Freddy Adu to train again with DC United [R]

Discussion in 'D.C. United' started by DigitalTron, Aug 4, 2002.

  1. DigitalTron

    DigitalTron New Member

    Apr 4, 2001
    Arlington, VA
  2. GUTuna

    GUTuna Member

    Mar 23, 2000
    Washington, DC USA
    Yet further developments in DC United's quest to field a totally teenage starting lineup!
  3. Jose L. Couso

    Jose L. Couso New Member

    Jul 31, 2000
    Arlington, VA
    Thanks for the link.

    Good article.

    The kid seems to have a good head on his shoulders. Let's all hope he continues to develop.
  4. luvsuperbobby15

    luvsuperbobby15 New Member

    Mar 28, 2002
    los angeles, CA
    how old is he now, since he always seems to be the same age.
  5. DigitalTron

    DigitalTron New Member

    Apr 4, 2001
    Arlington, VA
    The article says that he is 13, which is about a year older than they were saying a year ago, so it may be correct. My guess is that his birthday is sometime in the next 6 months, but that's a guess.

    The U-17's don't have a Youth Championships until 2004 I think (help me out here guys, I cannot remember if I'm a year off:)). That means most U-17's are about 15 right now. Since I distinctly recall that Freddy's age would allow him to play on this U-17 team and/or the following U-17 team, I think the ages and years are correct.

  6. Rowdie

    Rowdie New Member

    Jan 27, 2000
    The U-17's are every other odd year. I definitely remember Donovan and Co. in '99 and Sanitino and EJ last year, right?

    This means Freddy, 13, could play in the next one at 14 and the one after at age 16.
  7. DigitalTron

    DigitalTron New Member

    Apr 4, 2001
    Arlington, VA
    OK, thanks for the info, I wasn't sure about that one, heh. So the current U-17's are playing their championship in 2003, and Freddy is on that team pending citizenship, AND, he should be eligible for the 2005 one as well. That assumes that he becomes a US citizen, still wants to represent the US, is allowed to participate in two championships at the same age level (I'm not sure if that's allowed), and wants to compete in two.

  8. Wizardscharter

    Wizardscharter New Member

    Jul 25, 2001
    Blue Springs, MO
    Does this mean Adu will join DC automatically if he stays in the US or will he be put in the pool/draft for the worst team to have first refusal? That's assuming tomorrow's rules are similar to today's set.

    It might not matter hopefully DC will have the #1 pick then too.
  9. Topo

    Topo Member

    Feb 15, 2001
    Hey, don't trust any player over 20!
  10. GersMan

    GersMan Member

    May 11, 2000
    Re: Re: Freddy Adu to train again with DC United [R]

    It means he will be training with them for a while in September. After the world championships, he'll most likely go to Europe.
  11. sebakoole

    sebakoole New Member

    Jul 11, 2002
    Just curious, can anyone tell me where to go to see the Potomac Cougars play so I can see this wunderkind? Thanks.
  12. Th4119

    Th4119 Member

    Jul 26, 2001
    Annandale, VA
    He doesn't count as a discovery player anymore right, because he's trained with us a couple of times? Can we please sign him up. He can't be worse than Ludwig and Lassiter at forward, and you know what, he's going to sign for tens of millions in the coming years to a European club in all liklihood, I know MLS could use that pay out.
  13. DCU

    DCU Member+

    Feb 15, 1999
    Bay Area, CA
    I'm fairly sure you'd be out of luck there. He's been in residency with the U-17 national team for a year.
  14. Freestyle2000

    Freestyle2000 Moderator

    Feb 6, 2000
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    The Potomac Cougars left the Potomac Soccer Club and became the Bethesda Internationals. Adu did not play with the team this year much at all, and arrived back in the area from u-17 camp just days before the Maryland Cup tournament.

    He played in that (including a Cup final hat trick), then played in the first game at the Region I tournament before aggravating a knee injury.

    Your best bet for seeing him with the Internationals is waiting for the MD Cup 2003 - if he's not off with the national team.

  15. DigitalTron

    DigitalTron New Member

    Apr 4, 2001
    Arlington, VA
    Actually if you find out the dates that the U-17's will be in Europe for those games, just call DC United's front office and find out where the practices are held ... or private message Diceson and ask him. Watching Freddy at a DCU practice would be a great way to tell exactly what you think of the lad. And ... you could give us another voice on how he looks with the team. :D

  16. TheSlipperyOne

    TheSlipperyOne Member+

    Feb 29, 2000
    Arsenal FC
    If Adu signs with MLS (and that's a big if) he'll have to be drafted. Either throught the Super Draft or a dispersal draft.

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