GOP Failure Watch Part VI (Majority in House Edition) The Insurrection Caucus Sh*tshow.

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Events' started by Cascarino's Pizzeria, Jan 7, 2023.

  1. charlie15

    charlie15 Member+

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    Good riddance! Don't let the door hit you on your way out Kevin. You are such a worthless and pathetic character.

    Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) announced in the Wall Street Journal that he will be leaving Congress at the end of the year “to serve America in new ways.”
  2. Dr. Wankler

    Dr. Wankler Member+

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    That's too bad. He's a rare man of character, indeed a true statesman of the sort we hav. . . hav. . .

    ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

    Sorry. Thought I could do it with a straight face.
  3. InTheSun

    InTheSun Member+

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    take Fox news money.
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  4. ToMhIlL

    ToMhIlL Member+

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    You forgot to say "Patriot."

    Although he's about as successful as the NFL team bearing that name.
  5. soccernutter

    soccernutter Moderator
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  6. dapip

    dapip Member+

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  7. chaski

    chaski Moderator
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  8. The Jitty Slitter

    The Jitty Slitter Moderator
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    I thought I'd bring this over here away from the Israel v Hamas thread - because I want to focus on the actual issue and not bad faith framing from semi-fascists like Elise Stafanik

    Short version, Stefanik did the usual congressional thing of asking gotcha questions of the Presidents of MIT etc, then posting the 60s video where they refused to answer dumb questions

    What is worrying though, is the idea universities will start policing speech for fear of these kinds of bad faith attacks. As you'll know, i've been in favour of cracking down on the outrageous abuse and incitement to violence we've been seeing from the right, not least from the former president in the last week - but i certainly don't trust the GOP on this ....

    Ken White has been digging in to it
    Demanding a yes or no answer to an incomplete hypothetical on a complex issue is pro-ignorance, pro-dishonesty, pro-civic-illiteracy.
    Cynical and opportunistic politicians are using the horrors in Israel and Gaza to lean very hard into vague and unprincipled demands for broad censorship.
    /2 This is a pretty apt response by FIRE.
  9. The Jitty Slitter

    The Jitty Slitter Moderator
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    Not a huge fan of FIRE, but i also feel they have at least an internally consistent proposal.

    The bottom line is that harassment is a pattern of targeted behavior. For example, it’s hard to see how the single utterance Rep. Elise Stefanik asked about during the hearing — no matter how offensive — would qualify given this pervasiveness requirement.

    No student may be expelled — or otherwise punished — for expression that is protected by the First Amendment on a public college campus, or by similarly stringent institutional promises on a private college campus. But when students engage in conduct that isn’t protected under the First Amendment — for example, by disrupting events, blocking egress in and out of buildings, engaging in violence, or issuing true threats to others — those actions are not protected by the First Amendment. Institutions must take all reasonable measures to protect students from unprotected conduct that stifles free speech or credibly threatens the physical safety of others.
    Obviously the context matters, just like the president of MIT said. You shouldn't be chucked out of the university just for writing an article for example. You actually have to issue threats.

    Of course the right themselves have been the first to claim this in respect of incitements to violence from the president on down
    Mike03, InTheSun and dapip repped this.
  10. dapip

    dapip Member+

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  11. soccernutter

    soccernutter Moderator
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    The story is all about a gay member of the board suggesting she resign, expect of the last paragraph. That is very much different than you inferred.
  12. Cascarino's Pizzeria

    Cascarino's Pizzeria BigSoccer Yellow Card

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  13. Cascarino's Pizzeria

    Cascarino's Pizzeria BigSoccer Yellow Card

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    Sometimes, in certain settings, the truth comes out

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  14. superdave

    superdave BigSoccer Yellow Card

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  15. Cascarino's Pizzeria

    Cascarino's Pizzeria BigSoccer Yellow Card

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    "Minivan Taliban" :p

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  16. rslfanboy

    rslfanboy Member+

    Jul 24, 2007
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    You may be right. I think it’s bullshit though. I can’t tell you how many stories I’ve heard of women faking it through the abuse because they are worried about even worse abuse if they don’t.
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  17. soccernutter

    soccernutter Moderator
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  18. Smurfquake

    Smurfquake Moderator
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    It sucks that this is the world we live in, but if this goes to trial, it's going to be pretty easy for the defense to get some dude (*) on the jury to believe that it was fully consensual because she didn't want to have to get her shirt dry cleaned.

    (*) just a prediction that it would be a guy on the jury who refuses to convict.
  19. rslfanboy

    rslfanboy Member+

    Jul 24, 2007
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    Never underestimate the slut-shaming of women by women. The fact that she engaged in a throuple would “allow” these people to say she deserved it.
    Deadtigers repped this.
  20. superdave

    superdave BigSoccer Yellow Card

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    Did any of you read the article? Or are you just defaulting to “believe the women?”
  21. Smurfquake

    Smurfquake Moderator
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    I read the article. Just because she let the guy in and asked him not to come on her shirt doesn't mean that she was a willing participant. She very definitively said "no", in a text message, before the guy showed up. Once the guy shows up, she may have found it easier to comply with his demands than to fight him off. When there's a power differential (the guy is the chairman of the Florida Republican Party), women sometimes have to do things they don't want to do.

    With that said, I agree with you that an actual rape conviction is next to impossible, but that doesn't mean she wanted it.
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  22. superdave

    superdave BigSoccer Yellow Card

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    There’s also the part where the video contradicts her statement. Cases where the two parties know each other like this, questions of consent are going to be very difficult for the prosecution. Add in a couple other factors from the article, and without new info we’re never going to convict the man.

    Rape cases are weird…where they know each other, the alleged rapist can claim consent. In cases where they don’t, it’s hard to identify the perpetrator. Just a really difficult crime to prove when they know each other because it comes down to two people’s interpretations of what was said and done. Getting explicit consent is pretty unromantic.

    One thing that would prove lack of consent is if the man beats the woman up, but like Smurf noted, women probably often just acquiesce to avoid violence, plus in kinky situations like this I’m guessing the victim isn’t brimming over with confidence and self esteem, and has a hard time clearly articulating her desires vs. her boundaries.
  23. rslfanboy

    rslfanboy Member+

    Jul 24, 2007
    Section 26
    Do you not read anything I post?

    Also, I think everyone here has admitted that she likely won’t prevail in court, regardless if she was raped or not.
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  24. usscouse

    usscouse BigSoccer Supporter

    May 3, 2002
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    Just a partial section of a scathing Thom Hartmann opinion editorial.
    He really lays it into these cowardly Trump sycophants. There’s a lot more in the link as well.
    I don’t think he likes this party of scum.

    Dear GOP: You’ll Never Wash the Stink of Trump Off You or Your Party. Never.

    “…..The entire world knows the foetor of his whipping up a crowd of thousands to try to assassinate the Vice President of the United States and the Speaker of the House.

    Trump’s minions urinated on the carpets in the hallowed halls of Congress, smeared feces on the walls, damaged priceless paintings from the founding era of our country, and murdered police officers protecting our nation’s Capitol. That stink will never fade, no matter how often his allies try to rewrite history, blur faces, or tell stories about bizarre “deep state” conspiracies.

    Did you think Americans would forget the stink of the 30,000+ documented lies he told America and the world while he was president? Or the lies he routinely spouts every time he speaks in public, so frequent now that even Fox “News” has to correct the facts when covering him?

    How about the reek of his dictator-like pronouncements that he will destroy the American Civil Service and fill our government with corrupt toadies, then imprison his political enemies and send the military into the streets like Maduro has done in Venezuela and tinpot dictators do all across the world?

    Do you really believe that we would forget the stink of his sucking up to murderous dictators like Putin, MBS, and Kim? Now that effluvium is being smeared all over Republican politicians, one after another, as they follow Trump’s orders — which he no doubt received from Putin — to abandon Ukraine.

    You are cowards, all. Covered in your wretched, cowardly, unpatriotic stink….”
  25. soccernutter

    soccernutter Moderator
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    I'm sure that we all know about the House Committee on Education and the Workforce hearings which have led to the ouster of U Penn President Liz Magill.

    The hearings included the Presidents of Harvard, MIT, U Penn, and a History of Jewish Studies professor at American U. All women (including one Black woman).

    And the chair of the committee? Virginia Foxx. As a reminder, she was the loudest voice next to Speaker Johnson when he held his first press conference upon being elected and the subsequent shouting down of the question about Johnson's views on the legitimacy of the 2020 election.

    Yeah, this hearing was a total setup, and was very likely an attack on successful women in academia.
    fatbastard repped this.

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