German Fraulein National Team 2020 & beyond

Discussion in 'Germany Mädels: NT and Frauen-Bundesliga' started by hotjam2, Feb 26, 2020.

  1. hotjam2

    hotjam2 Member+

    Nov 23, 2012
    Real Madrid
    I can’t see Grings being hired. Her Swiss team currently headed to last place in Natios League group & probably downgraded to B status. Lost now 3 competition games to Spain by scores of 1-5, 1-5, 1-7. Recently publicly splatted with some her players. And then there was open infidelity issues in her marriage. I mean it would really mean the DFB prestige & image would take an enormous beating if she did get hired.

    I read that Austrian coach Irene Fuhrmann might be the leading candidate, but she failed to get her NT into the WC twice

    my personal choice would be Essen coach, Hogner, who at least believes in an stabilizing he’s defense into an more cohesive unit that at least has the players protecting each other rather than fend for themselves.
  2. Thomsen

    Thomsen Member+

    Aug 6, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nia Künzer will become the new director or something, according to Bild
    Batfink repped this.
  3. Lohmann

    Lohmann Member+

    Arminia Bielefeld
    Feb 24, 2020
    Nat'l Team:
  4. hotjam2

    hotjam2 Member+

    Nov 23, 2012
    Real Madrid
    Senss is a good pick but maybe wait for the Wales game for her first cap?

    Noticing Batfink arch nemesis Anyomi, Brand, Dallmann & Krumbiegel made the call up ………carry on, Horst, carry on!
  5. BIHfan

    BIHfan Member+

    Borussia Dortmund
    Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Oct 13, 2020
    No Oberdorf and Rauch due to injuries, Germany cannot afford anything less than 6 points from the next 2 games if they want to finish first.
  6. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    Oh... she's a good pick, but not good enough to feature Vs Denmark...:rolleyes:

    Having seen her produce performances for two years at the same level as Nüsken, but doing so within teams at a lower level than Frankfurt, regardless of the oppositions FIFA rank, I'm pretty confident a 26yo Senß will be a very good player for the wnt.

    Batfink's arch nemesis...:confused:

    See, I'll repeat this again... being critical of players IS NOT the same as openly disliking players; because if I didn't actually like any of the names you've decided to mention here, I would just say so without any need to be deceptive in my bias.

    And given the wnt's current situation, Anyomi, Brand, Dallmann, even Krumbiegel selected as a FB, are now very rational selections for a wnt in need of some stability/continuity.

    Making your attempt to disparage my opinions even more stupid too, when Hrubesch has literally gone and selected the one player I've said should be a member of the wnt for years lol...:rolleyes:

    So no, post MVT (a coach you'd defend, and tried to compare to elite coaches like Wiegmann lol) Hrubesch's not doing anything to make me look particularly foolish right now, when his main goal is to try and stabilise the wnt, not rebuild it in his own image.
  7. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    Not prepared to run with/without the ball, Oberdorf hasn't looked right all season... so I'm pleased the wnt hasn't called on her this time, as she clearly needs time to solve whatever is wrong with her physical condition.

    And with Rauch missing, it also confirms what I thought about her club situation; which is her missing games not actually due to Stroot simply preferring Rabano.

    So it should be interesting to see Germany's approach to mid-field Vs Denmark now, as Magull, Lohmann, no longer see themselves featuring for Bayern in mid-field, while Däbritz, and Nüsken, as CM's both regular starters in good form for their clubs.
  8. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    Yeah... and it needs to be asked, is this actually a good thing...:cautious:

    Hoping to see the wnt move away from the nepotism that continues to allow Neid control over everything from behind the scenes, having a former Neid player like Kunzer become the wnt's new director of football, sure feels like she'll be potentially reinforcing the same flawed system that already exits...:unsure:
  9. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    Squad Vs Denmark & Wales...
    Bühl/Brand -------------------------- Popp/Schüller ------------------------ Huth/Dallmann
    ---------- Lattwein/Däbritz/Lohmann ---------- Magull/Freigang/Anyomi -----------
    ----------------------------------------- Nüsken/Senß --------------------------------------
    Linder ----- Hegering/Kleinherne ------- Hendrich/Doorsoun ------ Gwinn/Krumbiegel
    ---------------------------------- Frohms/Berger/Johannes -----------------------------------
    Reserves: Bremer, Endemann, Hagel, Kett..o_O, Mahmutovic, Minge, Petermann, Müller

    It's great to finally see Senß recognised for her impressive league form, but it also leaves me slightly disappointed not to see another impressive league performer like Lührßen on the reserves list.

    So with someone like Endemann having league form place her on a path to see her name within the full squad some time this season, I find it very interesting seeing Kett's name on the reserves list, when so many of her u19/20 peers continue to so much more this season...:unsure:

    From Elmazi, Alber, Zicai, Corley, even Mattner playing for UWCL side St. Pölten, these are all names doing significantly more impressive work for their clubs right now, making Kett's appearance on this list slightly confusing to me.

    My predicted starting 11 Vs Denmark...
    Bühl -------------------- Popp -------------------- Huth
    ----------- Däbritz ------------------ Lohmann ---------
    -------------------------- Nüsken --------------------------
    Linder ----- Hegering ------- Hendrich ------ Gwinn
    -------------------------- Frohms --------------------------
  10. BIHfan

    BIHfan Member+

    Borussia Dortmund
    Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Oct 13, 2020
    That would make no sense either way, Rauch was a regular starter at Wolfsburg until about a month ago or so. Rabano is a total rookie compared to her.
  11. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    LOL... really? I've seen more than opinion suggesting Rauch was initially dropped for underwhelming performances...:rolleyes:

    This to me also making ZERO sense, considering the always tactically low IQ Wilms continuing to start for Wolfsburg lol.

    Some Wolfsburg fans/haters so desperate to explain the teams decline, they've resorted to calling out the teams best performers to justify their consistently bad takes lol...:confused:

    But it's still healthy to see Linder replacing Rauch within the wnt, knowing Simon also set to return at some point.
  12. hotjam2

    hotjam2 Member+

    Nov 23, 2012
    Real Madrid
    sorry but previous posts had you claim

    Dallmann will be dropped from the NT(and this was over an year)

    Anyomi wouldn’t make the WC squad

    just a few days ago you wrote Endermann’s better than Brand

    you’ve had nothing ever positive to say about Krumbiegel(even though she did what no German’s done in 20 years; score an game winner vs the US)
  13. hotjam2

    hotjam2 Member+

    Nov 23, 2012
    Real Madrid
    Germany also will have to beat Denmark by two goals or more if they’re tied in points at the end of group play.

    one interesting aspect is the lack of goal scoring so far in this season’s Bundesliga from the NT picks. if you take away Freigang’s 3 PK’s, than the next 6 top German goals scorers aren’t on the NT.(which would be Weidauer, Alber Hausicke , Kossler, Elmazi Maier,….all with 4-5 goals a piece)
    BM’s players are completely lacking in goal tally’ so far
    Dallmann 2 goals
    Schuller 2
    Buhl 1
    Gwinn 1
    Magull 0
    Lohmann 0

    Popp 2
    Lattwein 2
    Brand 0
    Huth 0

    something to worry about? At least Nusken got 4 goals in the WSL
  14. BIHfan

    BIHfan Member+

    Borussia Dortmund
    Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Oct 13, 2020
    Rauch had some bad games both for Wolfsburg and the national team but she was also injured twice for a while in the past 6 months or so which resulted in players like Wilms playing more.
  15. BIHfan

    BIHfan Member+

    Borussia Dortmund
    Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Oct 13, 2020
    They can do it, if there's anything Germany has shown so far in the Nations League is that they can score several goals per game. The only game in which they didn't score a single goal so far was the away game in Denmark which was also the toughest away fixture.
    Batfink repped this.
  16. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    #4191 Batfink, Nov 21, 2023
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2023
    Reading everything here like...
    [​IMG] ...:rolleyes:
    I literally just reiterated how stupid this is getting, as you wilfully fail to grasp the basic context of analysis/criticism, NOT being the same thing as genuinely disliking any one particular individual player.

    All of these points your trying to highlight, completely irrelevant to the original post you'd make, where it clear has you trying to suggest Hrubesch's latest squad somehow validating your manufactured imaginary world, where I supposedly openly dislike these particular players....:confused:
  17. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    I've never said this...:confused: But I can confirm my belief 99% vindicated, that she's not able to contribute towards any elite teams success, if it's with her being deployed within a CAM (central attacking mid-fielder) role.

    Seriously... it's has to be delusion at this point, that has you make these assertions for my various analysis of players...:cautious:

    My failed prediction of Anyomi not making the WC squad, also having NOTHING to do with the biased emotional nonsense your trying to attach towards peoples analysis of the WC squad.

    MVT's pre WC squad was just horribly unbalanced, with Anyomi one of the many forwards selected, who's actual role on the team highly suspect, and probably better served by them being replaced with an extra defender.

    And in the end, I feel like the unbalanced nature of the WC squad backfired in a major way, with Anyomi (like I said) having no clear role on the team, making her presence truly pointless.

    The fact you continue to do this is maddening...:devilish:. Me saying Endemann's tactical understanding as a wide forward superior to Brand, nothing but a pretty damn basic assessment whenever you see how these two will try to be most effective within club football

    Making this another perfect example of you intentionally confusing reasonable analysis for hate, when it increasingly obvious to lots of people watching, how poor Brand's tactical understanding of the game appears right now.

    Why would I have anything positive to say about Krumbiegel's pre WC contributions to the wnt, when her performances with the senior wnt as a wide forward mainly underwhelming...?

    Krumbiegel only looking impressive for a series of games for her club this season, as her coach has decided to revert to using her as an attacking RB.

    If Krumbiegel can continue playing well for Hoffenheim, gets into the wnt as a FB, and does well for the wnt... great... no complaints, as that's what's meant to happen.

    But I'm not going to applaud what MVT did, by selecting a bench player Krumbiegel ahead of more deserving names.
  18. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    I knew Rauch was playing through some injuries, but I think Wilms was seeing more game time regardless of Rauch's situation, as Wedemeyer her only competition this season was also out with injury, no?

    But moving forward, I'd like to think the wnt would make sure they have at least 3 credible LB and RB options. With the WC being a perfect example of how not to do things, seeing Germany having to resort towards using Huth and f*cking Hagel as full time defenders....
  19. BIHfan

    BIHfan Member+

    Borussia Dortmund
    Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Oct 13, 2020
    And the Nusken disaster against Colombia when she was forced to play in a position she can't play in.
  20. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    Bayern's approach to offense under Straus stinks lol, I mean... the guy uses Magull and Lohmann as wide attackers; do I need to say more...:confused:

    But looking at goals and assists combined, 17yo Alber currently Germany's most effective domestic player lol, with Kössler still in 4th place with her only featuring in 2 games all season...:rolleyes:

    Probably telling you not to look so hard at goal stats right now, considering Minge was leading the top scorer charts early last season, before ending on 9, while Popp would end with 16.

    The league that was supposedly going to be a too hard a step up in quality for her...:rolleyes: Fraudulent lol.
  21. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC

    Germany's back 4 to end that match Huth - Hendrich - Nüsken - Hagel....:sick::thumbsdown: What a waste, what a disaster lol.
  22. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    You want a perfect example of why Germany's wnt continues to exist with so many long standing issues... well, after months wasting time do nothing post WC group stage failure, the DFB leak reports about them being ready to announce former player/ARD studio expert Nia Künzer, as their first ever wnt sports director... in the same week rumours stir around Spain's FA potentially announcing the arrival of a former Barcelona sporting director, as their women's program director...

    As one program fresh from WC winning success, set to be overseen by the man who'd help build Barcelona's women into one of the new forces of European women's football. The other program fresh from attaining new lows, is looking to announce a former player come TV studio expert, who's biggest football achievement is scoring a WC wining goal 20 years ago...:rolleyes:

    And now we wait to see Inka Grings eventually announced as Germany's next wnt head coach lol.
    Weltmann repped this.
  23. BIHfan

    BIHfan Member+

    Borussia Dortmund
    Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Oct 13, 2020
    I refuse to believe Grings will be announced as the new head coach, that would just kill this team.
  24. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    The example I'd provide above, validates the levels of truly disappointing nepotism running the wnt lol.

    So don't be shocked to see the name Grings show up again before the actual announcement of Germany's next wnt coach...:cautious:

    The leak of a list with the DFB's potential names for this role wasn't done on accident. And as a result the timing of her contract termination with Switzerland should be concerning lol...
  25. BIHfan

    BIHfan Member+

    Borussia Dortmund
    Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Oct 13, 2020
    To be fair, that also had a lot to do with Switzerland getting utterly destroyed by Spain 3 times in 3 months AND having 0 points (1 goals scored, 14 conceeded) in their League A group.

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