Have a punt, will Andrulis be retained?

Discussion in 'Columbus Crew' started by Zak, Nov 1, 2004.

  1. Zak

    Zak Member

    Feb 18, 2002
    Massive Club
    I believe that he will to be honest. Based on two factors. 1) Our record, the unbeaten streak, and 2) We have very lethargic ownership. (that was a fantastic example of euphemism)

    Obviously I've been a huge proponent of letting him go, just to re-emphasize here are some points to consider: It is my belief that Andrulis delegated the coaching of this team to Warzycha and Murphy, after the poor start to the season. At that point he became more of a manager that was pretty much in charge soley of picking the team, and being a man manager. Based on that belief, the close of the season has to be considered disasterous. Starting with the games on 9/25 this team has slowly become less and less passionate on the field. That means that for over a month, culminating in the loss yesterday, Andrulis has lost his way as a man manager. Additionally, when you have a chance to speak to substitute players, you begin to understand through talking with them, that there is very little support offered to them in the form of "you're not starting but there is a strong possibility that we're going to need you" type stuff. In fact little explanation is offered at all when lineup decisions are made. This is further supported by comments made by Jeff Cunningham today in the Dispatch. Secondarily, I think we can all agree that the lineup last night was very questionable as were the substitutions made. So not only have you gotten a lifeless team over the past month, but you've also had very questionable lineup decisions made. If those are in fact Andrulis's two responsibilities then he's failed miserably at both, and should be fired.
  2. Own Goal Hat-Trick

    Jul 28, 1999
    i think he will too, sadly enough.

    i also am thinking that well lose cunny, and the most crew player ever, st dunc, whilst keeping players like sanneh.
  3. Foosinho

    Foosinho New Member

    Jan 11, 1999
    New Albany, OH
    Columbus Crew
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    United States
    He'll be back.

    Frankly, I think Murphy should be given the reins for next season, but that ain't going to happen.
  4. Zak

    Zak Member

    Feb 18, 2002
    Massive Club
    I have no problem having coaches and a manager, many teams operate in that fashion. However Andrulis as manager clearly hasn't worked. Does anyone know if Coach Murphy was awarded his coaching badges?
  5. DRWCrew

    DRWCrew Member

    Aug 11, 2003
    Columbus Crew
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    He'll probably be back. But wouldn't that require a new contract? Maybe McCullers will see the light and bring in someone else. His team...his coach. At this point I would take about any coach in the OCC over Andrulis. This is the primary reason a technical director would be an asset to this organization. We need someone who can call him on his crappy subs and lineups and realize what a fool he is.
  6. fidlerre

    fidlerre Member+

    Oct 10, 2000
    Central Ohio
    My theory on next year....Andrulis will be back, along with Robert and Murphy.

    When Mais announces his retirement he will become the "Technical Director" of the team.
  7. Zak

    Zak Member

    Feb 18, 2002
    Massive Club
    If we were in the business of bringing former players back one name comes to mind in addition to Dante...


    Sign Debrito!
  8. Grouchy

    Grouchy Member+

    Apr 18, 1999
    Canal Winchester
    Columbus Crew
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    I'll go against the grain here and say someone within the organization will grow a pair of gnards and kindly as him to step down; no tar/feathering or other torture as requested, but a gentle face-to-face "it's time to move on" and done.

    Of course I'll be crushed when none of this happens...
  9. Own Goal Hat-Trick

    Jul 28, 1999
    good god zak dont give them any ideas...
  10. Zak

    Zak Member

    Feb 18, 2002
    Massive Club
    This is a very, very poor idea. This idea of "keeping it in the family" is what got us to this point in the first place. Just will not work. Perhaps we can bring in a player that Andrulis cut if we are in fact going to do that.
  11. Zak

    Zak Member

    Feb 18, 2002
    Massive Club
    Debrito is one BAMF, I'd have a punt on him.
  12. fidlerre

    fidlerre Member+

    Oct 10, 2000
    Central Ohio
    Sure it is, but it follows the 9 year path of this organization. Why would it change?
  13. Ch(Elsey)

    Ch(Elsey) Member+

    Columbus Crew
    United States
    May 2, 2003
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    Heh. Does anyone really have any optimism left in them? Greg for 10 more years, folks.
  14. Zak

    Zak Member

    Feb 18, 2002
    Massive Club
    The x factor is the dip in season tickets this past season, and I'm guessing pretty stagnate season ticket sales now that the season has ended in shocking fashion. While I was 50/50 on getting season tickets I can reveal that there is zero possibility of me doing so if Andrulis is still in charge. In fact, in the absence of people to pull on my heart strings as there was last season, I'd go as far as to say I won't even buy a single ticket if Andrulis is still in charge.
  15. Bill Archer

    Bill Archer BigSoccer Supporter

    Mar 19, 2002
    Washington, NC
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    1) DRWCrew is of course correct. It's not a matter of deciding whetehr to fire the guy. As of yesterday, Greg Andrulis has no contract with the Crew or MLS. His original contract expired last year and there was a ONE YEAR option which HSG decided to pick up.

    Now that is over. Done. Andrulis is, for all intents and purposes, unemployed.

    I cannot conceive offering this guy a new, improved contract. Inconceivable.

    2) I think we're stuck here in terms of a replacement. It has to be Murphy. Who else is even remotely in a position to make the kind of personnel judgements they need to make before the draft in a couple weeks. There's just no time to bring an outsider up to speed.
  16. swittler

    swittler Member

    Jun 28, 2002
    I am NOT getting season tickets for next year at all. I am not sure on how many games I will attend next season. I am a diehard fan but the passion i have for this team and the management is all but dead. i am still trying to figure out y martino came out last night instead of sanneh (or paule for that matter), and y buddle didnt get the start. stupid, idiotic, obsurd. I am so pissed off i cant even put it into words. at least now i dont have to make a decision on whether to go to my HS regional final game (shall they make it) or the Crew game next saturday. the team made that decision for me.
  17. Own Goal Hat-Trick

    Jul 28, 1999
    make robin fraser player/manager.
  18. myshap

    myshap Member

    Jun 19, 2002
    Columbus Crew
    As much as I respect Robin Fraser and how HE brought this team together, if the Crew do go for a new HC, it really needs to come outside the organization. Also after 9 years of defensive minded HCs, it needs to be an "Offensive minded" coach.
  19. pettyfog

    pettyfog Member

    Jan 30, 2000
    Enon OH Exit 49
    Columbus Crew
    All this is just DUMB!

    You acknowledge that this is the best team the Crew ever assembled and I argue that it's the best team, field and bench, that MLS ever had.

    For that, thank Greg.. certainly NOT Warzycha who brought us Rzepa, and that idiot Brit defender.. but the fact remains we have NO clue how to coach strikers and/or finishing.

    And the mindset of the team these two games was horrible!

    For THAT you have to blame Greg. And there are only two acceptable responses...

    The one I favor is to keep as much of this team intact as possible and hire our own version of Steve Nichol.. Keep Murphy too.
  20. Eggy

    Eggy New Member

    May 28, 1999

    I'd say start from scartch and break the cycle of hiring assistants.
  21. POdinCowtown

    POdinCowtown Member+

    Jan 15, 2002
    Murphy would be ok. I'd prefer an outsider personally. How about Jerry Yeagley? Maybe he's restless in retirement. I'd give Dwight Burgess consideration too . Is coaching at Capital that much of a lower level than Wright State? DB is at least familiar with the team and organization.
  22. KCbus

    KCbus Moderator
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    Nov 26, 2000
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    Two points I want to make.

    One: Thanks to a broken ankle I suffered on the pitch this summer, and the fact that I wasn't able to work for three months, I actually got a chance (finally) to go to Obetz a couple times and watch the team practice this season. I have to say... anyone who thinks that Greg Andrulis wasn't the one coaching this team is flat-out wrong. Greg was giving the speeches, Greg was supplying the tactics during the scrimmages, Greg was getting on players who were making mistakes. I don't know where this idea got started, but it's totally inaccurate.

    Two: If a coaching change is made, I think we have to go outside the organization. The people who have been here long-term probably have a preconceived notion of who should play where and how. If a change is made, I think we need to get a fresh perspective from someone who can be a little more objective.
  23. 10 fan

    10 fan New Member

    Mar 21, 2004
    United States
    I was thinking about this today- what kind of coach do we want?

    Personally, I would like to see a Mexican/South American coach as opposed to a European coach. I think our players would do better playing a more Latin/Brazilian/Argentinian style. No names are coming to my head, maybe you can think of some?
  24. Kryptonite

    Kryptonite BS XXV

    Apr 10, 1999
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Unfortunately, only one comes to my mind.

    Carlos 'Cacho' Cordoba. Of course, Goats de la Los Angeles already snagged him up.
  25. CrewToon

    CrewToon Member

    Jun 13, 1999
    Greenbrier Farm
    If Andrulis wasn't sacked after failing to make the playoffs last year, there's little chance of him being sacked after this debacle.

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