Dude I was gonna PM you with this but I didn't see a PM button on your stuff. Anyhoo from the latest Cyberrays newsletter: Dude...email me at FearM9@aol.com and let's discuss another arrangement just like we had for the first Cyberrays jersey you got me. Mahalo!!!
Also, if you are trying to buy a jersey, they will only sell one to you. You can choose to buy it blank (which I prefer) or you can have it customized where it can be delivered to you at a later date.
But can you leave it blank for now...and then change your mind and have it customized later? *ponders a personalized SomebodyOrOther #10 jersey*
You can, though you would have to take it to an outfitter and hope they have the number and letter fonts used for the team... the cost would be on your own instead of the $10 they are offering. Cheers! Nap
i think ill seriously be upset if i dont get one tomorrow.. ::starts to hope all goes well and i get one tomorrow::
Believe me I've tried a TON of places and even looking online for the font.. best bet is to get it done by the crays
Thanks for the heads up about the font, etc. you guys. Guess I'd better think fast if I want to grafitti my jersey, eh? Well, assuming I get one, anyway...
I don't know who outfits the CyberRays now, but if it's the same guy who outfits the Quakes, you might want to try him. Call him first and see if he has the fonts. http://www.cacustom.com Good luck. Also, for those of note, if you don't get a jersey, Sissi has put one for bid Saturday at the Sunnyvale Stoddard's. It will fetch a very high price, but it is for a very good cause. From the newsletter: Unfortunately, I won't be there since I'll be at the Brit instead (everyone I know from the blue side prefer to go to that establishment) but if have a chance to head there, go! Cheers!
I'm pretty sure CAL Customs does the C'Rays unis.. I heard that somewhere.. dunno where.. but yeah.. lol oh it says here.. California Custom's professional team customers include the original San Jose Earthquakes, the new San Jose Earthquakes, San Jose Clash, Bay Area Blackhawks, San Jose Sharks, and Bay Area CyberRays. College customers include Santa Clara University, San Jose State, Stanford, and CAL. Our customers also include many high schools, clubs, local teams, small businesses, and many Hi Tech companies. Someone better tell Brian to fix the site.. we're the SJ C-Rays now
I heard loosely that someone else other than Cal Custom was outfitting the Rays, but again, I could be wrong. Best to check with Brian and see if he can. No matter, he's a great guy. (that's why I always have blank jerseys) (makes mental note to get money to buy kit) Cheers!
Come to think of it.. the person who told me that isn't always the most reliable source.. so scratch that till we ask Brian.. lol.. I don't talk to Brian much cause he likes the "other" Portuguese soccer team.. LOL (other = sporting)
Bah, you had to pick an actual Rays player to have the jersey personalized. No "SomebodyOrOther" jersey for me, unless I take a plain one to some other place and have them do it with the wrong font and whatever. I feel purple now.