First Kerry loses. then Daschle loses. Europe is pissed off. Arafat is on his death bed. All within 2 days. Athiesm has just been dispelled. I talked to god before lunch and he told me he would strike down Abu Musab Al Zarqawi sometime next week. Also he is hooking me up with some nice catholic bitches.
OK, how did he miss Teddy Kennedy all these years, wise guy? And you'd better read up on child support, mr. studly.
god works in mysterious ways Smiley. Once I went without banging a supermodel for 2 weeks and I was like 'oh God NO, why have you done this to me' but really God was testing me and testing my faith. After not scoring for 2 weeks I still had faith and the very next day he sent me some bitches.
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Ted Cikowski again. This is like listening to the Phil Hendrie show
thanks. Maybe I believe in God in a way that you can't understand since I'm a gay man and a gay journalist. I have certain insights that straight people don't have. Sincerely, Doug Dannger, gay man and gay journalist P.S. Have you met my friends? Bobbi and Steve Dooley, Western Estates Steve Bosell, Mr. lawsuit Margaret Grey, syndicated columnist Frank Grey, Margaret's wealthy invalid husband Dave Oliva, LAPD wannabe Jay Santos, Citizens Auxiliary Police Ted Bell, Ted's of Beverly Hills Pastor William Rennick, Joyful Union Congregation Clara Bingham, Pastor Rennick's wife Lloyd Bonafide, Korean War veteran R.C. Collins, Bradley Military Academy Justin McElroy, senior, Canyon High Doug Dannger, gay man and gay journalist Don Berman, Channel 19 Anchor Bob Green, Frazier Foods Jeff Dowder, stoner, professor, Cal Tech Chris Norton, very "sessy" man Raj Feneen, Egyptian immigrant David G. Hall, vice president of syndication Larry Grover, Conservatives of Kern County Dr. Jim Sadler, very buff and with a lisp Don Parsley, "My wife is dead, no she's sick, no she's not here, no....." Vernon Dozier, high school football coach Joe Dickhead and the Professor, football imbeciles Bud Dickman, brain damaged intern Father James McQuarters, "just take a wee peak..." Dean Wheeler, Mr. touchy, feely Northern California Rudy Canoza, la-la-la-la Harvey Wireman, retired attorney, WW2 vet
Not to mention Barbara Boxer, Barry Bonds, and my ex wife. While the results of Tuesday night might make one step closer to the cult of monotheism, no just God would have allowed the 1992 election to happen to me. Same with my marriage, when I think about it.
I myself am very happy that America is finally on the verge of tossing out that pesky consitution and getting Pat Robertson as national Archbishop. There's anew sheriff in town, and his name is Yahweh.