HAPPY DAY!!! I was worried this wouldn't happen. I am sorry that the man had to lose his job, but it is a business and if you don't produce you get cut. It's true on the field and should be true off it (at least in theory).
Yeah, 4 years is enough to at least make yourself a legitimate contender in MLS. His team never threatened during his tenure, and it was time to go. Really, it was inevitable with new management.
What a relief! I thought the Rapids were going to put us through another season of terrible soccer. Can't wait to welcome someone new. Hopefully they will be someone we can get excited about and support.
Just heard from the FO and then saw this thread... this is great news for 2005, especially for pet rocks everywhere. Couldn't agree more with Rei above... nobody likes the idea of someone losing their livelihood. But if the results aren't there then changes have to be made.
I hope you guys sign Juan Carlos Osorio from Manchester City. He was a finalist for the DC United job last fall (along with Nowak), and was (at the time) my top choice for the job. A bit about him: https://www.bigsoccer.com/forum/showthread.php?t=87384
Hallelujah...... Maybe the Rapidos can get Jaques Santini now that he left Spurs. We have such good luck with those French guys.
"Oh frabjous day, calloo, callay," he chortled in his joy! Thank you KSE for finally doing something productive!
** huge sigh of relief ** Man, I was sweating it. I had a deep-rooted fear that, as Bonji said, they were going to put us through another season of Hanki. Whew. I'd put in a second vote for Osorio. I've been hearing about him for a few years now. It sounds as if the players like him and he runs a good practice session. Whatever, whoever; It won't be Hanki. Good luck to him in his next endeavor, wherever that may be.
Good news: Stadium bond passed Hankinson gone Who will be the replacement? My guess is Counce is safe, and will be the one who decides what players will be protected. Hopefully they can get a new coach on time to start scouting for SI's.
You guys might also think of stealing John Murphy from Crew. He was the Revs 2nd assistant, GK coach, and I think unofficially the chief college scout. Many in C'bus give him the credit for the Crew's turnaround this year. He is a very able guy.
Now we're getting good lip service out of the top office. Let's hope this "needing" to win is really the feeling in the front office. If it is we might start to see some positive changes.
Wow, that just made my day. Got the Rapidfire email too. This is one of those "What took you so long?" moments. I'm not sure anyone in the MLS is surprised by this. Looking forward to a new direction.
This is great news for the Rapids. Hopefully we will shoot for the stars with our next coaching pick, rather than aim for mediocrity and be dissapointed when we can't even reach that level. I suggest that we get Henderson to retire and make him coach, or make Balboa coach. No more MLS burnouts.
I'm not jewish but . . . Hava nagila, hava nagila Hava nagila venis'mecha Repeat Hava neranena, hava neranena Hava neranena venis'mecha Uru, uru achim Uru achim belev same'ach Good luck to you, Hanki. As you slide down the banister of life, think of us as splinters in your ca'reer'