I love Bill Gildea. If you haven't read his column about the Irish national team meeting the Pope at Italia '90, you should go back and find it.
I like these articles. Makes me miss his columns, which are miles better than anything Wilbon, Korny, or Boswell has ever written. I wonder how Shirley Povich would have written about United. Sachin
"In Order to be the Man, You've got to Beat the Man" Rick Flair If ever there was a time for Petke to step up huge, tomorrow night is it.
With all this Flair talk we need some Horsemen around. Good article on Petke, has anyone noticed that at the end of the Season he seems to excel and play better than the rest of the year. I'm citing Petke's goal vs Columbus last year (from an Alegria lob) when he was Blonde, and subsequently we see it in the MLS "Its Right Here" commercials.
I think he had a lot on his mind this season as his wife was pregnant. Once his son was born, Petke's play improved a lot.
I have noticed that the Post does do this and Gildea has had some very good articles about United and soccer. I love his writing. Go Mike Petke!
Yeah, the Post does tend to notice DCU when we're good. We recede into the background when we're not.
That's not fair. Goff was churning out articles at least twice a week, even at the peak of our, uhm, not-so-good-playing-ness. --kravi
Sorry, I didn't mean that as an insult. By "the background" I only meant page D13 instead of D01 or D03, and no columns by the bigger/general sports names. I fully recognize that the coverage we get is pretty good, and defintiely better than in most other towns.
The thing I was blown away with the most when I opened up the Post wasn't the article on Petke (which was cool) but the 1/2 page black out ad on page two. This was awesome!
I liked that too Also good sized ad in the Express, which may serve even better from a marketing to the uninitiated point of view.
I might be out of the loop on this, but Gildea's written 2 articles this week, and nothing from Goff. Does everyone know if things are okay w/ him? Maybe he's been so used to United bowing out early the last few years that he scheduled vacation time for the first week of November?
Well, it was more along the lines of shouting "Are you Nature Boy in disguise?" to Joey Franchino, and something about leathery man-teats, but the less said on that front, the better. Actually, it's just "DEEEEEEEE...CEEEEEEEE...YUUUUUUU...NIIIIITEEEEEDDDD!!!" and then a bunch of drum hits like Also Sprach Zarathustra.
Usually Gildea writes feature articles and maybe he worked it out where Goff does the Saturday preview article and the Sunday game, err victory recap.
Goff was credited with the sidebar about tonight's game, so I'm hoping to see more from him tomorrow.