Re: Tuesday Nov 4th Broncos play on Nov 3 and I'm sure Bowlen doesn't want the Rapids destroying HIS field. Oh, I'm sorry the taxpayers of Denver's field. So instead, the Rapids get to play on the field after being destroyed by the Broncos and Pats.
Re: Tuesday Nov 4th NFL 101 for Women... A bunch of BS...
Now I'm offically p'od. The 3 other quarter finals are being played on Saturday nght and we are playing on freaking Tuesday. No TV for the stretch. A mid week playoff game. I guess I should be happy the game isn't Tuesday morning in a King Sooper parking lot. Welcome to minor league soccer. I'm sure the front office is very proud.
I am pretty pissed that we can't play on Saturday because we have to bow down to Bolen and the Broncos. But playing this game on Tuesday the 4th makes the best of a really crappy situation. Remember, the other alternatives were thursday the 30th and friday the 31st, games that would have had awful turnouts because of Halloween (particularly Friday). Since Saturday, Sunday & Monday are precluded, I am thrilled that we aren't playing until the 4th. That way, turnout will suck because its a midweek game rather than the holiday I'm just hoping the Rapids get it together, or else we are going to be humiliated by KC. And damnit, no more subbing Seth Trembly in for Powell (I thought I saw that on the Sunday gamecast).
a bunch of us had planned on making the trip out west...I guess that's shot to sh!t now...although I may still try to get out there. Football for Women 101? YOu have to be kidding me. Any other excuse it BS, too, because the field crew can get the truf back into shape in two days.
I know that this is contrary to the opinions of most others in here, but I'm actually pretty glad that the game is next tuesday because I always have to work on Fri, Sat, and Sun so I NEVER get to go to the games. With this game being on a tuesday I can now go right after school! Woohoo!
Just wanted to mention that it looks as if the second playoff game against KC will be shown live on Fox Sports World (401) at 6:00pm MT. Good news to those who have digital cable and were less than enthusiatic about a 2 hour tape delay on FSRM. Of course this information comes from TIVO which hasn't always proved to be reliable.
Despite the fact that Tuesday night for the match sucks, we always have that light at the end of the tunnel, a new owner and an SSS (geez, sounding like the Burn fans, hope that's not a jinx). This may be yet another example of the MLS need to switch to FIFA's calendar though. Our league's playoff run is happening in the middle of the NBA's opening month (well, it matters to some, especially the sports media powers that be), NFL in full swing, college football with important games, NHL still going, baseball just ending. The calendar is too full, and soccer gets pushed to the side. Until the calendar is changed, it probably always will. Still, one day, Rapids fans won't have to worry about sharing the field, we'll get to schedule games on our own time, in our own stadium.
I'll tell you what, after today's weather I'm glad the game isn't on Friday. Don't know about you but I don't like to watch soccer in freezing temps.
I'm trying to scare up more people now, but it seems like a lost cause. I will try my hardest (you guys going to provide a keg like we did for you? )
I think the Rapids' midfield runs circles around the Wizards' midfield, feeds Spennie and CC who pepper Meola with shots, the 'D' tightens up after taking a couple of weeks off, and the team wins going away 2-0 or 3-1. One can hope, anyway.
Do away goals matter in this home and home series (like European matches)? After looking at and a couple other places to read over the format, no mention of it is made. If away goals do count, the best thing Colorado can do is get a shutout at home and then make sure and score against KC on the road. If they do that, it becomes a two goal game for KC, much harder to overcome. Then again, MLS may not be playing like the rest of the world here.
I actually kinda like our current calendar because during the summer the only sport we have to compete against is baseball. It's much better to compete against one major sport than to compete against four. See what I'm sayin?
We not only need to win Tuesday but we need to do it by at least a two goal margin to give ourselves a little pad before hitting the road. That would really turn up the heat on KC to perform in game 2. I agree that our defense will get it back together by Tuesday and our offense will continue to keep firing the shots off. 3-1 Rapids
Optimism here. Tuesday prediction: Rapids win 2-0. Garlick has a fantastic game with 7 saves. Spencer and Chung score.
I'm going to have to agree. Defense comes out of it's slump and bring their game back to top form and the defense clicks better than they have all year. Rapids: 3 (3 own goals by Meola) Wizards: 0