Could someone detail for me the exact game level that a Grade 9 can work. I have tried to research the issue but have found contradictory responses. Can they do anything line/center in rec games? Can they do any travel games at all? Are their national guidelines or does it vary from state to state. The reason I ask is I have a young ref who though just starting is extremely competent and diligent and that is such a rare quality in my area that I would like to get him some exposure to travel lines and rec centers but am unsure as to what he can do as a 9
It may be state-by-state, but here a Grade 9 is only allowed to referee U14 and below Class 4 games (rec).
I would agree with Statesman. I believe it is a state-by-state policy on the use of the Grade 9 refs and it was my understanding that Grade 9 was created to address recreational needs. Ohio South limits Grade 9's to doing rec games. They are not to be scheduled for any competitive games and only Grade 8's and above are assigned to competitive/travel games. However, in an emergency, a Grade 9 ref could be used to do a line.
In Massachusetts, the Grade 9 badge permits the Recreational Referee to do rec level matches through U14, both lines and centers. The reality is that some assignors are throwing these kids into competitive (D1 or D2 travel) matches. In some cases they are being assigned lines on U16 and U18 matches. The local club assigned ARs to the B12 matches that my son and I did last Saturday. One of the four boys showed up in a blue ref shirt without a patch. One of the kids was a certified Gr. 8 referee (maybe 14). His shirt was untucked and socks down to his ankles. I put them on the Rec match that my son did (sorry, son). On my field for a D2 match was a second year Gr. 11 who had absolutely no clue how to run a line. The only reason he wasn't on the Rec match was because he wanted to be on the Rec match - because he had a good friend playing there. The fourth, a new Gr. 9, turned out to be the best of the bunch. After busting my tail to be in a position to verify, reinforce, and/or make calls at both ends, I was happy to see that I could relax a bit at his end of the field. I've had a talk with the local assignor. My son, now 16, has been ref'ing since he was 9. He does Premier League games, so I trust his ability to work things out with new, untrained ARs. That's not true of most kids his age that ref this age group. I can easily see problems arising from inexperience, failed communication, and poor mechanics. (Mix well with idiotic coaches and parents. Wait for spontaneous combustion.) As a side note, all current Gr. 11 referees in Massachusetts will be attending a workshop during the recert clinics that will teach them what they need to know to be certified as Gr. 9 for 2004.
I had a young fellow ask me why FIFA Emeritus (he thought Grade 11) had to go through Grade 9 training
My six year old nephew just started playing soccer and his club is using grade 9s to ref rec matches. There were some very strange whistles and restarts, but the kids I watched all looked professional at least.
In Colorado we are starting to use the Gr09 clinic as our entry-level to reffing, giving very few Gr08 clinics. We started doing the Bridge Clinic in numbers this summer. According to USSF, the Gr09 is to be assigned to games up to U14 recreational (Center or AR) and up to U14 competitive as ARs. And that is what we use them for. However, our local club will also assign them to some of our older adult games, especially women's, as AR. Steve