GAME DAY 9: RSL @ Chicago Fire Saturday, April 20, 2024 6:30pm

Discussion in 'Real Salt Lake' started by rslfanboy, Apr 18, 2024.

  1. 15 to 32

    15 to 32 Straw Hog

    Jul 1, 2008
    Salt Lake
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    The keepers effort was something too
  2. DrownedElf

    DrownedElf Member+

    Jul 5, 2010
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I'm not sure what the takeaway from this game is. Hopefully it got Luna back on track. But if their offense was playing better, this could've been a high scoring game for both teams.

    If our CB option is Brody, I'd rather just play a training cone instead
    15 to 32 repped this.
  3. 15 to 32

    15 to 32 Straw Hog

    Jul 1, 2008
    Salt Lake
    Real Salt Lake
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    United States
    Brody was still playing RB
    He needs to be sat next week unless there are literally no other options
  4. Ismitje

    Ismitje Super Moderator

    Dec 30, 2000
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    Next week's game is at unbeaten Philadelphia, who will eat this defense alive. Play whoever we want back there.
    15 to 32, DkM77 and RSLer repped this.
  5. RSLer

    RSLer Member+

    Sep 24, 2008
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    I kinda had a feeling. Although I had no idea Chicago is as bad as they are. Our defense wasn’t good. The clean sheet is the surprise of the game. Their defense was bad too. The second surprise of the game is that we punished them for their errors. The referee didn’t have a good game either. There were several posts tonight asking if Crooks is any good. He has no speed, he needs a pogo stick to catch air, he can’t beat anybody on the dribble, half of his passes aren’t good, and he is reluctant to shoot when he should. I’ve noted that he moves well off the ball. He has a pretty high soccer I.Q. in my opinion. He keeps his cool and never panics. The cons outweigh the pros. We just have to hope the move, coming to a new league etc… are the problems and that he will overcome them.
    Med_Phys, 15 to 32 and DkM77 repped this.
  6. irondeepbicycle

    irondeepbicycle Member+

    Real Salt Lake
    United States
    Jul 31, 2017
    I felt like it was a matter of time before Barajas kicked somebody out of the starting lineup, and thought it was between Luna and Crooks. After this game it has to be Crooks feeling nervous.

    I also think we have to consider Zack Farnsworth next week if Glad and Vera are still hurt.
    Allez RSL, Ismitje and DkM77 repped this.
  7. evilradar

    evilradar Member

    Real Salt Lake
    United States
    Apr 4, 2019
    so if Chicho was subbed off who would get the captain’s armband? :thumbsdown: Oviedo?
  8. DkM77

    DkM77 Member

    Real Salt Lake
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    If experience, Ovieo. Level of play, Eneli.
  9. KendaReal

    KendaReal Member+

    May 3, 2010
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    Crooks reminds me a lot of Kreilach his first year here. I'm hoping that he, like Kreilach, adjusts to MLS play because I can see the potential.

    Glad we broke the Beavers curse and finally got a result with him between the pipes. He could be a long term solution at GK if he keeps developing.
    DkM77, Allez RSL, Med_Phys and 3 others repped this.
  10. Ismitje

    Ismitje Super Moderator

    Dec 30, 2000
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    There's already not much difference between him and MacMath, so he could already be our solution.
    15 to 32 repped this.
  11. DrownedElf

    DrownedElf Member+

    Jul 5, 2010
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    Quinton because he's the tallest.
    Allez RSL and 15 to 32 repped this.
  12. 15 to 32

    15 to 32 Straw Hog

    Jul 1, 2008
    Salt Lake
    Real Salt Lake
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    United States
    Does that mean crooks inevitably becomes our forward option due to his lack of speed and ability to play consistently in the middle?
    DkM77, KendaReal and goobx1 repped this.
  13. Med_Phys

    Med_Phys Member+

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    Jun 20, 2019
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    What is up with Storlie getting the emergency call-up over guys like Farnsworth? Is that an indictment on the previous development crew/FO that signed him or is he just not developing (I know he was hurt, but I thought he's started all the Monarchs games and not out of position like Storlie)?
    15 to 32 repped this.
  14. goobx1

    goobx1 Member+

    Jul 9, 2007
    Salt Lake
    I really don't know what to take from this game either. I would have put a lot of money on RSL getting thumped with that CB combo and Beavers in Goal. Was definitely not counting on Chicago being the dumpster fire that they are. Wow, they suck or at least sucked on the night but I'm guessing they just really suck.

    Shaqiri is looking like an all time MLS bust. I was stoked when they brought him in but damn, it has not worked out at all. I would be curious to know if he was actually injured or just not interested. The Fire have spent a lot of money to be this bad.

    I am enjoying this RSL team at the moment but that doesn't mean I don't find it rather confusing and perplexing. I am still not a Pablo M fan at all but you can't argue with results. RSL is sitting 3rd in the west and 3rd, minus tiebreakers, in the supporter shield. Not at all what I was expecting to start the season.

    I do like Crooks, a lot, but can totally see the argument that he sucks. He's one of the those players that may, might, possibly could, defy the stats but the jury is out. I thought he played his best game for RSL against Chicago. I do think that he could end up being a bust but I am still willing to give him time to let the team get used to him and time for him to get used to MLS. The more his team mates get used to what he is about and how he plays I really think he could be an awesome addition but at the moment the jury is still out. He seems to want to play with a little more patience and build up with short passes to team mates while RSL wants to rush quickly forward. Matt looks at times like he wants to combine with a fellow team mate for a few moments to draw in defenders to open up options behind but his team mates aren't as patient. The Kreilach comparison is apt but I think Matt could actually be a better player than Dami. He's better with the ball, for the most part, has really good vision, and at the moment is much more mobile. Matt makes a lot of runs and ends up all over the field at times.

    But again, I definitely see the worry. Totally.

    Chicho is an incredible player and I agree with 15 in that what the hell was he doing in the game that long? Pablo M will run his players into the ground. He also seems to pride himself on having rather physical and demanding practices that seem to get his players injured more than during actual games. I find that perplexing.

    Back to Chicago, how on earth could they not take advantage of that back line? Hopefully Glad and/or Vera will be back for Philly because they would make mince meat of a Bode/Oviedo CB tandem back there.

    I am digging the Eneli and Ojeda pairing. They are good together. Eneli did have a couple of early mistakes that could have changed the look of the game for sure but RSL lucked out and got the first goal and stole all of the Fire confidence after the 2nd one.

    I am not much of a Brody fan either. Unless you are just asking him to play defense then he is a serviceable MLS defender. If you are going to continue to focus on attacking down the right side with Gomez then invest in a better RB. It's one of the most deep spots in the entire sport for finding better options. Hell, RSL has had two of the better ones in MLS before and let them go. But again, you can't argue with results.

    Chicho is amazing. That can't be said enough.

    Beavers was fine. He played well. I really like MacMath but I wonder if RSL should just bite the bullet and give Beavers a run. I think that Zac has definitely earned the starting spot but if you think Beavers is the future, or you're trying to get him sold, give him a 3-5 game run and see if he can't win the spot. Sucks big time for Zac but if you think he is ready play him, if not quit dicking around with a few starts here and there.

    Great to see Luna get a goal or be gifted a goal. Good for him absolutely. I would be curious to see how he did in the middle starting over Crooks for a game but I think MLS defenders might be able to handle him at the moment but how will we know if they don't give it a go?

    Anyway, way to get 3 points when it certainly didn't look possible.
    Med_Phys repped this.
  15. KendaReal

    KendaReal Member+

    May 3, 2010
    Taylorsville, UT
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    United States
    Not where I was going with that but, yeah, probably.
    15 to 32 repped this.
  16. CD Palestino

    CD Palestino New Member

    Mar 29, 2015
    Real Salt Lake
    come on pal…..
    DkM77 and Ismitje repped this.
  17. goobx1

    goobx1 Member+

    Jul 9, 2007
    Salt Lake
    I didn't say he was better. Actually at the moment he is a better player than Dami. Which really isn't hard. lol

    He may never reach the reverential heights of Dami with the fans but he could be as impactful. He also falls down a lot, so there is that comparison.

    I'm also not part of the Kult of Kreilach either that thinks he is a god that we shouldn't have let go either. Glad he's not on the team. If they kept him he would have been a distraction and really just taking up time that young players deserve.

    Glad he played for us. Glad he is at Vancouver this year.
    15 to 32 repped this.
  18. Ismitje

    Ismitje Super Moderator

    Dec 30, 2000
    The Palouse
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    United States
    Better than the Kreilach who left, you bet. Already is. Better than Kreilach was for us over his time here? That's where I'm with @CD Palestino.
    DkM77 repped this.
  19. goobx1

    goobx1 Member+

    Jul 9, 2007
    Salt Lake
    Agree. Just suggesting he could be better. May be a stretch but I willing to have hope.
  20. 15 to 32

    15 to 32 Straw Hog

    Jul 1, 2008
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    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I’m the one who brought crooks up in this thread. I see him do things that are great. I see him do things that are not great. The stats lean towards the latter currently. He’s also not getting help from some poor finishing from his teammates to help.

    all that said, it’s way too early to make any decisive commentary. The data available now is too thin and can be easily manipulated into arguments either way.

    what is frustrating is he’s taking a spot in this new formation that we arguably already had a player for: Luna as the CAM. As much as Pablo wants to say “depending on what wing we go down, the opposite side wing tucks in to become a 10” that just isn’t true. The tactic is play down the right wing, or through the middle with Luna and Crooks tucked in. It’s not terrible, but it is limited in approach.

    Which means crooks and Luna are constantly battling for position in the shape (similar to when Javi and Andy or Mathis were in the diamond) and they both suffer for it.

    id argue the team shape and tactics have looked best when Fidel is on LW and Gomez RW. That allows for balanced play. That then begs the question why crooks was needed at AM when it could have been Luna who was already here.

    it’s fluid and having depth isn’t bad. However, when you look at the state of the backline, you start to question the redundancy in the middle / front compared to a very thin back
    acima, RSLer and goobx1 repped this.
  21. Med_Phys

    Med_Phys Member+

    United States
    Jun 20, 2019
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    Luna is gone this summer?
    They were waiting on the roster rule changes?
    Just spit-balling because I completely agree.
    15 to 32, RSLer and goobx1 repped this.
  22. 15 to 32

    15 to 32 Straw Hog

    Jul 1, 2008
    Salt Lake
    Real Salt Lake
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    United States
    Depth doesn’t hurt. Especially around young volatile players.
    DkM77 repped this.
  23. rslfanboy

    rslfanboy Member+

    Jul 24, 2007
    Section 26
    @Ismitje ,
    Can you change this to gameday 9? Oops.

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