This is from the Fire site. Gazza might be playing on Wednesday and I have read on this site that he has signed with DC already.
A) post a link instead or in conjunction with your quote. B) Despite what the Fire site may say, it's pretty unlikely Gazza will be playing Wednesday. That said, it'd be nice to use this chant though it'd never succeed in Section 8... "Who gets drunk every night Wanders home, beats his wife It's a-Gazza Who ate all of our food In the concession booths It's a-Gazza"
Those are great. The article is on the front page of the Fire website, sorry for not posting a link. I really hope he plays.
No Gazza Wednesday - Later ????? Copyright © 2002 Agence France-Presse " Paul Gascoigne conducted his final workout with D.C. United and plans to return home to England on Thursday with no firm decision on whether or not the English legend will join Major League Soccer."
I know it's non-soccer related, but I'm glad someone out there besides me recognizes and remembers the truth. God bless you, GoHawks4.
It saddens me deeply that someone would name a thread "Get Your Wife-Beater Chants Ready!!!" and some moron would take it even further down by coming up with a chant he thinks "it'd be nice to use". This is extremely tasteless and shows no class whatsoever on the part of the authors.
Jacquie: Agreed. Idiots one and all. The past is the past, it's time to realise that he's moved on, sobered up and is actually back with his wife and kids. I hate this board. Cheers,
Gazza will not be playing nor will he be traveling with the team. If such a chant is started, I hope no one participates.
You have GOT to be kidding. What is the point of derrogatory opponent chants but to be tasteless and classless? Should we stop abusing Cobi and Ariel and Meola too? Shouldn't make fun of fat people you know...
No, I am NOT kidding you! I find irony in your choice of the word "abusing". It just shows what a simple minded twit you are if you think you have to be tasteless and classless to jeer an opponent. If you don't understand the difference in this thread "topic" and chants to bother Cobi, Ariel and/or Meola, I won't waste my time trying to explain it to someone who is obviously not only tasteless and classless but clueless too!
I was born on the right side of the covers or the nuns would have turned my mother away from the hospital. But, just to confirm, I have checked my birth certificate and I am, in fact, not a bastard. If I were spineless, I would just let idiots like you go unchallenged. Perhaps you are just angry because you are only getting support from Hala - who has proven himself, time and time again, to be so full of himself that he truly believes that only what he thinks matters.
That's right. I should have known. Society should just accept people no matter what they do. You were right and I was wrong. You're right about HalaMadrid, too. He is so damn full of himself, isn't he? God damn, you appear to be higher on your high horse than anybody here.
I am not sure how you could possibly read that into anything that I have posted - but then again you are clueless.
I am a woman and I am certainly not defending Gazza! I am, however, defending his wife. Leave her out of your chants! Hasn't she gone through enough? It is entirely inappropriate for her personal life to be the subject of a chant. Think about it.
We aren't heckling his wife, we are heckling him for something wrong that he did! Please understand that! His wife has nothing to do with the chant. We never said anything about making fun of his wife.