GOP to use election "challengers" in Louisville

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Events' started by obie, Oct 27, 2003.

  1. obie

    obie New Member

    Nov 18, 1998
    NY, NY
    New York Red Bulls
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    United States

    Just to round off at the pass any claims that this is about stifling voter fraud:

    In fact, the real voter fraud issues seem to be elsewhere in Kentucky, like the Eastern part of the state that trends a lot more Republican.

    So what gives?
  2. house18

    house18 Member

    Jun 23, 2003
    St. Louis, MO
    Big deal, carry ID and go to your proper polling place and you get to vote. What's the trouble. There has been a history around the country of Democratic voters showing up with the names of dead people:

    "The 2000 election was no exception. In Miami-Dade County, for example, some of the 144 ineligible votes (those which officials actually admitted to) were cast by dead people, including a Haitian-American who's been deceased since 1977 (Miami-Herald, 12/24/00)."

    " In heavily Democratic Broward County, for example, more than 400 ballots were cast by non-registered voters. (Miami-Herald 1/09/01)"

    Of course I am sure our local version of Jesse Jackson will make some cry of racism and say something like "African-American people shouldn't have to show ID to vote, it's just another way for the white men to keep track of where African-Americans are." He always cracks me up!
  3. Dan Loney

    Dan Loney BigSoccer Supporter

    Mar 10, 2000
    Los Angeles Sol
    Nat'l Team:
    It's their minority outreach program.
  4. obie

    obie New Member

    Nov 18, 1998
    NY, NY
    New York Red Bulls
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    United States
    Re: Re: GOP to use election "challengers" in Louisville

    Thing is, I have lived in four different voting precincts in my lifetime in two different states, and I have never been asked for ID. Not once. I sign the book, and I'm OK from there. I also filled out an absentee ballot once, and again, no ID necessary.
    No examples from Louisville, house?
  5. house18

    house18 Member

    Jun 23, 2003
    St. Louis, MO
    Re: Re: Re: GOP to use election "challengers" in Louisville

    This is typical liberal crap. "I never had to do it before," so what. You are really crying because someone in a city you don't live in is going to be asked to produce a card that everyone should have with them when they go to vote. You are really reaching on this one.
  6. obie

    obie New Member

    Nov 18, 1998
    NY, NY
    New York Red Bulls
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    United States
    Re: Re: Re: Re: GOP to use election "challengers" in Louisville

    Let's see, if I reach for just a couple of examples, I find within five minutes the infamous Baltimore flyer, the challengers removed by election officials in Texas because of voter intimidation, the fake black voters' group in Wisconsin, videotaping voters in Arkansas, lying about voter requirements in Kansas, requiring people to have multiple IDs in black districts only in Florida....

    Shall I continue with evidence of more "typical liberal crap", as you so eloquently put it?

    I especially love it that you tell me that I shouldn't care because I don't live in Kentucky. Planning to secede from the Union again, are you?
  7. house18

    house18 Member

    Jun 23, 2003
    St. Louis, MO
    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: GOP to use election "challengers" in Louisville

    Here we have a statement of your intelligence. Just in case my Google fun isn't good enough I have to make a crack about Kentucky involving the Civil War. That's kind of like me commenting on Jersey trash or the ozone hole being over Jersey due to all of the hairspray being used on that big hair or that it is just New York's trash disposal. Do you see how that makes your argument look really stupid???
  8. NGV

    NGV Member+

    Sep 14, 1999
    In the article that obie linked to, the head of the Jefferson county GOP claims that the districts where the "challengers" are going to be placed were chosen at random, and that the effort has nothing to do with targeting minorities.

    This is, of course, a complete lie. Here's a flyer that was sent out to recruit poll watchers. It specifically states (right in the first paragraph) that the "call to arms" is a response to get out the vote efforts aimed at poor blacks.
  9. superdave

    superdave BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Jul 14, 1999
    VB, VA
    DC United
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    United States
    Kentucky was one of the slave states that didn't secede.

    Anyway, the Reeps always do this crap. Their will to power allies close their eyes because they don't really mind racism.
  10. house18

    house18 Member

    Jun 23, 2003
    St. Louis, MO
    ...and if you do real research, not just finding facts for your slant, you would find that they do select these types of precincts. Why, you ask? Well if you had done your research you would find that in these types of precincts there is a problem with outrageous voter registration numbers (90-100%, which is sad that it is outrageous, but true), dead people voting, homeless people voting for free cigs, there are all kinds of examples, if you are willing to look for them. I did the research because this seemed racist when I first read about it a few weeks ago, and realized that there is a lot more to it.
  11. NGV

    NGV Member+

    Sep 14, 1999
    So, if that's the case, why did the chairman of the Jefferson County GOP lie by saying the precincts were chosen at random?
  12. house18

    house18 Member

    Jun 23, 2003
    St. Louis, MO
    I don't know, perhaps they were chosen at random...from a group of those types of precincts. Who knows, maybe he is a fool. This doesn't erase the fact that there is justification for this and asking for a card that actually says on it that you should bring it to your voting place is not any kind of violation.
  13. Finnegan

    Finnegan Member

    Sep 5, 2001
    Portland Oregon
    Since you took the time to do the research House why don't you share it with us? From where I sit this sure smells like yet another Reep minority voter intimidation project.

    Please do share this reasearch that points to rampant voter fraud by minority groups here in America or specifically in your case Kentucky.

    I would be interested.
  14. house18

    house18 Member

    Jun 23, 2003
    St. Louis, MO
    In Democrat strongholds like St. Louis, Philadelphia and Detroit, some precincts had 100% of their registered voters voting, with 99% of the ballots going to Gore. Clearly, multiple voting resulted in extra tallies for Gore in the 2000 election. (New York Post, 12/09/00).

    In the 2000 election in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Democratic workers initiate a "smokes-for-votes" campaign in which they paid dozens of homeless men with cigarettes if they cast ballots for Al Gore (Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, 11/14/00).

    The Reporter's analysis of Chicago Board of Election Commissioners' figures shows that 92.7 percent of the city's eligible black voters are registered for the Feb. 2 primary, compared to 78.6 percent of white voters and 40.3 percent of Latinos.
    Registration rates are so inflated in the black wards that they invite widespread Election Day fraud, political experts said. More likely, however, is that the numbers have lead political candidates and their supporters to overestimate the size of the black vote.
    "These are phenomenal rates of registration for areas that historically see low registration," said Paul Kleppner, director of the Office for Social Policy Research at Northern Illinois University.
    "The numbers defy everything we know," said Kleppner, who has studied elections and voting patterns in Chicago for more than 20 years. "I'd stop and say something's wrong here, these (Election Board) numbers just aren't good."
    The Reporter calculated registration rates by dividing the board's Feb. 5 list of 1,474.976 registered voters by the 1990 voting age population.
    While registration stands at 72 percent citywide, every majority-black ward meets or exceeds that figure, the Reporter found.
    U.S. Rep. Bobby Rush, a South Side Democrat, said he used a "gut feeling" last year to discount registration figures by 15 percent in black wards. His analysis convinced him not to run for mayor. Registration is artificially high in black wards because the rolls contain many ineligible voters and the 1990 census undercounted the city's black population, he said.
    "I looked over the voter rolls and saw people I knew were either dead or had moved," he said.
    Black candidates who rely on the official numbers are "making an assumption based on a false premise," he said.
    In the 21st Ward on the South Side, all but 21 eligible voters are registered, the Reporter's analysis shows.
    "If that were true, that only 21 people haven't been registered in a ward of 40,000 people, that is fraud. Somebody is misregistering people. And it's a case for the (Cook County) state's attorney or U.S. Attorney," Simpson said. (Chicago Reporter "Investigating Race and Poverty in Chicago Since 1972)

    Kentucky Attorney General Ben Chandler (Currently the Dem. Candidate for Gov.)has started an initiative to prevent fraud in the state's coming election, according to a news release.
    Chandler said investigators from his office will work with Kentucky State Police to visit every county clerk in Kentucky to identify areas where voter fraud might occur.
    "We will especially look at requests for absentee ballots and requests for voter assistance," he said in the release.
    After reviewing that information, Chandler's office will determine which counties will be more closely monitored through Election Day.
    Chandler said that in the past primary election, there were problems ranging from individuals selling votes to fraudulent absentee ballots, as well as threats and violence.
    "That is a shameful commentary about the election process in some Kentucky counties," he said in the release. (Business First 10/9/02)

    Kentucky is among the states that require all voters to show some form of identification before casting ballots. (Courier-Journal article)
  15. SoFla Metro

    SoFla Metro Member

    Jul 21, 2000
    Ft. Lauderdale, FL
  16. house18

    house18 Member

    Jun 23, 2003
    St. Louis, MO
    Oh and of course they made up the articles, which listed the papers they came from. Sorry I didn't want to purchase subscrptions to be able to see these articles just for you. What about the other ones? You're a twit, I found actual facts to support my position and you can't handle it.
  17. obie

    obie New Member

    Nov 18, 1998
    NY, NY
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    This is about Louisville. Where's the Louisville fraud? Again, it's easy to find lots of examples of voter fraud in (predominately white) eastern Kentucky among both Democrats and Republicans, but until you can provide even a single example of fraud allegations in these precincts, you're talking just as much out your ass as Jack Richardson is.

    I'm sure, though, that the odds of picking "random" precincts to prowl and ending up with all minority-dominated districts is mighty high. :rolleyes:
  18. Dan Loney

    Dan Loney BigSoccer Supporter

    Mar 10, 2000
    Los Angeles Sol
    Nat'l Team:
    Uh, considering that source includes Drudge Report and Newsmax, yes, it was made up.

    And I can assure you that the Christian Science Monitor never reported that B-1 Bob the Starfighter had his election stolen. Even Newt effin' Gingrich didn't buy that one.

    So I feel pretty comfortable in assuming when your site listed real papers, it put a highly non-factual spin on the situation.

    (Apropos of nothing...who cares if the Democrats gave the homeless cigarettes to vote? Seriously. Perils of same-day registration, but no one is saying the homeless don't have a right to vote. Are they? Okay, fine, it's technically bribery, but it is a secret ballot, after all. They could all have voted for Bush, or more likely for Another Half Hour Out Of The Cold. I find that a lot less distasteful than trying to intimidate black people out of voting.)

    (Oh, speaking of which - gee, black districts in big cities tend to vote high 90's for Democrats. So the GOP sends in white upper-middle class conservative ideologues to challenge their credentials. Oddly, those precincts continue to vote Democratic. Go freaking figure.)
  19. house18

    house18 Member

    Jun 23, 2003
    St. Louis, MO
    This is classic. The DEMOCRATIC candidate for Governor calls for this to occur and you still try to cry foul. Do you actually pay attention or do you just type without thinking?
  20. house18

    house18 Member

    Jun 23, 2003
    St. Louis, MO
    Obviously you didn't really read what these articles said judging by your last paragraph. But let's do this the American way, I have presented articles, you are calling them fakes, please prove it or concede.
  21. SoFla Metro

    SoFla Metro Member

    Jul 21, 2000
    Ft. Lauderdale, FL
    And of course there's absolutely no way that these quotes were taken from a letter to the editor, or from a columnist rather than from a more neutral story on the front page, right? Of course there's no way to check since we only have access to what your site of choice gave us.

    If I quoted the most liberal columnist in the most liberal paper in North America and said it proved my point, you'd probably take exception, wouldn't you. Twit indeed.
  22. SoFla Metro

    SoFla Metro Member

    Jul 21, 2000
    Ft. Lauderdale, FL
    I will say this slowly - we couldn't read the articles because YOU DIDN'T GIVE US ARTICLES TO READ. You gave us cherry-picked quotes with no context to read. How do I know that each of those quotes didn't come from a guest column written by Ann Coulter?

    Twit indeed.
  23. house18

    house18 Member

    Jun 23, 2003
    St. Louis, MO
    Yet somehow you found the website I got some of those articles from. it seems to me that you would have the intelligence to find the articles with the info given.
  24. SoFla Metro

    SoFla Metro Member

    Jul 21, 2000
    Ft. Lauderdale, FL
    My search found your site but none of the so-called stories.

  25. SoFla Metro

    SoFla Metro Member

    Jul 21, 2000
    Ft. Lauderdale, FL
    In other words, it's not my job to clean up after your laziness. They're your sources, you provide them.

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