With the recent tape of the Marine shooting a possibly unarmed soldier, cries are coming from both the left and the Middle East of this is horrible and "something forbidden in Islam". This is one of those statements that makes my head hurt. Now that we know one thing that is expressly forbidden in Islam, let's summarize what is not forbidden in Islam: Killing aid workers Killing civilians Desanctify Holy Places World Domination Greg Andrulis
The hysteria around this incident is nothing short of perverse. The media needs to grow up. Thier fondest wish is that it sticks somehow to George Bush (it won't) and makes it impossible for him to govern (it won't) and convinces the majority of the country to demand we leave Iraq (it won't) and also that American soldiers are thugs, goons and bloodthirsty killers (which they aren't). Some of these "journalists" should read a couple of Ambrose's books on WWII. This is a war, stuff like this happens. It was a scared guy in a tough situation with adreneline going wild. Period. It's disgraceful to see the "we supports our troops" crowd gleefully trumpeting this isolated incident.
I might be too cynical here, but I think that the release of the video of the murder of the aid worker (likely killed a few days ago) helps to diffuse the impact of the Marine's shooting. Furthermore, the Marine is already tried and convicted in the media without even being able to say a thing. They had a JAG guy on the radio last night, and he said that the Marine would likely not even have to go to a hearing. The guy got shot in the face the day before, and there was just an incident where the booby trapped wired to a dead insurgent blew up and killed a US serviceman and wounded 4 others. I'm sure this Marine's commanding officer had told them of the booby trapped bodies, and this was playing pretty heavily on the minds of the Marines. But damn, good shootin'.
This reminds me of a story I saw posted to these boards a while back. In it, the posters grandfather (or great-grandfather) served in Europe in WWII. The veteran told the story about how Nazi troops would fly the white flag and then shoot any Allied soldier that showed their face. Solution: shoot the first couple of Nazi soldiers and if the rest return fire, it was a trap.
as far as I'm concerned the Marine did nothing wrong. The guy he killed was an insurgent right? I for one applaud the death of any and all of them. I could care less if he was helping an old lady cross the street and was shot in the back. Of course the bigsoccer intellects over in the poly forum care more about the dead insurgent far more than they care about the injured at Walter Reed. Go see the imbalance in the number of threads devoted to each. ALso, how come anytime I ever post anything in the politics forum they tell me to go back to Archer's forum?
I remember reading about something common in world war 1 - the Germans were better equipped with machine guns and mercilessly mowed down the poor slobs sent up to take them. Then, when they were about to get killed, they'd fly the white flag. After killing countless numbers of people, sometimes that flag isn't enough to protect you.
You're not being annoying enough, obviously. Get under Mel's skin a little better and he'll start poring over the thesaurus looking for an obscure insult that nobody has used in 100 years.
There's two reasons the US did not take very many Japanese prisoners in WWII. You have an example of one here.
Surprisingly, the sewer rats at CAIR don't like Don Imus for using the term 'booby-trapped raghead cadaver." to describe the brave Islamic Jihadist that the Marine sent to his 72 virgins. Apparently though, they feel they have a bone to pick with Imus anyway: Don Imus, the program's host, has a long history of controversy over anti-Arab and Islamophobic remarks. As early as 1985, he was forced to apologize for referring to Arabs as "goat-humping weasels." (Sunday Mail, 4/21/85) He has also been criticized for using the derogatory term "raghead." (Accuracy in Media) In a reference to the crash of an Iranian airliner earlier this year that killed 43 passengers, Imus said, "When I hear stories like that, I think who cares." He then stated: "Too bad it wasn't full of Saudi Arabians." http://releases.usnewswire.com/GetRelease.asp?id=39989