French footie in London?

Discussion in 'France' started by Ingromius, Aug 27, 2002.

  1. Ingromius

    Ingromius Member

    Feb 3, 2000
    NW London
    Hello old friends,

    Been a while since I've posted on this site, mostly because I've moved to London and now get a nice footie fix on a daily basis. Ironically, though, I had much better access to mes equipes through Fox Sports back in the States. Anyone have any advice about pubs/bars/cafes in London I might try to see if they carry French games on the weekend?
  2. ruudboy

    ruudboy New Member

    Jul 6, 2000
    I know French footie is played at Highbury!
  3. Naco

    Naco Member

    Aug 5, 2001
    Maybe Mr. Saha can help you at the Cottage or wherever they are playing, since he should have time to talk while he's on the bench after last year's 'accident'.

  4. sinner78

    sinner78 BigSoccer Supporter

    Nov 7, 2001
    Buy a Sky digital satellite dish.
    They show abit of french football on Eurosport.
  5. kerpow

    kerpow New Member

    Jun 11, 2002
    Do you know many french people in London? If not head down to Soho, there are tons of French cafes and bistros. I'm sure you could strike up a conversation with some of the staff there and find out where they watch games.

    As for the games themselves that will be a bit more tricky. None of the British channels show live (or even pre-recorded) games on TV. There are a few shows that will have a weekly round up of the games and goals but nothing more than about 10 mintes worth. Sky Sports and Transworld sport on Channel 4 I think. If you are serious about it you could buy a satelite system in France with the french decoder card and hook it up(if you allowed to) where you live in London to get the French channels. I don't know much about French TV but I'm guessing Canal +, TF1, FR3 etc are available on satelite and show some of the games live.

    Thats what I did in Germany at least. Bought a Sky system so I could watch all the EPL games with my beer and bratwurst in my armchair. Sorted.

    Because Europe is so small all the countries share the same satelites. Used to be Astra, probably a few more now aswell.

    Bon chance mon ami. (I was born in Paris and have a soft spot for PSG)

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