
Discussion in 'Customer Service' started by PlGS, Sep 5, 2002.

  1. PlGS

    PlGS New Member

    Sep 5, 2002
    Woolyback Land
    Well the problem is

    1) I deleted my cookies
    2) I came to Bigsoccer to post a message using the username Pigs. (not PIGS)
    3) I forgot my password because it's been a long time since I typed it in.
    4) My registered email isn't working
    5) I need my registered email to reset my password.
  2. PlGS

    PlGS New Member

    Sep 5, 2002
    Woolyback Land
    So it looks like I'll have to have the name Plgs, instead of the username Pigs.

    Since no one can be arsed helping.
  3. WarrenWallace

    WarrenWallace Member

    Mar 12, 1999
    Beer and Cheese
    just relax, Jesse is usually very busy here. He'll get to you soon.

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