Anyone know what the issue was with Henry & Carroll? See link below. I know they've had words in the past as well.
well, i'm not sure exactly what the problem is, but i know during the game, henry was pissed cuz caroll kept delaying when he was supposed to kick the ball... obviously manure wanted to waste time (which i know a lot of teams do, us included) but of course, for henry every second was precious... but i probably think there was more to it then that..
Henry was enraged yet facinated that Caroll had the audacity to save Henry's shot, and so pull out a match winning moment in a high pressure game. Henry's advances after the game were rejected and led to the subsequent brawl in the tunnel. A camp Frenchman scorned as they say...
Come on guys. There are enough threads discussing the game. Lets try to keep with the five or so left open. Some people want to discuss other things....... Thanks, Rick