forced to actually play Camavinga in midfield.
  8. MiamiNative0722

    MiamiNative0722 Member+

    May 25, 2013
    Real Madrid
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    United States
    Is there a better LB in the world? It's already stated that he will be a market opportunity next summer, but what don't you like about his profile? Just curious.

    Offensively, I think he's comfortably the best at his position. Not as technical as Marcelo, but also way more explosive and athletic. Certainly a dynamic dribbler and creator.

    Defensively, while he isn't peak Mendy, he makes up for it with his speed and is probably one of the best in the world currently.
    Deep Pal repped this.
  9. Digital

    Digital Member+

    Dec 10, 2012
    Real Madrid
    True re Camma at LB as a necessity, I’m going to reserve judgement on the “ not being a liability defensively” right now, but like every player in the squad I expect to see an improvement, still, some fans will see what they want to see, Vin is now playing more inside than before, much more room for the LB to get forward, when he was playing in his normal space the fullback behind him was asked to come inside more, we saw it game in and game out, no matter who played there, some even decided , because of that tactic, that the LB “ didn’t know what he was doing in terms of positioning” ,

    Now, there is far more space on the outside because of where Vin is this season, although he’s still not into playing one twos much with his fullback but likes to run and dribble with the ball ( so far he’s been losing it a lot because of that this season but early days yet) so, I haven’t seen a lot of difference except tactical by the manager, but……. anybody but Ferland I guess, when your face doesn’t fit it doesn’t fit
  10. Saeta Rubia

    Saeta Rubia Member+

    May 28, 2010
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  11. Anon.

    Anon. Member+

    Sep 4, 2007
    Real Madrid
    If he doesn't sign another contract with Bayern, I would bet that he is very high (if not at the top) of Perez's target list.

    Purely from a market and business opportunity sense, it makes a lot of sense.
    Excape Goat and Saeta Rubia repped this.
  12. temesgen

    temesgen Member+

    Jun 27, 2004
    I think this is part of the continual evolution of our transfer policy; we went from signing the biggest stars who often were past their peak to signing to youth with very high ceilings to now signing free agents that are elite in their respective positions. Its a good tactic for now.
    Deep Pal, Anon. and Saeta Rubia repped this.
  13. boeder

    boeder Member+

    Real Madrid
    Feb 27, 2013
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  14. Ssr9

    Ssr9 Member+

    Real Madrid
    Nov 10, 2008
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    True...I think he'd a good signing as long as the RB and ST priorities are taken care of. He'd be on his last year of contract, I doubt he'd cost more than 60m.

    I'd be very surprised if we don't sign a striker next summer.

    I'm more worried about the RB situation....we might be waiting for Carvajal's contract to be up which is in 2025 if I'm not mistaken....

    Let's see.
    boeder and J-Mezzy repped this.
  15. RMadrid2222

    RMadrid2222 Member

    Real Madrid
    Feb 1, 2023
    Exactly my point, its been going on for a while, the model didnt suddenly shift from one day to the next. Flo built it slowly
  16. Açores57

    Açores57 Member+

    Oct 4, 2015
    Real Madrid
    I would wager Davies is as good as gone. He's made comments about being bored in Germany. Should also note he's made comments about being "stuck" at LB, as he was expected to replace Robben. So take it for what it's worth.
  17. arcane

    arcane Member+

    Aug 18, 2005
    We arent talking about previous policies. We are talking about the now.
  18. temesgen

    temesgen Member+

    Jun 27, 2004
    I'd argue we don't have 2 LBs, Mendy is always injured or coming back from injury and making mistakes.
    boeder repped this.
  19. arcane

    arcane Member+

    Aug 18, 2005
    Problem is, he still takes up a roster spot and is on the payroll and is difficult to sell him because of his injuries.

    He makes Dani look like iron-man.
  20. temesgen

    temesgen Member+

    Jun 27, 2004
    How much time is left on Mendy's contract? I agree he'll likely complete it but it's pretty much a wasted spot. That said we started clearing out spots a few years ago and we've done considerably better in that regard.
  21. boeder

    boeder Member+

    Real Madrid
    Feb 27, 2013
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    #7371 boeder, Sep 12, 2023
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2023
    The likely scenario that I'm picturing is that Mbappe will renew with PSG, Haaland will continue at City and our striker will be Endrick. The club won't spend a cent on any other striker.

    There were reports (can't remember their reliability tier now) that Endrick agreed to join RM on the condition that he plays for the first team without starting at the Castilla.

    We will probably promote someone from the B team to fill in for Lucas Vasquez as a deputy-RB and will only go for a big RB name in 2025 after Carvajal's contract expires – assuming he doesn't extend for another year.

    2024 is where we'll buy Davies for big money and close shop; no marquee CF, CB or RB signings. JFD, Maroto, et al. will market this as the right strategy "The club will wait to see if x/y/z are available next year"
  22. 4x4s

    4x4s Moderator
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    Nov 26, 2006
    Real Madrid
    I think he's a liability defensively if I'm honest. Teams tend to target him specifically.
  23. 4x4s

    4x4s Moderator
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    Nov 26, 2006
    Real Madrid
    I don't fancy paying record breaking amounts for a player that hits the nightclubs right after his defensive line ships 4 goals and gets humiliated.

    Experience has shown that character matters a lot.
  24. madridismo

    madridismo Member+

    Feb 28, 2007
    Real Madrid
    Fair point, although hopefully if this sort of thing is public knowledge then our scouting team looked at it, and is confident that the character of the rest of the dressing room would bring Davies in line. But it would be a gamble.
  25. 4x4s

    4x4s Moderator
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    Nov 26, 2006
    Real Madrid
    I think his attitude is lacking from all things I've been hearing.
    madridismo repped this.

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