Feliz Cumpleanos, Pibe

Discussion in 'Colorado Rapids' started by northern fan, Sep 2, 2002.

  1. northern fan

    northern fan New Member

    Jun 4, 1999
    Happy 41st, Carlos. He always plays well around his birthday, so the two assists including gamewinner last night did not surprise me. As I mention on another thread, no matter how many times he drives me crazy with the walking and arm-waving and swearing, he'll always be my fave, I can't help it, he inspires me at his/my age :). Through him I have come to enjoy this Rapids club, especially the fiery Carrieri and classy Fraser. Good luck to them all in the playoffs. Pibe has not had much playoff success in MLS, so if this IS his swan song (and I know lots of folks hope it is!), let's hope it can be a memorable one. Holding D together is key; and maybe getting Garlick back would be key as well, I'm not sure.
    Home field advantage would seem to be really important.

    El Pibe, para siempre :).
  2. gschroeder

    gschroeder Member

    Jun 18, 2001
    Thornton, Colorado
    Colorado Rapids
    I'm with you on that one and I hope he has a good playoff year along with the Rapids. As far as the swan song thing goes, not this year. He has already said he will be back in 2003.

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