Friendly game: Iran vs Kyrgyzstan [06/07/2016]

Discussion in 'Iran' started by AIL1998, Jun 5, 2016.

  1. AIL1998

    AIL1998 Member+

    May 27, 2012
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Here is the discussion thread about Iran vs Kyrgyzstan friendly match.
  2. AIL1998

    AIL1998 Member+

    May 27, 2012
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    For this game, I expected to see most players that were on the bench against Macedonia.

    My Line up:

    Iran Football.jpg
  3. +PL+

    +PL+ Member+

    Jun 22, 2015
    Manchester United FC
    #3 +PL+, Jun 5, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2016
    Taremi-Ansarifard combo is a dream combo for all opponents. Ultimate NT non-finishing talent:p

    Ansarifard is not yet ready for NT as striker. His only goal is past two years been vs Guam. Taremi is also in decline and as I predicted he is only good for club matches were there are many opportunities to score goal (in a defensive team he could not score more than 5-6). We need Ansarifard to work along side Sardar because he provide good opportunities for other strikers as well. Working along side Sardar should motivates Ansarifard. Taremi and Sardar combo will be good as well. Taremi needs to focus more (he didn't score any goals in last 3/4 weeks of last season). He should work harder if he wants to transfer to Europe this summer.

  4. AIL1998

    AIL1998 Member+

    May 27, 2012
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    In Macedonia vs Iran thread, I said that we need Gucci in his good form before start of qualifiers because Ansarifard and Taremi still did not prove they are national team material. No need to play with all of our best players in the friendly match against Kyrgyzstan and that is why I put Ansarifard and Taremi in the line up.

    Do not believe any rumor you hear about Taremi new European offers before it is 100 confirmed that he joined to a European club. Sometimes these rumors are rubbish.

    Taremi has not distinguished himself yet internationally. Taremi is still up in the air. The next round will be indicative of whether he is a crucial piece going forward or just another manifestation of Gholamreza Rezaei who also had a good start and record against lower and middle ranked Asian teams but disappeared against stronger opponents.

    Ansarifard has put his career on the right track but I still do not trust him as a reliable forward for national team because he still did not prove that he is a key player for national team.
  5. Valkyrie

    Valkyrie Member

    Mar 27, 2013
    Fulham FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Ansarifard was a far more prolific striker than Taremi. That idiot can barely convert 20% of his One on ones which is tragic.

    I'd go for Ansarifard after Azmoun's legs gives out at around the 60th - which is quite inexcusable for a 20 year old , and bench Taremi just to teach him a lesson. But he's somewhat a utility forward, and can play in a lot of positions, but still, missing those 2 sitters vs Macedonia and his awful form in the last few PP matches, and his inability to convert a damn penalty kick are somewhat overwhelming. It can't be brushed aside as bad luck, maybe he just sucks.
    AIL1998 repped this.
  6. +PL+

    +PL+ Member+

    Jun 22, 2015
    Manchester United FC
    If we had a striker half as good as Sardar in Persepolis in last season we could score twice more goals. Whenever I think about lost opportunities in last season "asabam kharab mishe". Branko could use Bengston and Alipour more than he used Taremi and they could score more goals. Or not giving so many PK to Taremi to waste. But I still like Taremi for his creative and "tak zarb" play here and there. He is a better winger/CM/SS instead of a target striker.
  7. Valkyrie

    Valkyrie Member

    Mar 27, 2013
    Fulham FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Dude, even Enayati would have scored more goals than Taremi in PP last season. PP was beasting pretty much everygame and creating a shit load of chances.

    He's not bad, because he does have a knack for getting in the right position at the right time, but he's finishing rate is just sad. And yea, I wouldn't mind him playing behind Azmoun as a shadow striker or interchangeably in either wings.

    Jahanbakhsh is a club player, after 2 years and I don't know howmany caps, he still hasn't had a single standout performance in TM. And Dejagah was abysmal vs Macedonia. Funny thing is that Taremi would be better than either of 'em. Heck, I'd even try Taremi as CAM.

    And we need to figure out something for Azmoun, he must become a 90 minute player otherwise we're only down to 2 subs. He's fast, he wins arial battles against defenders that are taller and physically larger than him. So it's not his stamina. I think it's psychological, he thinks once he's scored a few goals he can just lay back and chill or something.
  8. +PL+

    +PL+ Member+

    Jun 22, 2015
    Manchester United FC
    #8 +PL+, Jun 7, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2016
    we play with full reserve team. Please don't play Shojai.

    Min 7th: Iran B 1-0 Kyrgyz... (PK: Shojai)
    Min 25th: Iran B 2-0 Kyrgyz...(header on a corner by Taremi)
    Min 28th: Iran B 3-0 Kyrgyz...(Shoot by Torabi)
  9. +PL+

    +PL+ Member+

    Jun 22, 2015
    Manchester United FC
    #9 +PL+, Jun 7, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2016
    What a weak referee! He didn't take foul for both side several times.

    Ansarifard lost two good opportunities so far.

    Is this assistant referee Arab? he has taken 6/7 offside against Iran in past 15 min. At least a couple of them were not offside.
  10. Valkyrie

    Valkyrie Member

    Mar 27, 2013
    Fulham FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Milad Mohammadi, What a BEAST!

    Anna na na Anna na na Hey Hey GOOD BYE Shitsafi.
    Anna na na Anna na na Hey Hey GOOD BYE Shitsafi.
    Anna na na Anna na na Hey Hey GOOD BYE Shitsafi.
  11. +PL+

    +PL+ Member+

    Jun 22, 2015
    Manchester United FC
    How was milad? I only watched the first half and he was Ok, just didn't like his hair style! (chera kachal karde marde gonde)
  12. +PL+

    +PL+ Member+

    Jun 22, 2015
    Manchester United FC
    Milad was great. Haji Safi and Amiri should be his substitutes. We need a LB. Milad is a better LW.

  13. Valkyrie

    Valkyrie Member

    Mar 27, 2013
    Fulham FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Milad literally shat all over hajsafi. This kid is a beast, incredible speed AND stamina coupled with great technique, field of vision, good decision making, great crosses, superb dribbling, good defending. This kid is worth 10 million Euros RIGHT NOW!

    Most impressive individual performance I've ever seen in a TM player since Daie in '96.
  14. Valkyrie

    Valkyrie Member

    Mar 27, 2013
    Fulham FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Daniel Mahini was also pretty good, much better than Ramin. Pourghaz definitely better than Pouraliganji, basically this "B team" in the first half was better than out "A team" versus Macedonia. I'd just start Azmoun instead of Karim. And change nothing else. And we'd have 3 super-subs for the 2nd half if need be: Jahanbakhsh, Dejagah, Ando

    I almost forgot Hosseini was actually a blight in the starting line up, he needs to tie up his shoes and retire from TM, too old, slow, and starting to make those horrible gift passes to the opponent's forwards with an ever increasing frequency. Montazeri can replace him.
  15. +PL+

    +PL+ Member+

    Jun 22, 2015
    Manchester United FC
  16. +PL+

    +PL+ Member+

    Jun 22, 2015
    Manchester United FC
    Milad was better than Hajisafi but Mahini was also having same problem that Rezaian has in Persepolis; too much careless crossing. I say Rezaian is better than Mahini, because he is good at FK and has strong long shots. Pourghaz is an average old dude. He should be a back up for Seyd Jalal. I hope Kanaani zadegan replace PAG. Sardar is our best striker by a large margin. I hope Gucci comes back and Taremi works on his finishing. Karim needs to work on his confidence and finishing much more than expected. Dejagah should get out of desert as soon as he can and move to Europe, he has been on decline ever since he stepped on Qatari soil. We need to inject our team with talented young players from our league and have our eyes on few talents from diaspora as well. Saman Ghoddos, Tafazoli, and Beita should have a chance.

    I think we need to invite more players from Persepolis, SS, Sepahan, Gostaresh, Tractor, and Zob Ahan. I have no hope for Foolad and SS Khuzestan we their new coaches. What a waste of talent was that Payam dude who moved to Mashin Sazi. He could be among best ATMs in Asia if he could stay away from drugs and hashie.
  17. AIL1998

    AIL1998 Member+

    May 27, 2012
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I was not able to watch the game. I only watched the highlights of the game but I can see how the game was based on the comments.

    No one made any comment about Tayyebi yet !!!
  18. +PL+

    +PL+ Member+

    Jun 22, 2015
    Manchester United FC
    Based on what I saw he was average. I saw one time he made a dangerous foul on a Kyrgyz player, could receive a red card for it if it was a serious match.
    AIL1998 repped this.
  19. Valkyrie

    Valkyrie Member

    Mar 27, 2013
    Fulham FC
    Nat'l Team:
    He was alright, nothing spectacular. Milad just stole the show.

    Oh and you should definitely watch the match, well worth your time.
    AIL1998 repped this.

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