FSU 2024

Discussion in 'Women's College' started by Tom81, Dec 8, 2023.

  1. Bigred.

    Bigred. Member

    Dec 28, 2023
    Echegini is a Juventus player. I wish her the best of luck. Great player for FSU.

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  2. BG78

    BG78 New Member

    United States
    Nov 9, 2022
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  3. Tom81

    Tom81 Member+

    Jan 25, 2008
    Picked up some good info from another site.
    Expectations are that Flynn goes into the draft.
    Also Dudley is expected back. Jody Brown and Ran Iwai are expected
    to be at FSU in the spring. Whether or not they are there in the fall is less sure.
    Similar to Heather Payne from last year.
    U20 WC this year. Aug 31 to Sept 22 I believe, in Columbia.
    We expect Dudley, Suarez and Gilchrist to be there. We'll see.

    I'm assuming that since Washington played full NT WC for Jamaica, she would not drop down to play U20. Am I assuming incorrectly?
    whatagoodball repped this.
  4. Bigred.

    Bigred. Member

    Dec 28, 2023
    Jamaica did not qualify.
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  5. Tally T

    Tally T Member

    United States
    Sep 16, 2019
    Thanks for sharing Tom.

    I can't confirm any of that since I haven't talked with anyone over there in weeks. However, if that report is true it would be great news for FSU.

    It is true that Jody and Ran staying for the Spring doesn't mean that they will be on the team when it matters in the fall. In that respect it is like what we saw with Heather last summer. However, there is an important difference (at least in Jody's case). Heather was always more likely to go to Europe so foregoing the NWSL draft and staying in Tally for the spring wasn't such a big deal. Heather still had the Europe option in her back pocket. Jody is different. Her decision to pass on the NWSL draft (at least for this year) is significant as she is a player who could have chosen the NWSL. The fact that she didn't is a big deal even though she could still absolutely go overseas.

    Let's spin this forward. If Ran and especially Jody return FSU is the clear cut #1 team in the nation even if Lauren leaves. Pensky could trot out a starting 11 that looks like this (and keep in mind that I don't think that he is done with the portal yet):

    GK: Todd
    D: Rain, Gilchrist, Ashe, Van Zanten
    M: Huff, Iwai, (Nguyen, Boeckmann, Norshie, etc. lots of options to replace Nesbeth)
    F: Brown, Dudley, (Washington, Simmonds, Garcia, Zipay etc. again lots of options)

    Whichever way Pensky goes that is a killer lineup and there would be plenty of talent off the bench. Hard to see that as not the #1 team unless Addie is a disaster in goal which I think is unlikely

    We'll have to see if Jody returns.

    Note: I'm assuming that Beata leaves because that is by far the most likely scenario. However, if by some miracle she returns the lineup would obviously be even scarier.
    sweepsit and Noledavey repped this.
  6. Tom81

    Tom81 Member+

    Jan 25, 2008
    I'm really thinking Washington and Suarez are immediate impact players. Some think Hudson is also in that category. We'll see.
    I'll consider Iwai and or Brown coming back as some serious gravy.
    As long as Dudley comes back, I think we go in #1 in the pre season.
    I think Pitt may be the strongest team not named FSU.
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  7. Tally T

    Tally T Member

    United States
    Sep 16, 2019
    Pitt is going to be really good but I am not sure that they will be better than Stanford (I'm assuming that you are talking about just the ACC and not the whole nation). Stanford was pretty young last year so they will return a lot of talent.

    Agree on Washington and Suarez but there will be serious camp position battles going on. There will be ferocious competition for playing time especially if Jody and/or Ran return. Will be interesting to see who comes out on top.
  8. Tom81

    Tom81 Member+

    Jan 25, 2008
    You are probably right. Until proven otherwise, Stanford would have to be considered top 2 in the ACC.
  9. Tally T

    Tally T Member

    United States
    Sep 16, 2019
    Lauren Flynn has an interesting decision. She is really talented but there are a ton of CBs registered for the draft this year. I count 31 already and some of them are pretty big names (Kennedy Wesley, Eva Gaetino, Waniya Hudson, Victoria Haugen, Cori Dyke, Maycee Bell, Talia Staude) to name a few. Obviously Flynn is just as good or better than anyone in that group but that is still a lot of competition. It is very unlikely that next year's draft will have such stiff competition at CB. Therefore, Lauren would likely have a better chance at going higher next year.

    Obviously there are a lot of other variables (she could get hurt next year, she may want to go now, she may end up going overseas anyway, etc.). If she really just feels ready to go pro then she should go and not worry about this (and of course I would wish her the best) but if she is truly on the fence it would be rational to at least consider the fact that the draft competition at CB will almost certainly be weaker next year.
  10. Number007

    Number007 Member+

    Santos FC
    Aug 29, 2018
    Interested in your analysis. Why is it obvious that she is as good or better? Its a team game and all players have different strengths and weaknesses that will play/be projected differently at the next level by GMs and coaches. the NWSL draft is not slotted, unless they have changed it, so the majority of players are getting an invitation to camp with no contract guarantee. Where you are drafted is more of an ego stroke than anything else. If you want to play, because there is no financial benefit, being drafted into a team that fits you well is more important than where you are drafted.
  11. Tally T

    Tally T Member

    United States
    Sep 16, 2019
    Yes, it is important to be drafted to a team that fits you well. However, I am assuming that teams will not waste high draft choices on players that they don't feel will fit their system as draft picks (particularly high ones) are valuable.

    Therefore, there is some benefit to getting drafted high as the team is more likely to give highly drafted players a longer leash and more chances to prove themselves if only to prove that they were right to have drafted the player so highly. We see this happen in many sports.
    ytrs repped this.
  12. Tally T

    Tally T Member

    United States
    Sep 16, 2019

    Congratulations Joe! Well deserved!
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  13. Bigred.

    Bigred. Member

    Dec 28, 2023
    pretty incredible that she went from a decent player at Miss State who scored a couple of goals to the Honda award and MAC Hermann Trophy winner in 2 years.

    This should be a great selling point to transfers as well.
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  14. Number007

    Number007 Member+

    Santos FC
    Aug 29, 2018
    the system a player is in is every bit as important.
  15. Tally T

    Tally T Member

    United States
    Sep 16, 2019
    No question.

    The other good thing about it (from a recruiting perspective) is that Joe came after Mark left so Brian can (justifiably) claim credit for helping her develop with his coaching.
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  16. Tally T

    Tally T Member

    United States
    Sep 16, 2019
  17. Tom81

    Tom81 Member+

    Jan 25, 2008
    Good Luck to Beata!
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  18. Bigred.

    Bigred. Member

    Dec 28, 2023
    AIK just got promoted in the top division in Sweden, I think it's a good start for her. That league is quiet competitive.
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  19. Noledavey

    Noledavey New Member

    United States
    Oct 4, 2020
    Flynn and Nesbeth have registered for the NWSL draft.
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  20. Tom81

    Tom81 Member+

    Jan 25, 2008
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  21. Tally T

    Tally T Member

    United States
    Sep 16, 2019
    Congrats to Jordynn, Heather and Taylor.

    In case anyone was wondering, Taylor has enrolled at FSU for this semester so she is officially a Nole.
    VictoryCB repped this.
  22. Tom81

    Tom81 Member+

    Jan 25, 2008
    Good! Might be more efficient to use her last name, so as to not confuse her with Huff.
    I'm anxious for the spring schedule to come out. Hope to make it up there for at least 1 scrimmage or game. Can't wait to see the newbies.
    Tally, any word on the other freshmen or transfers enrolling?
  23. Tally T

    Tally T Member

    United States
    Sep 16, 2019
    Kameron Simmonds has also enrolled.
    VictoryCB repped this.
  24. Tally T

    Tally T Member

    United States
    Sep 16, 2019
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  25. Bigred.

    Bigred. Member

    Dec 28, 2023
    Nesbeth drafted in the first round by Chicago
    Flynn drafted in the second round by Utah
    Roque drafted in the third round by Utah
    Echegini signed with Juventus in Italy
    Olsson signed with AIK in Sweden
    Alagoa in the transfer portal
    Pais out of eligibility

    6 signees plus 3 transfers coming in. This 2024 FSU roster looks really good right now.

    Are more incoming transfers expected and any news on who is joining the staff as assistant coach?

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