Frankie Oviedo será examinado en Estados Unidos Con el fin de evitar una operación el volante colombiano, Frankie Oviedo, viajó a Houston, Texas, Estados Unidos, para ser sometido a una revisión minuciosa de la lesión en el tendón de aquiles. "Hay que esperar a los estudios, no está descartada la operación pero trataré de evitarla, sabiendo los resultados podré evaluar cuando podré regresar”, afirmó el colombiano. En los próximos dos dias se determinará si es operado a no el colombiano, quien espera que nuestro club remonte el marcador adverso de 0:2 ante Sao Caetano en la semifinal de la Copa Libertadores. "Igual que en la final contra Necaxa estábamos abajo y salimos campeones, entonces hay la confianza con todo y un arbitraje raro, se que estaremos en la final", aseguró Frankie Oviedo. En caso de no ser intervenido, Oviedo regresará a la Ciudad de México el próximo jueves.
oops never underestimate the power of Jesus. I didn't watch the game last night because the way my pay per view company has it set up they are showing it tonight. So I have not read anything about the game.
29 jugadores tranferibles en América MÉXICO - El mexicano Luis Hernández, el uruguayo Marcelo Lipatín, el chileno Fabián Estay y el venezolano Richard Paéz, encabezan la lista de 29 jugadores que han sido puestos transferibles por parte del club América del fútbol de México. NO puedo crer que no quieran a Luis Hernandez o tampoco a Marcelo Lipatin son buenos delanteros mas mejor que ese Zamorano . Pero asi son los de America tontitos.
Well i guess it's the lesser of two evils. I would rather have Ivan than Luis, especially after that World Cup performance. Liptain really never did anything to make me believe he is of the higher quailty of players.
America Well you could buy here but I dont think it will be out in most stores for another month. But you could try to find a replica in
True But I would rather have them both out if they are going to take luis out better have a clean sweep and take both ... Zamorano and Hernandez with Lipatin ... Just leave the youngsters.
GOOD NEWS!!! It just Came out on the website today so you can buy it !!! the price is in Pesos but in american its about... 100 bucks 10 pesos = 1 buck
Cuauhtémoc Blanco coming to AMERICA! Cuauhtémoc Blanco is near signing a deal with Club America and we could see him playing this season!
Oviedo to miss the whole season DaNi FiLtH Joined: 18 Jul 2002 Posts: 11 Points: 17 Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2002 4:20 am Post subject: Oviedo to miss the whole season -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Club America's Star Midfielder Frankie Oviedo's operation of an achillies tendon on his right knee was confirmed a success. Oviedo who was cowardly injured by chivas defender Joel Sanchez during the 2002 summer season tournament. His surgical intervention was performed at Sugar Land Medical Hospital, Houston TX. Dirty chivas team Its no wonder they never do good at international level play, Their dirty antics just wont work. _________________ CLUB AMÉRICA CAMPEON! Back to top Don F.C. Joined: 14 Jul 2002 Posts: 135 Points: 165 Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2002 5:06 am Post subject: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- america is screwed! _________________ Don F.C. Controversial, Opinionated, Footie Analysis King. I was banned from bigsoccer for criticising MLS! Back to top DaNi FiLtH Joined: 18 Jul 2002 Posts: 11 Points: 17 Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2002 6:41 am Post subject: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fear not! All is not lost Don. I'm sure our young'ins will step up to the challenge. America is NOT a one man team. _________________ CLUB AMÉRICA CAMPEON! Back to top Various Styles Joined: 17 Jul 2002 Posts: 43 Location: Los Angeles CA Points: 49 Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2002 12:27 pm Post subject: Amierdica -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back to top EvilRick Joined: 17 Jul 2002 Posts: 25 Location: San Francusco Points: 42 Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2002 6:52 pm Post subject: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Classic Americrapnista reaction. If it goes wrong, blame it on Chivas. Anyway, I heard in Contacto Deportivo that Americrap is already looking into getting rid of Oviedo. _________________ The road to truth is long and line the entire way with annoying bastards Back to top DaNi FiLtH Joined: 18 Jul 2002 Posts: 11 Points: 17 Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2002 10:11 pm Post subject: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Contacto Deportivo' is a very unreliable sports news source. _________________ CLUB AMÉRICA CAMPEON!
This is so sad you miss the Mexies so much that you have to copy what they wrote on another board and post it here.
Fantik, nuevo refuerzo Águila El brasileño Fantik confía en adaptarse rápido al futbol azteca Coapa, México, jul 20, 2002.- Debido a que tiene un mes entrenando en México, el brasileño Fantik es el nuevo refuerzo del América y el amazónico confía en una pronta adaptación al balompié nacional. “Yo prometo mucho empeño, dedicación, muchas ganas, porque creo que América es un equipo muy grande, muy hermoso, que necesita de jugadores que vengan para realmente amar esta camisa, esta playera es muy importante aquí en México”. Fantik está conciente de la enorme responsabilidad de llegar a un equipo campeón, pero también de su capacidad: “Yo soy un jugador con bastante velocidad que tiene una característica de bastante pegada, bastante fuerza, entonces no veo problemas mayores para que me adapte al futbol mexicano”. Fantik tiene 25 años de edad, juega de mediocampista creativo y viene de un club brasileño de la segunda división. Creo que es la primera ves que AMERICA no comprar un jugador "caro" No creo que le vaya sirve si los caros casi no le sirven que cres de un chavo de la 2 divsion...
The guy is sad but did you see what Toot did in the Is Naturalizing Mexican in-Fashion? Thread. He just copied Dani Filths post and tried to pass it off as his.
Never realized it could be TOOt, but Toot I hope it isn't you. What's so great about being the Biggest MEX poster on the BOards anyways? If EL TRI SUCKS becomes a Fut. MEx basher CAN'T BE AS BAD AS the THREE OF four "LOCOS" that roam around here.
WHATEVER game they are playing, the fool me big Time! I do not have time to chase stupidity and kiddos games, lets stay in track: FUTBOL ONLY I will be getting rid to all the nonse from now on, we have to get the forum on track We regret -HIGHLY - the decision by the lost posters here, but live goes on....they could be happy there and still visit to read or set one of us straight. no more Mirror -copies of threads from their new forum, lets be more creative and futbol savvy.
que paso con frankie despues de la operacion? terapia y rehab en colombia o mexico--- quien tiene noticias? cuando se espera su retorno?
Whats the status of Frankie?? I've been trying to find some info on Frankie Oviedo, and nothing. I was wondering what deal is with him?
i am not 100% sure... but i think his contract is up at the end of the year.... i need to check up on that
Frankie Oviedo vuelve a entrenarse Tras un largo proceso de recuperación de una operación en el tobillo de la pierna izquierda, el volante colombiano del América de México, Frankie Oviedo, retornó a los entrenamientos de su equipo, actual campeón del fútbol manito.
how soon b4 he is on the pitch look like they could have used him yesterday what a bad midfield! for a top contender