I can't find the Wagner one that was up earlier rite now, but the Borgman/Bryan/Hendershot-Brown one is up. Its great stuff! http://www.sjcyberrays.com/fanzone/fan_groc.html
what i don't get is...who wrote it? so a 4th person wrote it?? or did one of the 3 write it, and just said that?? i'm confused (as usual! lol) elaine
Upon further review it looks like it was changed. The Wagner one wasn't archived, but rather replaced by the current one (Bryan, Hendershot-Brown, Borgman). A common occurance on the web. Nap
Maren It was good to see maren again, considering I have either seen her on tv or talked to her on the phone or e-mail. Hope to see Maren back on the field soon. Kara
I'm not impressed....until 'Keysh or Boof does one! They're still playing this way too safe. And who did write that last one, anyway? Very confusing!
haha yeah... it won't be right until they do. i wonder what they will order? maybe a year's supply of cap n'crunch fer 'keysia?
I can't resist so here goes. She didn't get the one with the "dreamboats" on the cover and that funny looking trophy. Isn't it a conflict of interest to hawk both Kellogg's (Frosted Flakes) and General Mills (Lucky Charms)? The stuff they put in their breakfast cereal.
Finally, they archived the series! http://www.sjcyberrays.com/fanzone/fan_groc_archive.html The archives are now up for Wagner and Borgma/Bryan/Hendershot-Brown. Enjoy!
I saw Lisa's crates of food and was thinking that girl must be able to hold her own and then some. However, it seems like half of her order was bottled water, makes sense! And her Safeway guy was cute in his own way! Glad to see they archived the other ones, these things are pretty cool.