I think this match will be a tough one...But i predict Morocco will win... Even though Morocco's main scorer Alloudi who scored the 1st 3 goals against Namibia is not playing....we will win...Inshallah What do you guys think??
Well I'm pulling for Guinea. They played the hosts tough and lost only on a wonder goal. Morocco had a cakewalk with their opening match against a patsy but the 5-1 win will certainly give the team confidence anyway. Guinea need at least a draw in this match to stay alive, as I can't see Namibia getting a result against Ghana.
Guinea - Morocco If Alloudi(scored hattrick ag. Namibia in first game) wouldn't miss todays match, I would surely go for Morocco win. But he is missing and Guinea surely offer quality football material. They have to go for win today as draw is too low for them after first round loss. I am sure they'll manage to score at least one goal in this situation, but it will mean to open defense little bit and Morocco will wait for their chances. They are matured team and even without Alloudi well capable of scoring. I strongly believe that Morocco will score at least one goal too in this kind of game. So both temas to score but it won't end with draw IMO as Guinea doesn't need it. I expect result like 2-1, 1-2 or higher and recommend medium stakes for over 2,5, @2,1, Interwetten, 5/10, Good luck
Second Goal for Guinea by by Bangoura 58 Click Here for Video First Goal for Morocco by Booasharwan , Wonderful goal 59 Click Here for Video Third Goal dfor Guinea by Fenduonou from a PK 62 Click Here for Video
I guess now that Morocco will be more than 90% eliminated, you'll comeback trolling in the saudi forum, eh?
For Morocco fans all is not lost, by scoring that last goal you've kept gd good enough that it could help you go through with just a tie off of Ghana. Guinea has been a great surprise in this tournament for me, it will be interesting to see what type of game Namibia will put together against them (they're playing Ghana tough). Congrats to Guinea. Free kick by Fendounou was special; gk didn't think he would even go for it probably.
Or tie, and they did hold Ghana to 1-0. They may not be very good, but they have alot of pride and Brian Brendell, at least, seems capable of scoring for them from time to time
Its not important if Guinea wins or loose the next match. Morocco needs only a 1-0 cause they have scored 7 goals ghana only 3. So if Both Morocco and Guinea(3-0) wins , Ghana will be out.
Sorry MarocFan, but the results in the Namibia match will mean jack *%^&. In the situation of a tie on points the first thing you look at is the direct results between the tied sides. Therefore the only matches that matter are the ones which involve two of the three teams: Ghana, Guinea and Morocco.
Morocco will win Ghana Inshallah... GHANA 1-0 NAMIBIA MOROCCO 5-1 NAMIBIA Morocco have the highest Goal Difference...
There is a problem with using that basis for comparison: GHANA 2-1 GUINEA GUINEA 3-2 MOROCCO Plus, watching Namibia against Ghana was night and day to how they played Morocco. They showed improved touches and more speed than they had all day against Morocco. Thier defenders stayed between the Ghanain attackers and the goal which they could not do against Morocco and the keeper change was a hugely effective move. Plus, they had no business scoring the other day, they looked like a pub team. Yesterday, they showed a bit of skill in the midfield and their passing was much improved. That said, Ghana missed a wide open goal in the first half and several other chances besides. Morocco is a very strong team and should never be counted out, but Ghana hasn't played their best match and they're 2-0-0. They know that they need a win to ensure that they will go through, and their fans will be behind them. I predict a close game with several goals apeice with no preference to either side. Right now, I would say that Guinea has the most assured chance to go through, with the easiest opponent in Namibia left to play. Ghana's gd leaves them vulnerable to Guinea so if Ghana>Guinea, Guinea>Morocco, is followed by Morocco>Ghana then Ghana cannot expect to score enough goals in a loss to Morocco to hold off a Guinea win over Namibia. This group is wide open for any of the three imo.
I AGREE...we will wait and see on Monday... Morocco really need to FIX their Defence...but Aboucharoune's goal was super yesterday... Also...the foul was caused by Guinea...that gave thm their 1st goal...
Sektioui had some ice on his ankle and kabous was taken to hospital but it appeared that the pain he had was caused by the malaria pill he took. He is now doing fine. This was reported by Le Matin. • Deux joueurs manquaient à l'appel, Tarek Sektioui, assis en touche sur une chaise avec un sac de glace collé à la cheville, et, bien entendu, Soufiane Alloudi, blessé au genou. • Alors que l'on s'entraînait, Abderrahmane Kabousse s'est senti pris d'un malaise. Il fut transporté d'urgence, accompagné du fidèle Zaïti. Mais aux dernières nouvelles, il y avait plus de peur que de mal ! Des renseignements du côté des responsables du Onze national citent la pilule de la malaria qui aurait été à l'origine de ce malaise. This could be a reason for our loss...plus Alloudi