Help a (hoarse) west coast fan out...

Discussion in 'D.C. United' started by Freestyle2000, Nov 15, 2004.

  1. Freestyle2000

    Freestyle2000 Moderator

    Feb 6, 2000
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    Is there anyone out there that could buy an extra copy of today's Washington Post and send it across the country to me? I'll pay for the paper and shipping (via Paypal?)...


  2. DeKo21DCU

    DeKo21DCU New Member

    Aug 11, 2003
    I'll be happy too and there is no need to pay for it. We're all here for eachother. Not a big deal at all.
    PM me your address please. I'll put it in the mail this week.
  3. MikeLastort2

    MikeLastort2 Member

    Mar 28, 2002
    Takoma Park, MD
    If there are any papers left at Dulles when we get in, I'll buy a bunch of them.
  4. Freestyle2000

    Freestyle2000 Moderator

    Feb 6, 2000
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    Thanks, Jessica. And thanks to you too, Mike - it's always fun to buy out the newsstand and get those looks from the clerk. ;)

  5. MikeLastort2

    MikeLastort2 Member

    Mar 28, 2002
    Takoma Park, MD
    OK, for you left-coasters (or anyone else not in the DC Metro area), when our flight got in the newstand at Dulles was already closed.

    Not to worry though. We stopped by the 7-11 near our house at about 1:30 AM and bought every remaining copy of yesterday's Post. I think there were about 8-10 copies. I will be happy to mail the paper to any non-local DC United supporter who wants one, as long as said supporter isn't planning on selling the copy on EBay.

    Drop me a PM if you're interested. It'll be first come, first served, so once I run out you're SOL.
  6. Bill-DC

    Bill-DC Member+

    May 20, 2002
    When I pointed out the supporters pic to a clerk at 7-11 yesterday at 6:30 AM he said "It's about time someone commented about the only winning team in Washington. It's Redskins, Redskins, Redskins, always Redskins". I think the pic and couple minutes of soccer talk we had made the guys morning.
  7. MikeLastort2

    MikeLastort2 Member

    Mar 28, 2002
    Takoma Park, MD
    So far, only three folks have asked for copies. I have about another 5 or 6 after that. I'm planning to head to the post office on Saturday to send them out, so if you want a copy, let me know before Saturday morning via PM.
  8. MikeLastort2

    MikeLastort2 Member

    Mar 28, 2002
    Takoma Park, MD
    Bump - up to four now. Let me know if you want a copy. I'm going to go to the post office Saturday.
  9. MikeLastort2

    MikeLastort2 Member

    Mar 28, 2002
    Takoma Park, MD
    I hope everyone got their papers.

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