Ok I'm writting an example paper on how women's pro leagues struggle in a male dominated sports society. I just need help with the WUSA part vs MLS and I need some examples (attendance, tv numbers...). Personal examples are cool, and if you post something that's factual please give me a place to look for. And if you can help wih the WNBA and WPFL, it would be much appreciated. Thanks!!!
MLS attendance: http://www.kenn.com/soccer/mls/index.html WUSA attendance: http://www.kenn.com/soccer/wusa.html For more attendance information: http://www.kenn.com/sports/index.html
wow thanks a lot yeah..The library doesn't offer much up to date info on attendance and i've already done a google search and got some pretty good info...I've wrote a lot of papers. I was just looking for personal stories and examples and what not.