FSU 2024

Discussion in 'Women's College' started by Tom81, Dec 8, 2023.

  1. ytrs

    ytrs Member+

    Jan 24, 2018
    The financial carrot of turning pro early is only a now thing. It was not worth it before.

    Degree completion has been around for a long time.
  2. Tally T

    Tally T Member

    United States
    Sep 16, 2019
    The NWSL has posted the first registrants for the 2024 Draft. So far no one from FSU has registered but of course there is a long way to go.
    Noledavey repped this.
  3. Noledavey

    Noledavey New Member

    United States
    Oct 4, 2020
    Registration deadline is January 8. Not looking forward to any post-Christmas lumps of coal we might receive.
  4. Tom81

    Tom81 Member+

    Jan 25, 2008
    sweepsit, RSLer and BG78 repped this.
  5. sweepsit

    sweepsit Member

    Oct 25, 2016
    SF, California
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Alagoa transferring…
  6. Tom81

    Tom81 Member+

    Jan 25, 2008
    Not shocked. She is marvelous in close spaces and is very clever, but doesn't have good speed.
  7. Tally T

    Tally T Member

    United States
    Sep 16, 2019
    I wish Maria the best obviously. She is a talented player who would start for a lot of teams.

    This fits a pattern for FSU. Florida State never loses starters to the transfer portal. They only lose starters to the pros.

    Therefore, her transferring likely means that she and/or the coaches didn't see a path for her to start so she is leaving to get more minutes.

    FSU is potentially losing two starting midfielders: Brown (maybe) and Nesbeth (definitely) and a player as talented as Maria still didn't think that she was going to start. That is a good sign for the talent level on the roster if the staff feels that there are going to be two other midfielders besides Taylor that will be better than Maria.
    RSLer repped this.
  8. Eddie K

    Eddie K Member+

    May 5, 2007
    Is this news? Maria Alagoa has been in the transfer portal since 12/7.
    She made a recent update to "not be contacted" which usually means the player now has a plan.

    edit - just fyi - she's the only ws player from FSU in there rn.

    and if you're really curious- there are 22 for Football, but 8 are 5th years.
  9. sweepsit

    sweepsit Member

    Oct 25, 2016
    SF, California
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    It was news to me as I, like most, don’t have access to the portal and hadn’t seen it anywhere else. Appreciate the update that there aren’t any others in there.
  10. Number007

    Number007 Member+

    Santos FC
    Aug 29, 2018
    it speaks to the huge gap between those who have the profiles teams consider valuable and the rest. This has always been the case. Internationals are in a different bracket. Even if they are not better on the field than us players who are uncapped
  11. ImYouthSoccer

    ImYouthSoccer Member

    Real Madrid
    United States
    Dec 12, 2023
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  12. Tom81

    Tom81 Member+

    Jan 25, 2008
    Wow! I guess that BP is taking FSU domestic recruiting to a whole new level. That is 4 top 25 recruits in one class. I don't think FSU has ever done that among domestic recruits!
    UNC, STanford, UCLA, Duke and UVA have all done that I'm sure, but this is plowing new ground for FSU!
    Now let's have another miracle and hang on to Jordynn Dudley for at least one more year.
    VictoryCB repped this.
  13. Tom81

    Tom81 Member+

    Jan 25, 2008
    Brian Pensky must be more aggressive on the recruiting trail than Mark was. The incoming class 24 has 2 top 25 recruits. One was a flip from UNC (Suarez), and one was a flip from Duke (Washington). Now he gets a 25 class flip from Stanford in Bugg.
    I'm guessing his more aggressive recruiting coupled with 4 nattys has finally evened (or in the process of evening up) the domestic recruiting turf
  14. Carolina92

    Carolina92 Member

    Sep 26, 2008
    “Aggressive” aka throwing NIL money out like candy. It really seems like FSU is light years ahead of everyone else in the NIL space for WoSo.
  15. Tom81

    Tom81 Member+

    Jan 25, 2008
    #90 Tom81, Dec 27, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2023
    Is that speculation? Or do you have information regarding that?
    I certainly can't find any information about it.
    I have no idea how much NIL top players in college woso get. Do you?
    I'm not being snarky. I'm genuinely curious. Please post a link if you have one.
  16. Tom81

    Tom81 Member+

    Jan 25, 2008
    I won't apologize for FSU's success with or w/o NIL, because we have always been at a disadvantage compared to UNC, Stanford, Duke, UCLA and UVA.
    VictoryCB repped this.
  17. L'orange

    L'orange Member+

    Jul 20, 2017
    NIL should be banned from recruiting--no offers and no contracts until a player is enrolled for one year. It's nothing but seedy bribery. Disgusting. I suspect that FSU is stealing commits from Duke and Stanford because Duke and Stanford are not too eager to play the corrupt NIL game. I don't know that to be true--but Stanford and Duke seem high-minded schools with principles not far removed from that of the Ivies. FSU? Not so much. Now, with the Duke and Stanford men's teams in soccer, basketball, etc. it may be different--but I have my doubts that Stanford and Duke women's soccer coaches are standing over prospects and commits, with camera videos running, and dropping bills on the players from overhead. The whole business is dirty--and FSU clearly is doing a lot of tampering with commits/current players, etc.
  18. Carolina92

    Carolina92 Member

    Sep 26, 2008
    #93 Carolina92, Dec 27, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2023
    I don’t know the specifics of any particular deal (assuming there was one) but I believe at least one of the commit flips FSU got this off season had details of her NIL deal leaked either here or online somewhere else (but who knows if it’s true either?). Should NIL deals be forced to be public info is another debate. But FSU isn’t exactly shying away from making it known they are relying heavily on NIL to attract and retain players…


    I’d assume FSU was probably in the running originally for each of these players on the recruiting trail and all things being equal they chose to go elsewhere, then maybe Rising Spear got a big influx of cash after winning the title this year and FSU was able to go back to some players and sweeten the deal? I’m just guessing this is what happened based on how recruiting for Football works, which is seemingly what WoSo recruiting is turning into. It probably just took FSU more time to cobble together the WoSo deals since this is the first full season of their NIL program.


    SoccerTrustee posted this in the Hot Seat thread. I knew I had seen it somewhere on here…
    “The article on Solar Washington doesn’t include a major component in her decision. She got a very good NIL deal at FSU worth about a 1/4 million $ over her four years. We can debate the ethics of dangling an NIL deal after a kid commits somewhere. The influence of NIL’s is hitting women’s soccer too. In the end the $ talks and wins out.”
  19. PlayboiXL

    PlayboiXL Member

    Apr 5, 2008
    Honestly L’Orange don’t come in our thread throwing baseless accusations around like they are fact..just because FSU is starting to recruit as well as your favorite school.

    Keep your filth about us in your own thread. Not responding to you anymore.
    VictoryCB, sweepsit and RSLer repped this.
  20. Carolina92

    Carolina92 Member

    Sep 26, 2008
    And to be clear, I’m not criticizing FSU in any way. Love it or hate it, this is the state of the game today.
    RSLer and whatagoodball repped this.
  21. UNCleNutsy

    UNCleNutsy Member

    UNC Women
    United States
    Oct 22, 2022
    I don’t really know how I feel about NIL, but it’s here, it’s definitely a recruiting tool, and BP seems to be at the forefront and using it to FSU’s benefit.

    In the words of the great philosopher, Kevin Bacon, “Action. Reaction.”
    RSLer, Carolina92 and babranski repped this.
  22. babranski

    babranski Member+

    Dec 15, 2012
    Raleigh, NC
    Arsenal FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I know there's a lot of folks from the UNC community who grumble about recruiting practices of other schools, in particular FSU ... but I have no problem with it. I say that both with how UNC commanded the very best for so long and now how other schools are taking it away from UNC.

    Until the NCAA or some other regularity body decides to step in and sets some rules that everybody has to follow, I've got no issue with the shenanigans ... both with how UNC once dominated and now with what FSU is doing ... recruiting is a *shrug* "git gud" thing for me.
  23. Tom81

    Tom81 Member+

    Jan 25, 2008
    92 , you just gave me more info on our fund raising success than I knew. I didn't know anything about how much athletes get in soccer. So if your numbers about Solai are correct, then we may have a chance at keeping Jordynn.
    I'm not a big money guy, but I did donate $250 to Rising Spear earmarked for soccer.

    Yes, NIL is here to stay for sure.
    Your respectful and informative comments are welcome and appreciated.
    Carolina92 repped this.
  24. Carolina92

    Carolina92 Member

    Sep 26, 2008
    #99 Carolina92, Dec 27, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2023
    Not my numbers. You’d have to ask SoccerTrustee where he got that info. Just reporting what I’ve seen posted elsewhere. If true, it does seem like FSU may have the resources to keep this championship team mostly intact (plus some very high profile additions). It still seems like too large of a pot to be true to me, but from the article I posted it seems like the University is very committed to allocating NIL $$$ to Women’s sports. FSU knows this is likely going to be the cheapest it will ever be to buy the best players in Olympic sports. Smart.
  25. Tom81

    Tom81 Member+

    Jan 25, 2008
    Technically it's not the University. It's the Rising Spear collective for the non-revenue sports and The Battle's End for football.

    Legit question with my belief of how it's done re: UNC soccer. How do UNC soccer players afford to go to school?
    They carry around 35 players. There are only 14 schollies to be divided among them. That's not a lot of scholly money per player. I believe I have read in the past where there are academic schollies available for these athletes to supplement their partial schollies. Most states I believe have scholly money avaiable for in-state students who meet certain academic criteria. That helps with the local kids.
    Essentially the privately funded scholly monies targeted to athletes have been acting like a small time NIL collective for quite some time. How else could some of these students afford it?
    It's worse at private schools like Duke whose cost of attendance is much higher.
    92, feel free to correct any errors I posted above.

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